List of churches in Philadelphia

List of churches in Philadelphia
Gloria Dei Church.

The churches of Philadelphia are numerous and diverse. Founded by William Penn to celebrate religious freedom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has many historic and significant churches, among many smaller and newer ones.


African Methodist Episcopal Church

Allen A.M.E. Church
Alleyne Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church
Hickman Temple AME Church, Philadelphia, northeast.png Hickman Temple A.M.E. Church
MotherBethelAMEChurchPhila.jpg Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church

Armenian Apostolic Church

Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church

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Chestnut Street Baptist Church.jpg Chestnut Street Baptist Church and Ternacle Baptist Church
Christian Stronghold Church
Church of the Redeemer Baptist
First Immanuel Baptist Church
Forty Sixth Street Baptist Church
Glory Baptist Church
Greater Exodus Baptist Church
Greater Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Peoples Baptist Church, Philadelphia.png People's Baptist Church
Peoples Baptist Church, Philadelphia.png People's Baptist Church
Saint Andrews Fellowship Baptist Church
Smith Chapel Baptist Church
Union Tabernacle Baptist Church
Wayland Memorial Baptist Church
White Rock Baptist Church

Brethren in Christ Church

Calvary Holiness Church


Church-of-the-Advocate-Phila.png Church of the Advocate
Church of the Crucifixion
Red Church Door.jpg Church of the Holy Trinity
Cathedral Church of Our Saviour
Christ church philadelphia.jpg Christ Church
Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church.png Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church
Trinity Church Philly HABS.jpg Trinity Church Oxford
Saint clement's church philadelphia exterior apse.jpg Saint Clement's Church
Saint James Episcopal Church
St-James-the-Less-Church.png Church of St. James the Less
St Luke Epiphany HABS angle.jpg Church of St. Luke & the Epiphany
St. Mark's Church (Episcopal), 1625 Locust Street, Philadelphia (Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania).jpg Saint Mark's Episcopal Church
Saint Martin-in the Fields Church
Saint Mary's Church, Philadelphia.jpg Saint Mary's Church
Saint Paul's (Chestnut Hill)
StptrschurchDec2006.jpg Saint Peter's Church
Saint Stephen's Church, Philadelphia.png Saint Stephen's Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Saint Timothy's Episcopal Church

Friends (Quaker)

ArchStFriendsMeetingHouse.jpg Arch Street Friends Meeting House
FreeQuaker.jpg Free Quaker Meetinghouse
RaceStMeetinghouse.jpg Race Street Friends Meetinghouse


Saints United Lutheran Church
Saint Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church
University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation
Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion


Vietnamese Mennonite Church
West Phila Mennonite Fellowship sign.jpg West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship


Cor. Broad and Arch (including view of a church), from Robert N. Dennis collection of stereoscopic views.jpg Arch Street United Methodist Church
Calvary UMC Phila west.jpg Calvary United Methodist Church
Methodist Episcopal Church of Saint Luke
Philadelphia StGeorgesUMC from West.jpg Saint George's United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church of the Redeemer

Orthodox Church

Greek Orthodox

Jurisdiction: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey (New Jersey; the Greater Philadelphia area; Delaware; Maryland; Virginia)

Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St George.jpg Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George
Evangelismos of Theotokos, Greek Orthodox Church

Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Jurisdiction: Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania

Assumption of the Holy Virgin Church
St. Stephen Cathedral
St. Nicholas Church

Russian Orthodox

Jurisdiction: Russian Orthodox Church in the USA

Saint Andrew's Cathedral
St. Michael the Archangel Church


Bible School Mission Pentecostal Church
Ebenezer Temple Pentecostal Church
Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church


Arch Street Presbyterian Church
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Cedar Park Presbyterian Church
Chestnut Hill Presbyterian Church
Church Of The Redeemer
Church Of The Redeemer PCA
Emmanuel Chapel
Emmanuel Church
First African Presbyterian Church
Lombard Central Presbyterian
Mount Airy Presbyterian Church
New Life Presbyterian Church
Overbrook Presbyterian Church
Summit Presbyterian Church
Tabernacle United Church
Tenth Presbyterian Church
Third Reformed Presbyterian
Union Tabernacle Presbyterian
Wissahickon Presbyterian Church
Woodland Avenue Presbyterian
Woodland Presbyterian Church
Wylie Chambers Memorial Presbyterian

Roman Catholic

Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul.jpg Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception
German Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Nativity
Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church and School
Immaculate Conception Church 19123 FrontView.jpg Immaculate Conception Church [Northern Liberties/Front and Allen Streets]
Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church and School
Old Saint Joseph's Church
Resurrection of Our Lord Church
StAugustineRCChurchPhiladelphia.jpg Saint Augustine Church
St. Cyprian CC Phila front.jpg Saint Cyprian Catholic Church
Saint Donato Church
St Francis de Sales (Philadelphia) 1.png Saint Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church
Saint James Catholic Church
Saint Joachim Church
Saint Laurentius Altar Philadelphia.jpg Saint Laurentius in Philadelphia
Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Church
Shrine of St. John Neumann.jpg Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
St William Parish Church Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA.jpg St. William Church

Ukrainian Catholic

Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral.JPG Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral


First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, 2125 Walnut Street.jpg First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia

See also

External links

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