- David Burnett
David Burnett is one of the pre-eminent magazine photojournalists in the world. His work from the 1979 Iranian revolution was published extensively in "Time" magazine (including their famous "Man of the Year" portrait of the Ayatollah Khomeini).
He graduated from
Colorado College in1968 and began working as a freelance photographer for Time and Life magazines, first in theUnited States , and later inVietnam . After two years in Vietnam, he joined the French photo agency Gamma, traveling the world for their news department for two years.In 1975 he co-founded a new photo agency,
Contact Press Images , inNew York City . For the last three decades he has traveled extensively, working for most of the major magazines in the United States andEurope . His work covering the2004 Olympics with an array of antiquated cameras and films received positive reviews in the photography press and in "The New York Times ".In 2004, Burnett also used his
Speed Graphic with a 178mm f/2.5Aero-Ektar lens removed from a K-24aerial camera to cover the Presidential campaign of John Kerry, as documented in the New York Times' [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/08/technology/circuits/08schiesel.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5088&en=c2c5650d56297840&ex=1275883200&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss Which Camera Does This Pro Use? It Depends on the Shot] ; and in thisWashington Post [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/essays/vanRiper/040226.htm CameraWorks column] .He has won dozens of top awards for his work, including Magazine Photographer of the Year from the
National Press Photographers Association , the World Press Photo of the Year, and theRobert Capa Award from theOverseas Press Club [http://www.opcofamerica.org/opc_awards/archive/byaward/award_capa.php] . Burnett lives inWashington, D.C. Sources
* http://www.davidburnett.com
* [http://www.nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2005/06/07/technology/20050605_BURNETT_AUDIOSS.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1137866886-/thbRFmvqeHVNwVBYNTTVw "The New York Times"]
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