- Arbuckle Mountains
The Arbuckle Mountains are an ancient
mountain range in south-centralOklahoma in theUnited States . The Arbuckles date back to 540-440 million years ago in the latestPrecambrian and earliestPaleozoic era.Geology
The west trending structure of the Arbuckles and the parallel trending
Wichita Mountains is at almost right angle to the regional tectonic trend of the mid-Paleozoic structure from the Ouachitas south to the Marathon Uplift. The Arbuckles are thought to have originated along a failedrift or aulacogen in the Precambrian basement which was uplifted and folded during theOuachita Orogeny .Hydrology and karst features
Underlying the Arbuckle Mountains is the Arbuckle Simpson
aquifer , housing some of the purest spring water in the world and providing water to the Blue River and Honey Creek which flows overTurner Falls south of Davis.As a result of the
karst topography , standing water is rarely found atop the Arbuckle Mountains, the water seeps through the fracture cracks creating elaboratelimestone caverns throughout the Arbuckle Mountains. Today the Arbuckles have gradually eroded to their present heights of 300-500 feet above the surrounding terrain or 1300-1400 feet above sea level.Location and tourism
Popular recreation areas in the Arbuckle Mountains include Turner Falls Park, the
Chickasaw National Recreation Area , one of the most popular national park facilities in the United States, and Lake of the Arbuckles. Turner Falls is located convert|5|mi|km south of Davis, whereas Chickasaw NRA is located in the city of Sulphur.The Arbuckle Mountain area is the proud host of Okla Suave, a one-of-a-kind, annual celebration where families can celebrate their rich traditions and cultures while enjoying beautiful mountain scenery.
The area is also the location of several campgrounds, including the
YMCA 's Camp Classen and the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma'sFalls Creek Baptist Conference Center , which hosts 55,000 campers each summer.References
* James S. Aber, [http://academic.emporia.edu/aberjame/struc_geo/ouachita/ouachita.htm#arbuckles "Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma"]
* Robert W. Allen, 2002, [http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/documents/allen/index.htm "Complex Structural Features of the Ardmore Basin"]
* USGS [http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/LivingWith/VolcanicPast/Places/volcanic_past_oklahoma.html America's Volcanic Past: Oklahoma]
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