Energy Policy Act of 1992

Energy Policy Act of 1992

The Energy Policy Act (109th Congress H.R.776.ENR, abbreviated as EPACT92) is a United States government act. It was passed by Congress and addressed energy efficiency, energy conservation and energy management (Title I), natural gas imports and exports (Title II), alternative fuels and requiring certain fleets to acquire alternative fuel vehicles, which are capable of operating on nonpetroleum fuels (Title III-V), electric motor vehicles (Title VI), radioactive waste (Title VIII), coal power and clean coal (Title XIII), renewable energy (Title XII), and other issues. It reformed the Public Utility Holding Company Act and amended parts of the Federal Power Act of 1935 (Title VII).

Among the provisions is Section 801, which directs the United States Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate radiation protection standards for the Yucca Mountain repository. The Yucca Mountain site has been designated by the Federal government to serve as the permanent disposal site for used nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials from commercial nuclear power plants and U.S. Department of Defense activities.

EPACT92 is also far reaching in the impacting electric power deregulation, building codes and new energy efficient products.


Title III of the 1992 Energy Policy Act addresses alternative fuels. It gave the U.S. Department of Energy administrative power to regulate the minimum number of light duty alternative fuel vehicles acquired in certain federal fleets beginning in fiscal year 2000. Title III includes:

*Federal Fleet Requirements.
*State and Alternative Fuel Provider Rule.
*Private and Local Government Fleet Rule.
*Alternative Fuel Designation Authority.


Hybrids are not considered alternative fuel vehicles. Diesel-electric and gasoline-electric hybrids are not grouped under the electric fuel category because the input fuel is diesel or gasoline rather than an alternative transportation fuel. The United States Department of Energy, which has EPACT92 implementation authority, ruled that diesel-electric or gasoline-electric hybrids are not "alternative fuel vehicles." []

Energy Efficiency Provisions

*BuildingsRequires states to establish minimum commercial building energy codes and to consider minimum residential codes based on current voluntary codes. This gave impetus to the creation and modification of ASHRAE 90.1/1999, 2001, ASHRAE 90.2, the Model Energy Code etc.

*UtilitiesRequires states to consider new regulatory standards that would require utilities to undertake integrated resource planning; allow the energy efficiency programs to be at least as profitable as new supply options; and encourage improvements in supply system efficiency.

*Equipment Standards- Establishes efficiency standards for: Commercial heating and air-conditioning equipment; electric motors; and lamps.

*Renewable Energy- Establishes a program for providing federal support on a competitive basis for renewable energy technologies

*Alternative Fuels

*Electric Vehicles

* ElectricityRemoves obstacles to wholesale power competition in the Public Utilities Holding Company Act (PUHCA).


External links

* [ Thomas (Library of Congress) - Energy Policy Act (1992)]
* [ U.S. Department of Energy - Yucca Mountain Project site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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