- List of wineries in Illinois
The following wineries and vineyards operate wholly or principally in the
U.S. state ofIllinois . The article forIllinois wine provides an overview of the industry.*
August Hill Winery [http://www.augusthillwinery.com/] - Utica
*Alto Vineyards [http://www.altovineyards.net/] - Alto Pass, Champaign
*Baxter's Vineyards [http://www.nauvoowinery.com/] - Nauvoo
*Berryville Vineyards [http://www.berryvillevineyards.com/] - Claremont
*Black Diamond Vineyards [http://www.blackdiamondvineyards.com/] - Nashville
*Blue Sky Vineyard [http://www.blueskyvineyard.com/] - Makanda
*Cache River Basin Winery [http://www.crbwinery.com/] - Belknap
*Cameo Vineyards [http://www.cameowine.com/] - Greenup
*Collver Family Winery [http://www.collverfamilywinery.com/] - Barry
*Cooper's Hawk Winery [http://www.coopershawkwinery.com/] - Orland Park
*Fox Creek Vineyards [http://www.foxcreekwinery.com/] - Olney
*Fox Valley Winery [http://www.foxvalleywinery.com/] - Oswego
*Furrow Vineyard [http://www.furrowwinery.com/] - El Paso
*Galena Cellars Vineyard and Winery [http://www.galenacellars.com/] - Galena
*GenKota Winery [http://www.genkotawine.com/] - Mount Vernon
*Glunz Family Winery and Cellars [http://www.gfwc.com/] - Grayslake
*Hedman Orchard and Vineyards [http://www.peachbarn.com/] - Alto Pass
*Hidden Lake Winery [http://www.hiddenlakewinery.com/] - Aviston
*Hill Prairie Winery [http://www.hillprairiewinery.com/] - Oakford
*Illinois River Winery [http://www.illinoisriverwinery.com/] - Utica
*Indian Creek Vineyard [http://www.indiancreekvineyard.com/] - Toulon
*Inheritance Valley Vineyards - Cobden
*Kickapoo Creek Winery - Edwards
*Kite Hill Vineyards [http://www.kitehillvineyards.com/] - Carbondale
*Lasata Winery [http://www.lasatawines.com/] - Lawrenceville
*Lau-Nae Winery [http://www.lau-naewinery.com/] - Red Bud
*Lavender Crest Winery [http://www.lavendercrest.com/] - Colona
*Limestone Creek Winery - Jonesboro
*Log Cabin Winery - Ellis Grove
*Lynfred Winery [http://www.lynfredwinery.com/] - Roselle
*Mackinaw Valley Vineyard [http://www.mackinawvalleyvineyard.com/] - Mackinaw
*Mary Michelle Winery and Vineyard - Carrollton
*Massbach Ridge Winery [http://www.massbachridge.com/] - Elizabeth
*Orlandini Vineyard - Makanda
*Owl Creek Vineyard [http://www.owlcreekvineyard.com/] - Cobden
*Pheasant Hollow Winery [http://www.pheasanthollowwinery.com/] - Whittington
*Piasa Vineyard and Winery - Godfrey
*Pioneer Winery - Palestine
*Pomona Winery [http://www.shawneewinetrail.com/] - Pomona
*Prairie State Winery [http://www.prairiestatewinery.com/] - Genoa
*Ravissant Winery [http://www.ravissantwinery.com/] - Belleville
*Schorr Lake Vineyards [http://www.schorrlakevineyards.com/] - Waterloo
*Shawnee Winery [http://www.shawneewinery.com/] - Vienna
*Springer's Creek Winery - Edwardsville
*StarView Vineyards [http://www.starviewvineyards.com/] - Cobden
*Stiengtunt Vineyard and Winery [http://www.sunsetwines.net/] - Waterman
*Vahling Vineyards [http://www.vahlingvineyards.com/] - Stewardson
*Valentino Vineyards and Winery [http://www.valentinowine.com/] - Long Grove
*The Village Vintner Winery [http://www.thevillagevintner.com/] - Carpentersville
*Von Jakob Vineyard [http://www.vonjakobvineyard.com/] - Pomona
*White Owl Winery [http://www.whiteowlwinery.com/] - Birds
*Wild Blossom Meadery and Winery [http://www.wildblossomwinery.com/] - ChicagoExternal links
* [http://www.illinoiswine.org/ www.illinoiswine.org]
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