- Selberg trace formula
mathematics , the Selberg trace formula is a central result, or area of research, innon-commutative harmonic analysis . It provides an expression for the trace, in a sense suitably generalising that of thetrace of a matrix , for suitableintegral operator s anddifferential operator s acting in spaces of functions defined on ahomogeneous space "G"/Γ where "G" is aLie group and Γ adiscrete group , or more generally adouble coset space "H""G"/Γ.Early history
Cases of particular interest include those for which the space is a
compact Riemann surface "S". The initial publication in 1956 ofAtle Selberg dealt with this case, itsLaplacian differential operator and its powers. The traces of powers of a Laplacian, in a case such as this, provide a kind ofzeta function (seeSelberg zeta function ). The immediate interest of this case was the powerful analogy between the formula obtained, and the explicit formulae ofprime number theory. Here the closedgeodesic s on "S" play the role of prime numbers. The relationship was immediately recognised as a significant commentary on theRiemann hypothesis . The trace formula was singled out as the non-commutative generalisation of thePoisson summation formula .At the same time, interest in the traces of
Hecke operator s was linked to the Eichler-Selberg trace formula, of Selberg andMartin Eichler , for a Hecke operator acting on a vector space ofcusp form s of a given weight, for a givencongruence subgroup of themodular group . Here the trace of the identity operator would be the dimension of the vector space, i.e. the dimension of the space of modular forms of a given type: a quantity traditionally calculated by means of theRiemann-Roch theorem . This development made it clear that further information was available, by methods (which would come to be seen as naturally described as those) ofrepresentation theory .Development
A large number of developments followed. The
Eichler-Shimura theorem calculated theHasse-Weil L-function s associated tomodular curve s;Goro Shimura 's methods by-passed the analysis involved in the trace formula. The development ofparabolic cohomology (fromEichler cohomology ) provided a purely algebraic setting based ongroup cohomology , taking account of thecusp s characteristic of non-compact Riemann surfaces and modular curves. In the end the "compact quotient" case of the Selberg trace formula was more-or-less absorbed into the theory of theAtiyah-Singer index theorem ; but the non-compact case is met immediately when Γ is taken to be anarithmetic group .Later work
In the 1960s the general thrust of the Selberg trace formula, as a piece of analysis, was taken up by the
Israel Gelfand school, byHarish-Chandra andLanglands in Princeton, and byTomio Kubota in Japan. The general theory ofEisenstein series was largely motivated by the requirement to separate out thecontinuous spectrum , which is characteristic of the non-compact case. The existence of trace formulae both for the differential operator and Hecke operator cases was a hint of the power (for essentially arithmetic cases) of theadele group approach.Contemporary successors of the theory are the Arthur-Selberg trace formula applying to the case of general semisimple "G", and the many studies of the trace formula in the
Langlands philosophy (dealing with technical issues such as endoscopy). There is no definitive form of trace formula, in the sense that the "L"2 forms of index theorem have not actually caught up with all possible applications.elberg trace formula for compact hyperbolic surfaces
A compact hyperbolic surface X can be written as
:Gamma ackslash mathbb{H},
where Gamma is a subgroup of PSL(2,mathbb{R}).
Then the spectrum for the
Laplace-Beltrami operator on X is discrete and real , since the Laplace Operator is self Adjoint(seediscrete spectrum ); that is:0 = mu_0 < mu_1 leq mu_2 leq cdots where the eigenvalues mu_n correspond to functions u in C^{infty}(mathbb{H}) such that
:egin{cases}u(gamma z)=u(z), forall gamma in Gamma \y^2 left (u_{xx} + u_{yy} ight) + mu_{n} u = 0 end{cases}.
Using the variable substitution
:mu = s(1-s), s=frac{1}{2}+ir the eigenvalues are labeled
:r_{n}, n geq 0 .
Then the Selberg trace formula is given by
:sum_{n=0}^{infty} h(r_n) = left [ frac{mu(F)}{4 pi } int_{-infty}^{infty} r , h(r) anh(pi r) dr ight ] + left [ sum_{ {T} } frac{ log N(T_0) }{ N(T)^{1/2} - N(T)^{-1/2} } g left ( log N(T) ight ) ight ] .
Here the sum lbrace T brace is taken over all distinct
hyperbolic conjugacy class es,the function h has to be an analytic function on vert Im(r) vert leq 1/2+delta , satisfy:h(-r)=h(r), vert h(r) vert leq M left( 1+vert Re(r) vert^{-2-delta} ight ), where the numbers delta and M are positive constants. The function g is the Fourier transform of h , that is,
h(r) = int_{-infty}^{infty} g(u) e^{iru} du .
External links
* [http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/~mwatkins/zeta/physics4.htm Selberg trace formula resource page]
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