- Cannabis (etymology)
The plant name
cannabis is from Greek _gr. κάνναβις (" _gr. kánnabis"), via Latin " _la. cannabis", originally a Scythian or Thracian word, also loaned into Persian as " _fa. kanab". English "hemp " (Old English " _ag. hænep") may be an early loan (predatingGrimm's Law ) from the same Scythian source.The earlier etymology is unclear.
Semitic etymologist
Sula Benet has indicated the origin, Hebrew קַנַּבּוֹס (qannabbôs)kaneh bosm: Benet, aka Sara Benetowa of the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw is quoted in the Book of Grass as saying:In the word 'gan-zi-gun-nu' is referenced from stone tablets (dating 700BC) that indicate a connection with eastern and near-eastern terms for the plant, ('gan-zi'->'ganja','gun-nu'->'qaneh'). This substance was prescribed as a useful remedy for a variety of ailments including depression, impotence, and witchcraft.
Hebrew קַנַּבּוֹס (qannabbôs) < קְנֵה בֹּשֶׂם (qěnēh bośem) may derive from Sumerian "kanubi".Fact|date=May 2007
Raphael Mechoulam and co-workers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem suggest an alternative etymology for cannabis: Greek cannabis < Arabic kunnab < Syriac qunnappa < Hebrew pannag (= bhanga in Sanskrit and bang in Persian). They explain that in Hebrew, only the consonants form the basis of a word and the letters p and b are frequently interchangeable. The authors think it probable that pannag, mentioned in the Bible by the prophet Ezekiel (27:17), is in fact "Cannabis".Mechoulam, R., W. A. Devane, A. Breuer, and J. Zahalka. 1991. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T0N-475JC0F-323&_user=10&_coverDate=11%2F30%2F1991&_rdoc=2&_fmt=summary&_orig=browse&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%234867%231991%23999599996%23357918%23FLP%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=4867&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=41&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=f0c38ded781d4b6a825f283045e5666e A random walk through a "Cannabis" field] . "Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior" 40(3): 461-464.]
The Biblical Hebrew term "qěnēh bośem", literally "reed of balm", probably
Weston La Barre . 1980. "Culture in Context; Selected Writings of Weston Labarre". Duke University Press. Refimprove|date=May 2007] refers to cannabis according to some etymologists,Benetowa, Sara = (Sula Benet ). 1936. Tracing one word through different languages. Institute of Anthropological Sciences, Warsaw. Reprinted 1967 In: "The Book of Grass". George Andrews and Simon Vinkenoog (eds.) Grove Press, New York, "pp. 15-18.] but is more commonly thought to be lemon grass, calamus, or even sweet cane, due to widespread translation issues.Immanuel Löw. 1924-1934. "Flora der Juden", vol. I-IV. Reprinted 1967. Hildeshein: Georg Olms (source not confirmed)] The Hebrew Bible mentions it in where God commandsMoses to make a holy oil ofmyrrh ,cinnamon , "qěnēh bośem" andcassia to anoint theArk of the Covenant and the Tabernacle (and thus God's Temple in Jerusalem) Rabbi Kaplan. 1981. "The Living Torah", pg. 40-41.] . Notably, this anointing oil is a special herbal formula that functions as a kind of polish and fragrance for the Ark and Tabernacle, and the Bible forbids its manufacture and use to anoint people () with the exception of the Aaronic priesthood ().Elsewhere, the Hebrew Bible simply uses "reed" "qānēh" as the name of a plant in four places whose context seems to mean "reed of balm" as a fragrant resin, , , and . The Hebrew name "reed of balm" comes from "qěnēh" (the noun construct form of "qāneh") means a "reed" or "cane" and "bośem" means "balm" or "aromatic" resin. Hebrew may have adapted the name "qannabbôs" from "reed of balm" "qěnēh bośem" as a substitute for the ambiguous name "reed".
This Biblical Hebrew term is often mistranslated as "calamus", also called "lemon grass" (Cymbopogon citratus) or "sweet flag" (Acorus calamus), following an ancient misunderstanding in the Greek
Septuagint translation. [] The Hebrew Bible was written across centuries well up to the 5th Century BCE. However, centuries later, by the time the Septuagint was written around the 2nd Century BCE, the archaic Hebrew word "qěnēh bośem" appears to have already abbreviated into the later Hebrew form "qannabbôs", which is attested in Post Biblical Hebrew literature. Thus, the Septuagint did not recognize the Hebrew expression "reed of balm" and mistook it to refer to some unidentified plant. As a dynamic equivalent, the Septuagint rendered it as "calamus" (Greek "kalamos"), which indeed is a "balmy" (scented) reed. The calamus plant was known in Greek mythology and processed into an aphrodisiac.Unambiguous Hebrew or Aramaic references to cannabis are rare and obscure. Syriac has qanpa (a loan from kannabis) and tanuma (see the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon.) but neither is found in the Peshitta, the Syriac Bible. Late Syriac Ahiqar texts include qanpa as "ropes of hemp" (tunbei de-qanpa). The Hebrew word qanbes, a loan word from kannabis, is used in the Mishnah as hemp [Kilaim 2:5; 5:8; 9:1,7; Negaim 11:2] in the sense of a constituent of clothing or other items.
Likely, the name 'cannabis', derives in the west from Semitic merchants who traded it as a commodity throughout the ancient trade routes of Southeast Asia, thus utilizing indo-iranian terms 'panang','banag', etc. in reference to the spice.
"Dealing With Drugs In European Drug Control", Dr. Tim Boekhout van Solinge (2004) Boom uitgevers Den Haag, pg. 7
"Cannabis: A History", pg. 27, Martin Booth (2005) Macmillan
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