Subaru (region)

Subaru (region)

Subaru (region) is the region Subaru of the 1350-1335 BC Amarna letters correspondence.

Subaru was located in the western or central Levant-(southern Syria?) and appears associated with the region called Amqu, the modern day Beqaa Valley area.

Subaru is only referenced in three of the Amarna letters: EA 100, 108, and EA 109, (EA for 'el Amarna'). Of note, all three letters state that people, or 'items' are needed to be "sold in Subaru," for money. This is during the times of the Habiru and the warring of Amurru's Abdi-Ashirta, and the plots of intrigue in Canaan, and the Levant.

The letters of "Subaru"

The following are the letters referencing Subaru (region)::EA 100—Title: "The city of" Irqata "to the king"-See Arqa, Amarna letters "Irqata":EA 108—Title: "Unheard-of deeds"-letter of Rib-Hadda:EA 109—Title: "Then and now"-letter of Rib-Hadda

EA 108, "Unheard-of deeds"

:"Rib-Hadda writes to his lord, king of all countries, Great King, King of Battle: May the Lady of Gubla grant power to the king, my lord. I fall at the feet of my lord, my Sun, 7 times and 7 times. Moreover, is it pleasing in the sight of the king, who is like Baal and Šamaš in the sky, that the sons of 'Abdi-Aširta do as they please? They have taken the king's horses and chariots, and they have sold "into captivity, charioteers: ši-x-y(?)" and soldiers to ((to))-(emphasis?) the land of "Su(ba)ru". In whose lifetime has such a deed been done? False words are now being spoken in the presence of the king, the Sun. I am your loyal servant, and whatever I know or have heard I write to the king, my lord. Wh [o] are they, the dogs, that they could "res [ist] " the archers of the king, the Sun? I wrote t [o] ((to))-(emphasis?) your father-(i.e. Amenhotep III), and he he [eded] my wor [d] s, and he sent ar [ch] ers. Did he not take 'Abdi-Aširta for "h [imself] "? Moreover, since the mayors have not oppo [sed] th [em] , they are stron [g] . The army furnishes whatever they ne [ed] , and so they are not afra [id] of the magnate. Because they have taken the hors [es] , they are bold. Because we know that they are strong, we have "to(ld)" the king, "They are strong," Truly, they will not prevail. When I sent 2 messengers to Sumur-(Zemar), I retained this man in order to report to the king. Moreover, why do you listen to other men? The king's messengers must bring (news) by night and bring (it) back by night because of the dog. If the king, the Sun, desires, they will be taken in a day. Moreover, has he [n] o [t] "plotted" evils ["upon evils a] gainst" you, and "rev [olted?" A] nd as for the man of ["my"] "god", 'Apiru came from Sumur to take him prisoner, but I did not give him up. May the [k] ing he [ed] the words of his servant. Send me [2] 0 men from Meluhha and 20 men from Egypt-(named 'Mizri'-see Mizraim), to guard the city for the king, the Sun, my lord. (i am)-"Your loyal se [rvan] t". -EA 108, lines 1-69 (complete)

Of the 6 letters in the Rib-Hadda sub-corpus that reference Meluhha, and since the Archers (Egyptian pítati) are from Kush-("Kaša" in the letters), Meluhha may be referencing, Kush(?) or Ethiopia. See: Meluhha.

ee also

*Arqa, for letter EA 100


*Moran, William L. "The Amarna Letters." John Hopkins University Press, 1987, 1992. (softcover, ISBN 0-8018-6715-0)

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