Trace operator

Trace operator

In mathematics, the concept of trace operator plays an important role in studying the existence and uniqueness of solutions to boundary value problems, that is, to partial differential equations with prescribed boundary conditions. The trace operator makes it possible to extend the notion of restriction of a function to the boundary of its domain to "generalized" functions in a Sobolev space.

Informal discussion

Let Omega be a bounded open set in the Euclidean space mathbbmathbb R^n with "C"1 boundary partial Omega. If u is a function that is C^1 (or even just continuous) on the closure ar Omega of Omega, its function restriction is well-defined and continuous on partial Omega. If however, u is the solution to some partial differential equation, it is in general a weak solution, so it belongs to some Sobolev space. Such functions are defined only up to a set of measure zero, and since the boundary partial Omega does have measure zero, any function in a Sobolev space can be completely redefined on the boundary, without changing the function as an element in that space. It follows that simple function restriction cannot be used to meaningfully define what it means for a general solution to a partial differential equation to behave in a prescribed way on the boundary of Omega.

The way out of this difficulty is the observation that while an element u in a Sobolev space may be ill-defined as a function, u can be nevertheless approximated by a sequence (u_n) of C^1 functions defined on the closure of Omega. Then, the restriction u_{|partial Omega} of u to partial Omega is defined as the limit of the sequence of restrictions (u_{n|partial Omega}).

Construction of the trace operator

To rigorously define the notion of restriction to a function in a Sobolev space, let pge 1 be a real number. Consider the linear operator

: T:C^1(ar Omega) o L^p(partial Omega)

defined on the set of all C^1 functions on the closure of Omega with values in the Lp space L^p(partial Omega), given by the formula

: T u = u_{|partial Omega}.,

The domain of T is a subset of the Sobolev space W^{1, p}(Omega). It can be proved that there exists a constant C depending only on Omega and p, such that

: |Tu|_{L^{p}(partial Omega)}le C |u|_{W^{1, p}(Omega)} for all u in C^1(ar Omega).

Then, since the C^1 functions on ar Omega are dense in W^{1, p}(Omega), the operator T admits a continuous extension

: T:W^{1, p}(Omega) o L^p(partial Omega),

defined on the entire space W^{1, p}(Omega). T is called the trace operator. The restriction (or trace) u_{|partial Omega} of a function u in W^{1, p}(Omega) is then defined as Tu.

To make this explanation more concrete, if u is a function in W^{1, p}(Omega), one considers a sequence of functions (u_n) that are C^1 on ar Omega, with u_n converging to u in the norm of W^{1, p}(Omega). Then, by the above inequality, u_{n | partial Omega} will be convergent in L^p(partial Omega). One defines

: u_{| partial Omega} = lim_{n oinfty} u_{n, | partial Omega}.,

It can be shown that this definition is independent of the sequence (u_n) approximating u.


Consider the problem of solving the Poisson's equation with zero boundary conditions:

: egin{cases}-Delta u = f mbox{ in } Omega\u_{|partial Omega} = 0.end{cases}

Here, f is a given continuous function on ar Omega.

With the help of the concept of trace, define the subspace H^1_0(Omega) to be all functions in the Sobolev space W^{1, 2}(Omega) (this space is also denoted H^1(Omega)) whose trace is zero. Then, the equation above can be given the weak formulation

: Find u in H^1_0(Omega) such that : int_Omega ! abla u(x)cdot abla v(x), dx = int_Omega ! f(x) v(x) , dx for all v in H^1_0(Omega).

Using the Lax-Milgram theorem one can then prove that this equation has precisely one solution, which implies that the original equation has precisely one weak solution.

One can employ similar ideas to prove the existence and uniqueness of more complicated partial differential equations and with other boundary conditions (such as Neumann and Robin), with the notion of trace playing an important role in all such problems.


*cite book
last = Evans
first = Lawrence
title = Partial differential equations
publisher = Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society
date = 1998
pages = 257-261
isbn = 0821807722

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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