- 100,000-year problem
The 100,000 year problem is a discrepancy between past temperatures and the amount of incoming solar radiation, or
insolation , which grows and shrinks periodically on a 100,000 year (100 ka) timescale.Due to variations in the Earth's orbit, the amount of insolation varies with periods of around 21,000, 40,000, 100,000, and 400,000 years. Variations in the amount of solar heating drive changes in the
climate of the Earth, and are recognised as a key factor in the timing of initiation and termination ofice age s. Spectral analysis shows that the most powerful climate response is at 100,000 year period, but the orbital forcing at this period is small.Reconstructing past climate
Past climate data — especially temperature — can be readily inferred from sedimentary evidence, although not with the accuracy that instruments can measure current temperatures. Perhaps the most useful indicator of past climate is the fractionation of
oxygen isotope s, denoted delta|18|O|link. This fractionation is controlled mainly by the amount of water locked up in ice and the absolute temperature of the planet.Comparing the records
The delta|18|O record of air (in the Vostok ice core) and marine sediments has been compared with estimates of solar insolation, which should affect both temperature and ice volume.
Nicholas Shackleton orbitally tuned the Antarctic ice core air delta|18|O (ie he matched the signal to this assumed forcing), and used spectral analysis to identify and subtract the component of the record that in this interpretation could be attributed to a linear (directly proportional) response to the orbital forcing. The residual signal (the remainder), when compared with the residual from a similarly retuned marine core isotope record, allowed him to estimate the proportion of the signal that was attributable to ice volume, with the rest (having attempted to allow for theDole effect ) being attributed to temperature changes in the deep water.The 100,000-year component of ice volume variation was found to match sea level records based on coral age determinations, and to lag orbital eccentricity by several thousand years, as would be expected if orbital eccentricity were the pacing mechanism. Strong non-linear "jumps" in the record appear at deglaciations, although the 100,000-year periodicity was not the strongest periodicity in this "pure" ice volume record. The separate deep sea temperature record was found to vary directly in phase with orbital eccentricity, as did Antarctic temperature and CO2; so eccentricity appears to exert a geologically immediate effect on air temperatures, deep sea temperatures, and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Shackleton concluded: "The effect of orbital eccentricity probably enters the paleoclimatic record through an influence on the concentration of atmospheric CO2".cite journal | author = Shackleton, N.J. | authorlink = Nicholas Shackleton | year = 2000 | title = The 100,000-Year Ice-Age Cycle Identified and Found to Lag Temperature, Carbon Dioxide, and Orbital Eccentricity | journal = Science
volume = 289 | issue = 5486 | pages = 1897–1902| url = http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/289/5486/1897?ck=nck | accessdate = 2007-05-09 | doi = 10.1126/science.289.5486.1897 | pmid = 10988063 ] The mechanism causing these cyclic temperature changes remains at the heart of the 100,000-year problem.olutions to the problem
As the 100,000-year cyclicity only dominates the climate of the past million years, there is insufficient information to separate the component frequencies of eccentricity using spectral analysis, making the reliable detection of significant longer-term trends more difficult, although the spectral analysis of much longer palaeoclimate records such as the Lisiecki and Raymo stack of marine cores [ [http://www.lorraine-lisiecki.com/stack.html LR04 Benthic Stack ] ] and James Zachos' composite isotopic record helps to put the last million years in longer term context.cite journal
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doi = 10.1038/nature06015] allows bettercorrelation of the various factors involved and puts the ice core chronologies on a firmer temporal footing, endorsing the traditional Milankovitch hypothesis, that climate variations are controlled by insolation in the northern hemisphere. The new chronology is inconsistent with the "inclination" theory of the 100,000-year cycle. The establishment of leads and lags against different orbital forcing components with this method — which uses the direct insolation control over nitrogen/oxygen ratios in ice core bubbles — is in principle a great improvement in the temporal resolution of these records and another significant validation of the Milankovitch hypothesis.ee also
Milankovitch cycle s
*Isotope geochemistry
*Oxygen-18 References
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