- List of United States Army four-star generals
This is a complete list of four-star generals in the
United States Army . The rank of general (or "full general", or "four-star general") is the highest rank normally achievable in the U.S. Army. It ranks above lieutenant general ("three-star general") and below general of the Army ("five-star general").There have been 210 four-star generals in the history of the U.S. Army. Of these, 196 achieved that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Army; 8 were promoted after retirement; 5 were promoted posthumously; and one was appointed to that rank in the
Continental Army , the U.S. Army's predecessor. Generals entered the Army via several paths: 134 were commissioned via the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), 38 viaReserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at a civilian university, 16 via direct commission, 12 via Officer Candidate School (OCS), 7 via ROTC at a senior military college, one via theArmy National Guard (ARNG), one via the aviation cadet program, and one viabattlefield commission .List of generals
Entries in the following list of four-star generals are indexed by the numerical order in which each officer was promoted to that rank while on active duty, or by an asterisk (*) if the officer did not serve in that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Army. Each entry lists the general's name, date of rank,Dates of rank are taken, where available, from the U.S. Army register of active and retired commissioned officers, or from the "World Almanac and Book of Facts". The date listed is that of the officer's first promotion to general.] active-duty positions held while serving at four-star rank,Positions listed are those held by the officer when promoted to general. Dates listed are for the officer's full tenure, which may predate promotion to four-star rank or postdate retirement from active duty.] number of years of active-duty service at four-star rank (Yrs),The number of years of active-duty service at four-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Date of rank" column from the last year in the "Position" column. Time spent between active-duty four-star assignments is not counted, nor is time spent on special duty as an unassigned general of the Army.] year commissioned and source of commission,Sources of commission are listed in parentheses after the year of commission and include: the
United States Military Academy (USMA);Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at a civilian university; ROTC at a senior military college such as theVirginia Military Institute (VMI),Norwich University (Norwich), Pennsylvania Military College (PMC), orWidener University (Widener); Officer Candidate School (OCS); the aviation cadet program (cadet); theArmy National Guard (ARNG); direct commission (direct); andbattlefield commission (battlefield).] number of years in commission when promoted to four-star rank (YC),The number of years in commission before being promoted to four-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Commission" column from the year in the "Date of rank" column.] and other biographical notes.Notes include years of birth and death; awards of theMedal of Honor ,Congressional Gold Medal ,Presidential Medal of Freedom , or honors of similar significance; major government appointments; university presidencies or equivalents; familial relationships with other four-star officers or significant government officials such as U.S. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, U.S. Senators, or state governors; and unusual career events such as premature relief or death in office.]The list is sortable by last name, date of rank, number of years of active-duty service at four-star rank, year commissioned, and number of years in commission when promoted to four-star rank.
In 1775,
George Washington was appointed "General and Commander in Chief of the United Colonies" and all its forces. Although Washington ranked as a full general in theContinental Army , he resigned his commission prior to the establishment of the U.S. Army in 1784 and he is therefore considered never to have held the U.S. Army rank of general.citation
title = Washington Never a General of U.S. Army; Rank Created for Him, but Not Conferred
newspaper = The New York Times
date =February 2 1936
page = N8
url = http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70E14FF3E5F167B93C0A91789D85F428385F9&scp=1&sq=%22george+washington%22+%22u.s.+army%22+general+&st=p] In 1798, Washington was commissioned lieutenant general in the U.S. Army and appointed Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States. The following year, Congress created the rank ofGeneral of the Armies of the United States , but Washington died before accepting it and the rank lapsed until 1866.citation
title = 45 U.S. Officers Outrank George Washington
date =September 27 1953
newspaper = The Associated Press
url = http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30D12F93E5A107B93CAAB1782D85F478585F9&scp=1&sq=%22george+washington%22+outrank&st=p] Washington was finally promoted to General of the Armies in 1976.ImageSize = width:800 height:auto barincrement:10PlotArea = top:10 bottom:50 right:130 left:20AlignBars = late DateFormat = yyyyPeriod = from:1770 till:1851TimeAxis = orientation:horizontalScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1770
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bar:washington from: 1775 till: 1783 color:csa text:"
George Washington " bar:dummy1866–1941
The grade of general in the U.S. Army was revived in 1866 to honor the Civil War achievements of
Ulysses S. Grant , the commanding general of the U.S. Army (CGUSA). When Grant resigned his commission to become President in 1869,William T. Sherman was promoted to fill the vacant grade. Congress specified in 1870 that the rank would expire upon Sherman's retirement, but made an exception in 1888 to promote an ailingPhilip H. Sheridan . During this period, only one four-star general was active at a time, so he was referred to as the General of the Army, a title not to be confused with the later five-star rank of general of the Army.citation
last = Bell
page = 19–24]In 1917, the rank of general was recreated in the National Army, a temporary force of conscripts and volunteers authorized for the duration of the
World War I emergency. To give American commanders parity of rank with their Allied counterparts, Congress allowed the President to appoint two emergency generals in the National Army, specified to be the chief of staff of the Army (CSA),Tasker H. Bliss and laterPeyton C. March ; and the commander of United States forces in France,John J. Pershing .citation
last = Public Law 65-12, Section 8
date =May 18 1917 ; citation
last = Public Law 65-90, Section 3
date =October 6 1917 ] When March replaced Bliss as chief of staff, Bliss was continued in four-star rank bybrevet as the U.S. military representative to theSupreme War Council .citation
title = Rank Of General For Bliss And March; Former Gets Brevet Title for Services Abroad — Latter Becomes Chief of Staff
newspaper = The New York Times
date =May 21 1918
page = 6
url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9A0CE7DC163EE433A25752C2A9639C946996D6CF] In contrast to the previous grade of general held by Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan, which was a permanent promotion, this new rank was a temporary appointment that was lost when the officer vacated the position bearing that rank, and while Pershing was ultimately advanced toGeneral of the Armies in 1919, March and Bliss reverted to their permanent grades of major general in the Regular Army when the National Army disbanded in 1920.citation
title = March to Lose Two Stars on June 30; Going Back to Rank of Major General
newspaper = The New York Times
date =June 23 1920
page = 13
url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9407E6D6133AE03ABC4B51DFB066838B639EDE&scp=1&sq=march+revert&st=p]In 1929, the temporary rank of general in the Regular Army was reauthorized for the office of chief of staff, whose occupant reverted to major general at the end of his term but was allowed to retire as a full general. When the draft force was reconstituted for
World War II as theArmy of the United States in 1941, the President was authorized to appoint as many temporary generals in that organization as he deemed necessary. As with the National Army emergency generals, these appointments expired after the end of the war, although postwar legislation allowed officers to retire in their highest active-duty rank.citation
last = Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (Public Law 80-381), Sections 504(b,d)
date =August 7 1947 ]ImageSize = width:800 height:auto barincrement:10PlotArea = top:10 bottom:50 right:130 left:20AlignBars = late DateFormat = yyyyPeriod = from:1860 till:1941TimeAxis = orientation:horizontalScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1860
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bar:grant from: 1866 till: 1869 color:csa text:"
Ulysses S. Grant " bar:sherman from: 1869 till: 1883 color:csa text:"William T. Sherman " bar:sheridan from: 1888 till: 1888 color:csa text:"Philip H. Sheridan " bar:bliss from: 1917 till: 1918 color:csa bar:bliss from: 1918 till: 1920 color:general text:"Tasker H. Bliss " bar:pershing from: 1917 till: 1921 color:general bar:pershing from: 1921 till: 1924 color:csa text:"John J. Pershing " bar:march from: 1918 till: 1920 color:csa text:"Peyton C. March " bar:summerall from: 1929 till: 1930 color:csa text:"Charles P. Summerall " bar:macarthur from: 1930 till: 1935 color:csa text:"Douglas MacArthur " bar:craig from: 1935 till: 1939 color:csa text:"Malin Craig " bar:marshall from: 1939 till: 1941 color:csa text:"George C. Marshall Jr. "1941–present
The modern rank of general was established by the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, which authorized the President to designate certain positions of importance to carry that rank. Officers appointed to such positions bear temporary four-star rank while so serving, and are allowed to retire at that rank if their performance is judged satisfactory.citation
title = Positions of importance and responsibility: generals and lieutenant generals; admirals and vice admirals
last = 10 USC 601
url = http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/casecode/uscodes/10/subtitles/a/parts/ii/chapters/35/sections/section_601.html] The total number of active-duty four-star generals in the Army is limited to a fixed percentage of the number of Army general officers serving at all ranks.citation
title = Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and flag officer grades
last = 10 USC 525
url = http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/casecode/uscodes/10/subtitles/a/parts/ii/chapters/32/sections/section_525.html]Within the Army, the chief of staff (CSA) and vice chief of staff (VCSA) are four-star generals by statute. Since World War II, the commanders of the Army formations in Europe (USAREUR) and East Asia (FECOM/USFK) have been designated four-star generals by reason of importance. Other designated four-star Army commands have included the various training, readiness, and materiel organizations.
The Army also competes with the other services for a number of joint four-star positions, the most prestigious of which are the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the
NATO supreme allied commander in Europe (SACEUR). Other joint four-star positions have included unified combatant commanders; certain NATO staff positions; and the wartime theater commanders in Vietnam (MACV), Iraq (MNF-I), and Afghanistan (ISAF).ImageSize = width:800 height:auto barincrement:10PlotArea = top:10 bottom:20 right:130 left:20AlignBars = late DateFormat = yyyyPeriod = from:1940 till:2021TimeAxis = orientation:horizontalScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1940
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PlotData= width:6 align:left fontsize:9 shift:(5,-4) anchor:till barset:PM
bar:macarthur from: 1941 till: 1951 color:fareast text:"
Douglas MacArthur " bar:craig from: 1941 till: 1945 color:general text:"Malin Craig " bar:marshall from: 1941 till: 1945 color:csa text:"George C. Marshall Jr. " bar:eisenhower from: 1943 till: 1945 color:usareur bar:eisenhower from: 1945 till: 1948 color:csa bar:eisenhower from: 1951 till: 1952 color:saceur text:"Dwight D. Eisenhower " bar:arnold from: 1943 till: 1946 color:general text:"Henry H. Arnold " bar:josephstilwell from: 1944 till: 1946 color:general text:"Joseph W. Stilwell " bar:krueger from: 1945 till: 1946 color:general text:"Walter Krueger " bar:somervell from: 1945 till: 1946 color:general text:"Brehon B. Somervell " bar:mcnarney from: 1945 till: 1947 color:usareur bar:mcnarney from: 1947 till: 1949 color:general bar:mcnarney from: 1949 till: 1952 color:joint text:"Joseph T. McNarney " bar:devers from: 1945 till: 1949 color:general text:"Jacob L. Devers " bar:kenney from: 1945 till: 1951 color:general text:"George C. Kenney " bar:markclark from: 1945 till: 1947 color:joint bar:markclark from: 1947 till: 1952 color:general bar:markclark from: 1952 till: 1953 color:fareast text:"Mark W. Clark " bar:spaatz from: 1945 till: 1948 color:general text:"Carl A. Spaatz " bar:bradley from: 1945 till: 1948 color:joint bar:bradley from: 1948 till: 1949 color:csa bar:bradley from: 1949 till: 1953 color:cjcs text:"Omar N. Bradley " bar:handy from: 1945 till: 1947 color:vcsa bar:handy from: 1947 till: 1949 color:general bar:handy from: 1949 till: 1952 color:usareur bar:handy from: 1952 till: 1954 color:joint text:"Thomas T. Handy " bar:patton from: 1945 till: 1945 color:general text:"George S. Patton Jr. " bar:hodges from: 1945 till: 1949 color:general text:"Courtney H. Hodges " bar:wainwright from: 1945 till: 1946 color:general text:"Jonathan M. Wainwright IV " bar:clay from: 1947 till: 1949 color:usareur text:"Lucius D. Clay " bar:lawtoncollins from: 1948 till: 1949 color:vcsa bar:lawtoncollins from: 1949 till: 1953 color:csa bar:lawtoncollins from: 1953 till: 1956 color:nato text:"J. Lawton Collins " bar:haislip from: 1949 till: 1951 color:vcsa text:"Wade H. Haislip " bar:ridgway from: 1951 till: 1952 color:fareast bar:ridgway from: 1952 till: 1953 color:saceur bar:ridgway from: 1953 till: 1955 color:csa text:"Matthew B. Ridgway " bar:smith from: 1951 till: 1953 color:intel text:"Walter Bedell Smith " bar:hull from: 1951 till: 1953 color:vcsa bar:hull from: 1953 till: 1955 color:fareast text:"John E. Hull " bar:vanfleet from: 1951 till: 1953 color:general text:"James A. Van Fleet " bar:gruenther from: 1951 till: 1953 color:nato bar:gruenther from: 1953 till: 1956 color:saceur text:"Alfred M. Gruenther " bar:hodge from: 1952 till: 1953 color:general text:"John R. Hodge " bar:taylor from: 1953 till: 1955 color:general bar:taylor from: 1955 till: 1955 color:fareast bar:taylor from: 1955 till: 1959 color:csa bar:taylor from: 1961 till: 1962 color:joint bar:taylor from: 1962 till: 1964 color:cjcs text:"Maxwell D. Taylor " bar:bolte from: 1953 till: 1953 color:usareur bar:bolte from: 1953 till: 1955 color:vcsa text:"Charles L. Bolte " bar:hoge from: 1953 till: 1955 color:usareur text:"William M. Hoge Jr. " bar:dahlquist from: 1954 till: 1956 color:general text:"John E. Dahlquist " bar:mcauliffe from: 1955 till: 1956 color:usareur text:"Anthony C. McAuliffe " bar:lemnitzer from: 1955 till: 1955 color:general bar:lemnitzer from: 1955 till: 1957 color:fareast bar:lemnitzer from: 1957 till: 1959 color:vcsa bar:lemnitzer from: 1959 till: 1960 color:csa bar:lemnitzer from: 1960 till: 1962 color:cjcs bar:lemnitzer from: 1962 till: 1969 color:saceur text:"Lyman L. Lemnitzer " bar:willistonpalmer from: 1955 till: 1957 color:vcsa bar:willistonpalmer from: 1957 till: 1962 color:joint text:"Williston B. Palmer " bar:white from: 1955 till: 1961 color:general text:"Isaac D. White " bar:wyman from: 1956 till: 1958 color:general text:"Willard G. Wyman " bar:schuyler from: 1956 till: 1959 color:nato text:"Cortlandt V.R. Schuyler " bar:hodes from: 1956 till: 1959 color:usareur text:"Henry I. Hodes " bar:decker from: 1956 till: 1957 color:joint bar:decker from: 1957 till: 1959 color:fareast bar:decker from: 1959 till: 1960 color:vcsa bar:decker from: 1960 till: 1962 color:csa text:"George H. Decker " bar:clarke from: 1958 till: 1960 color:general bar:clarke from: 1960 till: 1962 color:usareur text:"Bruce C. Clarke " bar:eddleman from: 1959 till: 1960 color:usareur bar:eddleman from: 1960 till: 1962 color:vcsa text:"Clyde D. Eddleman " bar:magruder from: 1959 till: 1961 color:fareast text:"Carter B. Magruder " bar:charlespalmer from: 1959 till: 1962 color:joint text:"Charles D. Palmer " bar:ruffner from: 1960 till: 1962 color:nato text:"Clark L. Ruffner " bar:moore from: 1960 till: 1963 color:nato text:"James E. Moore " bar:herbertpowell from: 1960 till: 1963 color:general text:"Herbert B. Powell " bar:jamescollins from: 1961 till: 1964 color:general text:"James F. Collins " bar:meloy from: 1961 till: 1963 color:fareast text:"Guy S. Meloy Jr. " bar:adams from: 1961 till: 1966 color:joint text:"Paul D. Adams " bar:harkins from: 1962 till: 1964 color:macv text:"Paul D. Harkins " bar:wheeler from: 1962 till: 1962 color:joint bar:wheeler from: 1962 till: 1964 color:csa bar:wheeler from: 1964 till: 1970 color:cjcs text:"Earle G. Wheeler " bar:hamlett from: 1962 till: 1964 color:vcsa text:"Barksdale Hamlett " bar:freeman from: 1962 till: 1965 color:usareur bar:freeman from: 1965 till: 1967 color:general text:"Paul L. Freeman Jr. " bar:wood from: 1962 till: 1965 color:joint text:"Robert J. Wood " bar:waters from: 1963 till: 1966 color:general text:"John K. Waters " bar:omeara from: 1963 till: 1965 color:joint bar:omeara from: 1965 till: 1967 color:usareur text:"Andrew P. O'Meara " bar:parker from: 1963 till: 1969 color:nato text:"Theodore W. Parker " bar:howze from: 1963 till: 1965 color:fareast text:"Hamilton H. Howze " bar:harris from: 1964 till: 1965 color:general text:"Hugh P. Harris " bar:besson from: 1964 till: 1969 color:general bar:besson from: 1969 till: 1970 color:joint text:"Frank S. Besson Jr. " bar:johnson from: 1964 till: 1968 color:csa text:"Harold K. Johnson " bar:westmoreland from: 1964 till: 1968 color:macv bar:westmoreland from: 1968 till: 1972 color:csa text:"William C. Westmoreland " bar:creightonabrams from: 1964 till: 1967 color:vcsa bar:creightonabrams from: 1967 till: 1972 color:macv bar:creightonabrams from: 1972 till: 1974 color:csa text:"Creighton W. Abrams Jr. " bar:porter from: 1965 till: 1969 color:joint text:"Robert W. Porter Jr. " bar:beach from: 1965 till: 1966 color:fareast bar:beach from: 1966 till: 1968 color:general text:"Dwight E. Beach " bar:bonesteel from: 1966 till: 1969 color:fareast text:"Charles H. Bonesteel III " bar:conway from: 1966 till: 1969 color:joint text:"Theodore J. Conway " bar:polk from: 1967 till: 1971 color:usareur text:"James H. Polk " bar:haines from: 1967 till: 1968 color:vcsa bar:haines from: 1968 till: 1973 color:general text:"Ralph E. Haines Jr. " bar:woolnough from: 1967 till: 1970 color:general text:"James K. Woolnough " bar:goodpaster from: 1968 till: 1969 color:macv bar:goodpaster from: 1969 till: 1974 color:saceur text:"Andrew J. Goodpaster " bar:harrell from: 1968 till: 1971 color:nato text:"Ben Harrell " bar:spivy from: 1968 till: 1971 color:nato text:"Berton E. Spivy Jr. " bar:brucepalmer from: 1968 till: 1973 color:vcsa bar:brucepalmer from: 1973 till: 1974 color:joint text:"Bruce Palmer Jr. " bar:mather from: 1969 till: 1971 color:joint text:"George R. Mather " bar:chesarek from: 1969 till: 1970 color:general text:"Ferdinand J. Chesarek " bar:rosson from: 1969 till: 1970 color:macv bar:rosson from: 1970 till: 1973 color:general bar:rosson from: 1973 till: 1975 color:joint text:"William B. Rosson " bar:throckmorton from: 1969 till: 1973 color:joint text:"John L. Throckmorton " bar:michaelis from: 1969 till: 1972 color:fareast text:"John H. Michaelis " bar:hershey from: 1970 till: 1973 color:joint text:"Lewis B. Hershey " bar:weyand from: 1970 till: 1973 color:macv bar:weyand from: 1973 till: 1974 color:vcsa bar:weyand from: 1974 till: 1976 color:csa text:"Frederick C. Weyand " bar:miley from: 1970 till: 1975 color:general text:"Henry A. Miley Jr. " bar:mildren from: 1971 till: 1973 color:nato text:"Frank T. Mildren " bar:davison from: 1971 till: 1975 color:usareur text:"Michael S. Davison " bar:underwood from: 1971 till: 1973 color:joint text:"George V. Underwood Jr. " bar:bennett from: 1972 till: 1973 color:fareast bar:bennett from: 1973 till: 1974 color:general text:"Donald V. Bennett "ImageSize = width:800 height:auto barincrement:10PlotArea = top:10 bottom:20 right:130 left:20AlignBars = late DateFormat = yyyyPeriod = from:1940 till:2021TimeAxis = orientation:horizontalScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1940
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Alexander M. Haig Jr. " bar:kerwin from: 1973 till: 1974 color:general bar:kerwin from: 1974 till: 1978 color:vcsa text:"Walter T. Kerwin Jr. " bar:depuy from: 1973 till: 1977 color:general text:"William E. DePuy " bar:richardstilwell from: 1973 till: 1976 color:fareast text:"Richard G. Stilwell " bar:zais from: 1973 till: 1976 color:joint text:"Melvin Zais " bar:rogers from: 1974 till: 1976 color:general bar:rogers from: 1976 till: 1979 color:csa bar:rogers from: 1979 till: 1987 color:saceur text:"Bernard W. Rogers " bar:hennessey from: 1974 till: 1979 color:joint text:"John J. Hennessey " bar:deane from: 1975 till: 1977 color:general text:"John R. Deane Jr. " bar:blanchard from: 1975 till: 1979 color:usareur text:"George S. Blanchard " bar:knowlton from: 1976 till: 1980 color:nato text:"William A. Knowlton " bar:kroesen from: 1976 till: 1978 color:general bar:kroesen from: 1978 till: 1979 color:vcsa bar:kroesen from: 1979 till: 1983 color:usareur text:"Frederick J. Kroesen Jr. " bar:vessey from: 1976 till: 1979 color:fareast bar:vessey from: 1979 till: 1982 color:vcsa bar:vessey from: 1982 till: 1985 color:cjcs text:"John W. Vessey Jr. " bar:guthrie from: 1977 till: 1981 color:general text:"John R. Guthrie " bar:starry from: 1977 till: 1981 color:general bar:starry from: 1981 till: 1983 color:joint text:"Donn A. Starry " bar:walker from: 1977 till: 1978 color:nato text:"Sam S. Walker " bar:shoemaker from: 1978 till: 1982 color:general text:"Robert M. Shoemaker " bar:meyer from: 1979 till: 1983 color:csa text:"Edward C. Meyer " bar:wickham from: 1979 till: 1982 color:fareast bar:wickham from: 1982 till: 1983 color:vcsa bar:wickham from: 1983 till: 1987 color:csa text:"John A. Wickham Jr. " bar:warner from: 1979 till: 1981 color:joint text:"Volney F. Warner " bar:keith from: 1981 till: 1984 color:general text:"Donald R. Keith " bar:otis from: 1981 till: 1983 color:general bar:otis from: 1983 till: 1988 color:usareur text:"Glenn K. Otis " bar:cavazos from: 1982 till: 1984 color:general text:"Richard E. Cavazos " bar:sennewald from: 1982 till: 1984 color:fareast bar:sennewald from: 1984 till: 1986 color:general text:"Robert W. Sennewald " bar:robinson from: 1982 till: 1985 color:nato text:"Roscoe Robinson Jr. " bar:richardson from: 1983 till: 1986 color:general text:"William R. Richardson" bar:gorman from: 1983 till: 1985 color:joint text:"Paul F. Gorman " bar:nutting from: 1983 till: 1985 color:joint text:"Wallace H. Nutting " bar:thurman from: 1983 till: 1987 color:vcsa bar:thurman from: 1987 till: 1989 color:general bar:thurman from: 1989 till: 1990 color:joint text:"Maxwell R. Thurman " bar:livsey from: 1984 till: 1987 color:fareast text:"William J. Livsey " bar:thompson from: 1984 till: 1987 color:general text:"Richard H. Thompson " bar:kingston from: 1984 till: 1985 color:joint text:"Robert C. Kingston " bar:galvin from: 1985 till: 1987 color:joint bar:galvin from: 1987 till: 1992 color:saceur text:"John R. Galvin " bar:mahaffey from: 1985 till: 1986 color:joint text:"Fred K. Mahaffey " bar:merritt from: 1985 till: 1987 color:nato text:"Jack N. Merritt " bar:vuono from: 1986 till: 1987 color:general bar:vuono from: 1987 till: 1991 color:csa text:"Carl E. Vuono " bar:palastra from: 1986 till: 1989 color:general text:"Joseph T. Palastra Jr. " bar:lindsay from: 1986 till: 1990 color:joint text:"James J. Lindsay " bar:wagner from: 1987 till: 1989 color:general text:"Louis C. Wagner Jr. " bar:woerner from: 1987 till: 1989 color:joint text:"Frederick F. Woerner Jr. " bar:menetrey from: 1987 till: 1990 color:fareast text:"Louis C. Menetrey " bar:arthurbrown from: 1987 till: 1989 color:vcsa text:"Arthur E. Brown Jr. " bar:saint from: 1988 till: 1992 color:usareur text:"Crosbie E. Saint " bar:schwarzkopf from: 1988 till: 1991 color:joint text:"H. Norman Schwarzkopf " bar:riscassi from: 1989 till: 1990 color:vcsa bar:riscassi from: 1990 till: 1993 color:fareast text:"Robert W. RisCassi " bar:colinpowell from: 1989 till: 1989 color:general bar:colinpowell from: 1989 till: 1993 color:cjcs text:"Colin L. Powell " bar:foss from: 1989 till: 1991 color:general text:"John W. Foss " bar:burba from: 1989 till: 1993 color:general text:"Edwin H. Burba Jr. " bar:tuttle from: 1989 till: 1992 color:general text:"William G.T. Tuttle Jr. " bar:sullivan from: 1990 till: 1991 color:vcsa bar:sullivan from: 1991 till: 1995 color:csa text:"Gordon R. Sullivan " bar:stiner from: 1990 till: 1993 color:joint text:"Carl W. Stiner " bar:joulwan from: 1990 till: 1993 color:joint bar:joulwan from: 1993 till: 1997 color:saceur text:"George A. Joulwan " bar:frederickfranks from: 1991 till: 1994 color:general text:"Frederick M. Franks Jr. " bar:reimer from: 1991 till: 1993 color:vcsa bar:reimer from: 1993 till: 1995 color:general bar:reimer from: 1995 till: 1999 color:csa text:"Dennis J. Reimer " bar:ross from: 1992 till: 1994 color:general text:"Jimmy D. Ross " bar:shalikashvili from: 1992 till: 1993 color:saceur bar:shalikashvili from: 1993 till: 1997 color:cjcs text:"John M.D. Shalikashvili " bar:maddox from: 1992 till: 1994 color:usareur text:"David M. Maddox " bar:peay from: 1993 till: 1994 color:vcsa bar:peay from: 1994 till: 1997 color:joint text:"J. H. Binford Peay III " bar:downing from: 1993 till: 1996 color:joint text:"Wayne A. Downing " bar:luck from: 1993 till: 1996 color:fareast text:"Gary E. Luck " bar:salomon from: 1994 till: 1996 color:general text:"Leon E. Salomon " bar:mccaffrey from: 1994 till: 1996 color:joint text:"Barry R. McCaffrey " bar:tilelli from: 1994 till: 1995 color:vcsa bar:tilelli from: 1995 till: 1996 color:general bar:tilelli from: 1996 till: 1999 color:fareast text:"John H. Tilelli Jr. " bar:hartzog from: 1994 till: 1998 color:general text:"William W. Hartzog " bar:crouch from: 1994 till: 1997 color:usareur bar:crouch from: 1997 till: 1998 color:vcsa text:"William W. Crouch " bar:griffith from: 1995 till: 1997 color:vcsa text:"Ronald H. Griffith " bar:wilson from: 1996 till: 1999 color:general text:"Johnnie E. Wilson " bar:wesleyclark from: 1996 till: 1997 color:joint bar:wesleyclark from: 1997 till: 2000 color:saceur text:"Wesley K. Clark " bar:shelton from: 1996 till: 1997 color:joint bar:shelton from: 1997 till: 2001 color:cjcs text:"Henry H. Shelton " bar:bramlett from: 1996 till: 1998 color:general text:"David A. Bramlett " bar:shinseki from: 1997 till: 1998 color:usareur bar:shinseki from: 1998 till: 1999 color:vcsa bar:shinseki from: 1999 till: 2003 color:csa text:"Eric K. Shinseki " bar:schoomaker from: 1997 till: 2000 color:joint bar:schoomaker from: 2003 till: 2007 color:csa text:"Peter J. Schoomaker " bar:johnabrams from: 1998 till: 2002 color:general text:"John N. Abrams " bar:meigs from: 1998 till: 2002 color:usareur text:"Montgomery C. Meigs " bar:schwartz from: 1998 till: 1999 color:general bar:schwartz from: 1999 till: 2002 color:fareast text:"Thomas A. Schwartz " bar:keane from: 1999 till: 2003 color:vcsa text:"John M. Keane " bar:coburn from: 1999 till: 2001 color:general text:"John G. Coburn " bar:hendrix from: 1999 till: 2001 color:general text:"John W. Hendrix " bar:tommyfranks from: 2000 till: 2003 color:joint text:"Tommy R. Franks " bar:kernan from: 2000 till: 2002 color:joint text:"William F. Kernan " bar:kern from: 2001 till: 2004 color:general text:"Paul J. Kern " bar:ellis from: 2001 till: 2004 color:general text:"Larry R. Ellis " bar:byrnes from: 2002 till: 2005 color:general text:"Kevin P. Byrnes " bar:laporte from: 2002 till: 2006 color:fareast text:"Leon J. LaPorte " bar:hill from: 2002 till: 2004 color:joint text:"James T. Hill " bar:bell from: 2002 till: 2006 color:usareur bar:bell from: 2006 till: 2008 color:fareast text:"Burwell B. Bell III " bar:bryanbrown from: 2003 till: 2007 color:joint text:"Bryan D. Brown " bar:abizaid from: 2003 till: 2007 color:joint text:"John P. Abizaid " bar:casey from: 2003 till: 2004 color:vcsa bar:casey from: 2004 till: 2007 color:macv bar:casey from: 2007 till: $now color:csa text:"George W. Casey Jr. " bar:craddock from: 2004 till: 2006 color:joint bar:craddock from: 2006 till: $now color:saceur text:"Bantz J. Craddock " bar:mcneill from: 2004 till: 2007 color:general bar:mcneill from: 2007 till: 2008 color:macv text:"Dan K. McNeill " bar:cody from: 2004 till: 2008 color:vcsa text:"Richard A. Cody " bar:griffin from: 2004 till: 2008 color:general text:"Benjamin S. Griffin " bar:wallace from: 2005 till: 2008 color:general text:"William S. Wallace " bar:mckiernan from: 2006 till: 2008 color:usareur bar:mckiernan from: 2008 till: $now color:macv text:"David D. McKiernan " bar:ward from: 2006 till: $now color:joint text:"William E. Ward " bar:campbell from: 2007 till: $now color:general text:"Charles C. Campbell" bar:petraeus from: 2007 till: 2008 color:macv bar:petraeus from: 2008 till: $now color:joint text:"David H. Petraeus " bar:sharp from: 2008 till: $now color:fareast text:"Walter L. Sharp " bar:chiarelli from: 2008 till: $now color:vcsa text:"Peter W. Chiarelli " bar:ham from: 2008 till: $now color:usareur text:"Carter F. Ham" bar:odierno from: 2008 till: $now color:macv text:"Raymond T. Odierno " bar:dempsey from: 2008 till: $now color:general text:"Martin E. Dempsey" bar:dunwoody from: 2008 till: $now color:general text:"Ann E. Dunwoody "Four-star positions
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from: 1997 till: 2001 color:usmc bar:uscincso from: 2002 till: 2002 color:joint bar:cdrussouthcom from: 2002 till: 2006 color:joint text:"CDRUSSOUTHCOM" bar:cdrussouthcom from: 2006 till: $now color:usn
ee also
General (United States)
*List of United States four-star officers
*List of United States Navy four-star admirals
*List of United States Air Force four-star generals
*List of United States Marine Corps four-star generals
*List of United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps four-star admirals
*List of United States military leaders by rank Notes
last = Air Force Association
journal = Air Force Magazine
volume = 89
issue = 5
title = USAF Almanac 2006
url = http://www.afa.org/magazine/may2006/0506structure.pdf
date = May 2006
year = 2006*citation
first = William Gardner | last = Bell
title = Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff 1775-2005: Portraits & Biographical Sketches of the United States Army's Senior Officer
place = Washington D.C.
publisher = Department of the Army
url = http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/cg&csa/CG-TOC.htm
year = 2005*citation
first = Ray S. | last = Cline
title = United States Army in World War II - Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
place = Washington D.C.
publisher = U.S. Government Printing Office
url = http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/wwii/WCP/AppendixB.htm
year = 1951*citation
first = Ronald H. | last = Cole
first2 = Walter S. | last2 = Poole
first3 = James F. | last3 = Schnabel
first4 = Robert J. | last4 = Watson
first5 = Willard J. | last5 = Webb
title = The History of the Unified Command Plan, 1946-1993
place = Washington D.C.
publisher = Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
url = http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/history/ucp.pdf
year = 1995*citation
first = Dean R. | last = Heaton
title = Four Stars: The Super Stars of United States Military History
place = Baltimore
publisher = Gateway Press
year = 1995*citation
first = Edward C. | last = Meyer
first2 = R. Manning | last2 = Ancell
first3 = Jane | last3 = Mahaffey
title = Who Will Lead? Senior Leadership in the United States Army
place = Westport
publisher = Praeger Publishers
year = 1995*citation
last = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
title = Senior officials in the NATO military structure, from 1949 to 2001
url = http://www.nato.int/cv/ace-k-p.pdf*citation
last = United States Army Europe
title = USAREUR Commanders
url = http://www.history.hqusareur.army.mil/USAREURCommanders.htm*citation
last = United States Army Materiel Command Historical Office
title = A brief history of U.S. Army Materiel Command and biographies of AMC's commanding generals
url = http://www.amc.army.mil/amc/ho/amc_cg/amccgbios.html*citation
last = United States Department of the Army
title = United States Army Register
place = Washington D.C.
publisher = U.S. Government Printing Office
year = 1948-1970, 1972, 1974, 1976*citation
periodical =World Almanac and Book of Facts
publisher = World Almanac Education Group, Inc.
place = New York
year = 1946-1947, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1992, 2004, 2006*citation
first = Taeyoung | last = Yoon
title = The ROK-U.S. Combined Command and Control System and Crisis Management Procedures
journal = International Area Review
volume = 8
number = 1
date = Spring 2005
url = http://segero.hufs.ac.kr/library/iar/iar14-8.pdf
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