- Alachua County Library District
The Alachua County Library District [http://www.aclib.us/] provides public
library service to more than 230,000 people who live in the city ofGainesville, Florida and the eight municipalities of Alachua County with a Headquarters Library [http://www.aclib.us/index.php?site_area=about_the_library&page=branches&sub_page=01] located in downtown Gainesville, nine branch locations [http://www.aclib.us/index.php?site_area=about_the_library&page=branches] throughout the county, two bookmobiles [http://www.aclib.us/index.php?site_area=about_the_library&page=branches&sub_page=bookmobiles] and extensive outreach services [http://www.aclib.us/index.php?site_area=about_the_library&page=special_services] .The Alachua County Library District is an independent special taxing district and the sole provider of public library services in Alachua County.
Library Cards
A library card allows the possessor to borrow media from any library in the system. There are
books ,DVD s, andCD s.A user may search a wide variety of
online databases; check out anddownload e-books and e-audio books; review or update their library account andrenew items they have checked out; place holds on library materials and request delivery to a specific branch; suggest that the library purchase a title not in the collection; and reserve time on a Library Internetcomputer .Library cards are free to any resident of the State of Florida. Out of state residents may get a card by paying a fee.
A potential user may register online or in person. [ [http://www.aclib.us/index.php?site_area=about_the_library&page=using_the_library&sub_page=library_card_application Alachua County Library District: About the Library Using The Library ] ] .
Library Collection
A wide range of materials is available in a variety of
formats for all ages and abilities. Electronic databases provide online access to a collection of helpful resources. Access to materials is offered equally to all users, regardless of age.Checkouts and Returns
The Library District does not have late fees. Five or more overdue items or $50.00 worth of overdue materials will block borrowing privileges until the items are returned.
Library Support
The Library District is supported by the Friends of the Library [http://www.acldfol.org/] with a bi-annual book sale, the largest of its kind in the state of Florida and the ACLD Foundation [http://www.acldfound.org/] , which raises money through Katherine’s Tree and author galas.
External links
* [http://www.acld.lib.fl.us/ Official Alachua County Library District Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.