* citejournal first = Rina last = Dechter coauthors = JudeaPearl title = [http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3830&coll=portal&dl=ACMGeneralizedbest-firstsearchstrategiesandtheoptimalityofA*] journal = JournaloftheACM volume = 32 issue = 3 pages = pp. 505–536 year = 1985 doi = 10.1145/3828.3830 * citejournal first = P. E. last = Hart coauthors = Nilsson, N. J.; Raphael, B. title = AFormalBasisfortheHeuristicDeterminationofMinimumCostPaths journal = IEEETransactionsonSystemsScienceandCyberneticsSSC4 issue = 2 pages = pp. 100–107 year = 1968 * citejournal first = P. E. last = Hart coauthors = Nilsson, N. J.; Raphael, B. title = Correctionto "AFormalBasisfortheHeuristicDeterminationofMinimumCostPaths" journal = SIGARTNewsletter volume = 37 pages = pp. 28–29 year = 1972 * citebook first = N. J. last = Nilsson title = PrinciplesofArtificialIntelligence publisher = TiogaPublishingCompany location = PaloAlto, California year = 1980 id = ISBN0935382011 * citebook first = Judea last = Pearl title = Heuristics:IntelligentSearchStrategiesforComputerProblemSolving publisher = Addison-Wesley year = 1984 id = ISBN0-201-05594-5 * citebook first = S. J. last = Russell coauthors = Norvig, P. title = year = 2003 pages = pp. 97-104 id = ISBN0-13-790395-2
Search algorithm — In computer science, a search algorithm, broadly speaking, is an algorithm that takes a problem as input and returns a solution to the problem, usually after evaluating a number of possible solutions. Most of the algorithms studied by computer… … Wikipedia
search algorithm — paieškos algoritmas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. search algorithm vok. Suchalgorithmus, m rus. алгоритм поиска, m pranc. algorithme de recherche, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Binary search algorithm — for performing binary searches on Java arrays and Lists, respectively. They must be arrays of primitives, or the arrays or Lists must be of a type that implements the Comparable interface, or you must specify a custom Comparator object. Microsoft … Wikipedia
B* search algorithm — In computer science, B* (pronounced B star ) is a best first, graph search algorithm that finds the least cost path from a given initial node to one goal node (out of one or more possible goals). First published by Hans Berliner in 1979, it is… … Wikipedia
D* search algorithm — In computer science and robotics, the D* algorithm (pronounced D star ) is a dynamic version of the backward variant of Dijkstra s algorithm and A* search algorithm. Also known as Stentz s Algorithm, it was first developed by Anthony Stentz in… … Wikipedia
Deducting Search Algorithm — The Deducting Search Algorithm (DSA), also known as the Holmes Engine after the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous sleuth, is a mathematical formula that interprets the choices made by the seeker whilst looking for a particular piece of… … Wikipedia
Rabin-Karp string search algorithm — The Rabin Karp algorithm is a string searching algorithm created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 that uses hashing to find a substring in a text. It is used for multiple pattern matching rather than single pattern matching. For… … Wikipedia
Boyer–Moore string search algorithm — The Boyer–Moore string search algorithm is a particularly efficient string searching algorithm, and it has been the standard benchmark for the practical string search literature. [Hume and Sunday (1991) [Fast String Searching] SOFTWARE PRACTICE… … Wikipedia
algorithm — UK US /ˈælgərɪðəm/ noun [C] IT ► a set of mathematical instructions that must be followed in a fixed order, and that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a mathematical problem: a computer/mathematical/search… … Financial and business terms
Search optimization — may refer to:*Search algorithm *Search engine *Search engine optimization … Wikipedia