iron-sulfur cluster — noun a unit comprising two or more iron atoms and bridging sulfur ligands in an iron sulfur protein … Wiktionary
iron-sulphur cluster — noun alternative spelling of iron sulfur cluster … Wiktionary
Iron-sulfur protein — Iron sulfur proteins are proteins characterized by the presence of iron sulfur clusters containing sulfide linked di , tri , and tetrairon centers in variable oxidation states. Iron sulfur clusters are found in a variety of metalloproteins, such… … Wikipedia
High potential iron-sulfur protein — Pfam box Symbol = HIPIP Name = High potential iron sulfur protein width = caption = Pfam= PF01355 InterPro= IPR000170 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC00515 SCOP = 1hpi TCDB = OPM family= 124 OPM protein= 1hpi PDB=PDB3|1hlqB:7 72 PDB3|1hpi :6 69 PDB3|1hrr… … Wikipedia
Sulfur — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Iron — Fe redirects here. For other uses, see Fe (disambiguation). This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Iron (disambiguation). manganese … Wikipedia
Sulfur — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Sulfur (disambiguation). phosphorus ← sulfur → chlorine … Wikipedia
Cluster chemistry — In chemistry, a cluster is an ensemble of bound atoms intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid. Clusters exist of diverse stoichiometries and nuclearities. For example, carbon and boron atoms form fullerene and borane clusters,… … Wikipedia
Fe-S-Cluster — (4Fe 4S) als Kofaktor in Aconitase nach PDB 7ACN. Gezeigt sind außerdem die über S gebundenen Cysteinreste des Proteins, die den Cluster fixieren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eisen-Schwefel-Cluster — (4Fe 4S) als Kofaktor in Aconitase nach PDB 7ACN. Gezeigt sind außerdem die über S gebundenen Cysteinreste des Proteins, die den Cluster fixieren … Deutsch Wikipedia