- East Grand Rapids High School
East Grand Rapids High School is located in East Grand Rapids,
Michigan , in theUnited States , in the East Grand Rapids Public School District, serving grades 9-12. It is recognized as a school of excellence [http://schoolmatters.com Schoolmatter's "Standards & Poors" of Michigan] ] . More recently, however, it was recognized as one of the top 400 high schools in the country. [http://egrps.org/schools/hs/hs_files/07hs-usnewsworldreportmag.pdf]As of the 2005-06 school year, the school had an enrollment of 975 students and 50.8 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a student-teacher ratio of 19.2. [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3409210&ID=340921000568 East Grand Rapids High School] ,
National Center for Education Statistics . AccessedDecember 26 ,2007 .]Academics
East Grand Rapids High School has been a leader in the state in high school Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) scores, receiving the Governor's Cup in
2001 and2002 . In addition, it has more National Merit students than any other public school of its size in Michigan. EGRHS offers a wide variety of classes [ [http://www.egrps.org/schools/hs/guidance/courseselectionhandbook2006.pdf EGRHS's Classes] ] , some of which include Advanced Placement classes in Biology, Calculus (AB and BC), English, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Physics (B and C), Spanish, Statistics, U.S. government, U.S. history, and World History. It also offers Latin, French, Spanish, Band and Orchestra.Co-Curricular activities
East Grand Rapids High School offers a variety of clubs, including "Policy Debate", "Drama Club," and "Youth Development" (in which over 70% of the students participate) [ [http://www.egrps.org/schools/hs/clubs/index.html EGRHS Clubs] ] , Furthermore, EGRHS has an active student council as well as an award-winning monthly newspaper, "The East Vision." [ [http://www.egrps.org/schools/hs East Grand Rapids High School ] ] Perhaps the most notable co-curricular program is the competition team, which has won the state competition and placed in the top ten in the nation every year since 2000 (excluding 2006).
EGRHS has accumulated 107 state championships, as well as many conference championships in the
Ottawa-Kent Conference (O-K). The school's major rival in the O-K White Division, especially in football, is the Lowell Red Arrows, whom East won against in 2007.EGRHS offers 15 boys' sports, 15 girls' sports, and one coed team. Boys' and girls' teams compete in the Michigan High School Athletic Association (
MHSAA ) in basketball, bowling, cross country, golf, lacrosse, skiing, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, and track and field. In addition, boys' teams compete in theMHSAA in baseball, football, ice hockey, and wrestling and girls' teams in softball and volleyball.The Pioneers' boys' and girls' water polo teams compete in the Michigan Water Polo Association (MWPA), while the coed crew team is a member of the Scholastic Rowing Association of Michigan. The girls' field hockey team is a member of the Michigan High School Field Hockey Association, and girls also participate in Dance Team. The boys' lacrosse team won six Michigan High School Lacrosse Coaches Association (MHSLCA) titles before the sport was sponsored by the MHSAA.
State athletic championships (all MHSAA unless noted):
*Girls' Cross Country (2): 2003, 2004 (L.P. Division 2) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/gxc/yearly.htm Girls Cross Country Champions 1978-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Football (9): 1955 (Class B Detroit Free Press), [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/resources/library/mythical.pdf Staking a Claim: The Mythical Gridiron Championships] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedJune 5 ,2008 ] 1976, 1983 (Class B), 1993, 1995 (Class BB), 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 (Division 3) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/fb/yearly.htm Football Champions 1975-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Girls' Golf (2): 1979 (L.P. Open Class), 1999 (L.P. Division 3) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/ggf/yearly.htm Girls Golf Champions -- 1973-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Girls' Swimming and Diving (15): 1978, 1979 (Class B-C-D), 1981-1986, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1998-2001 (L.P. Class B-C-D) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/gsw/yearly.htm Girls Swimming Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Boys' Tennis (16): 1936 (Class C-D), 1955, 1956, 1960 (L.P. Class B), 1965, 1970-1973 (L.P. Class A), 1975, 1977-1979 (L.P. Class B), 2001, 2003, 2007 (L.P. Division 3) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/btn/yearly.htm Boys Tennis Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .];Winter
*Boys' Basketball (1): 1950 (Class C) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/bbb/yearly.htm Boys Basketball Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Boys' Skiing (2): 1997, 1999 (Class B-C-D) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/bsk/yearly.htm Boys Skiing Champions 1975-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Boys' Swimming and Diving (23): 1948-1962, 1976-1979 (Class B-C-D), 1980-1982 (L.P. Class B-C-D), 2008 (L.P. Division 3) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/bsw/yearly.htm Boys Swimming Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .];Spring
*Boys' Golf (4): 1939 (Class C-D), 1950 (L.P. Class C-D), 1951 (L.P. Class B), 2005 (L.P. Division 2) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/bgf/yearly.htm BOYS Golf Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Boys' Lacrosse (8): 1993 (MHSLCA B), 1995 (MHSLCA C), 1996, 1999, 2002, 2004 (MHSLCA B), [ [http://www.mhslca.org/ Michigan Lacrosse Hall of Honor] ,Michigan High School Lacrosse Coaches Association . AccessedJune 6 ,2008 .] 2007, 2008 (Division 2) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/blax/yearly.htm Boys Lacrosse Champions 2005-07] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Girls' Soccer (3): 2000, 2001 (Division 3), 2002 (Division 2) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/gso/yearly.htm GIRLS SOCCER Champions 1971-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Girls' Tennis (15): 1979, 1984-1987, 1992, 1994-1996 (L.P. Class B), 1997-1998, 2000-2003 (L.P. Division 3). [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/gtn/yearly.htm Girls Tennis Champions -- 1972-2006] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Boys' Track & Field (6): 1940 (L.P. Class C), 1944 (L.P. Class B), 1946, 1948, 1950 (L.P. Class C), 1958 (L.P. Class B) [ [http://www.mhsaa.com/sports/btr/yearly.htm Boys Track and Field Champions 1925-2007] ,Michigan High School Athletic Association . AccessedDecember 23 ,2007 .]
*Girls' Water Polo (1): 2005 (MWPA) [ [http://www.michiganwaterpolo.com/championships/champions.html List of Past Champions] ,Michigan Water Polo Association . AccessedJune 6 ,2008 .]Performing Arts Center
The newly-built "Performing Arts Center" is a 671 seat performance hall used for its drama productions and musical performances. This project was a $21 million project, completed in October, 2002, featuring a full orchestra pit, dressing rooms, a green room and much more.
April 20 ,2007 , PresidentGeorge W. Bush visited East Grand Rapids High School's Performing Arts Center (PAC) to make his speech viaWorld Affairs Council , discussing theWar on Terror . [ [http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/04/20070420-6.html White House Press Release on President Bush's visit] ] OnDecember 5 ,2007 , former Michigan gubernatorial candidateDick DeVos gave a speech to students regarding leadership.Notable alumni
Kevin Grady (1986-), running back at theUniversity of Michigan . At East, Grady set state records including points scored, touchdowns and rushing yards. [Burke, Chris. [http://media.www.michigandaily.com/media/storage/paper851/news/2004/11/12/Sports/The-Next.Big.Thing-1426766.shtml "The next big thing?: High school phenom Kevin Grady is bringing his act to Ann Arbor"] , "Michigan Daily ",November 12 ,2004 . AccessedDecember 26 ,2007 . "Because Grady, a senior at East Grand Rapids High School, has spent the last four years rewriting the record books for the state of Michigan, and will soon be wearing the Maize and Blue. The 5-foot-11, 225-pound bruiser has used his senior season to set the Michigan state marks for career rushing attempts (1,118), points scored (918), touchdowns (150), consecutive games over 100 yards (24) and rushing yards."]
*Adam Herz (1972-), screenwriter and creator of the "American Pie" films. Based the movie on his days at EGR. [ [http://imdb.com/name/nm0381221/#writer Adam Herz on IMDB] ]
*Luke Jensen (1967-), former professional tennis player who reached a #6 world ranking in doubles. Jensen won the Michigan state singles championship in 1983 and graduated in 1985. [ [http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/other/2006-08-29-syracuse-jensen-tennis_x.htm "Luke Jensen named Syracuse tennis coach"] , "USA Today ",August 29 ,2006 . AccessedDecember 26 ,2007 . "A 1985 graduate of East Grand Rapids High School in Michigan, Jensen reached the second round of the U.S. Open just before enrolling at the University of Southern California, where he earned All-America honors in 1987 and 1988. Jensen won the 1983 Michigan High School State Singles Championship and earned high school All-America recognition."]
*Jim Boylen (1965-) Head Basketball Coach at the University of Utah [cite news |author=Sorenson, Mike |title=Utah was slam dunk for Boylen, family |url=http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695243670,00.html |work=Deseret News |date=January 13 2008 |accessdate=2008-05-10]
*John Hockenberry (1956-), renowned journalist, two-timePeabody Award winner and TV journalist withDateline NBC .
*Chris Van Allsburg (1949-),Caldecott Medal winning author and illustrator of the children's books "Jumanji ", "Zathura ", and "The Polar Express ", all three of which have been or are being made into major motion pictures.
*L. William Seidman (1921-), formerlyCNBC 's Chief Commentator on business and economics, he served as assistant to the PresidentGerald Ford of U.S. Economic Affairs. He has also served at one time or another as director and board member ofPhelps Dodge , theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation , andGrand Valley State University .
*Ian P. Seasly (1984-), pacifist protestor and modern court jester. Famous for being dragged out of the MHSAA Hockey State Championship in Flint, Michigan, and subsequently left outside the stadium in an electrical storm that eventually caused the stadium to lose all power, causing the postponement of the finals. Seasly was ejected because, Jerry Fouch, EGRHS A.D., said to Seasly that " [Seasly knew] what [he] did". Seasly stated at the time that he was unfamiliar with the particular event Fouch was referencing; Seasly asked for a specific reason why he being ejected 100 miles away from home and automobile. Seasly also was reknowned for his comic timing of armpit farts.
*The Good Luck Joes (1500 BC -), This amalgamation of strappingly handsome, virile young chaps has produced some of the tastiest jams known to man. Graduates EGRHS in the early 2000s, they rocked into the new millennium with a vengance and took the music world by storm with a force comparable to Hurricane Katrina, as they ravaged lesser bands and left millions of less-talented musicians homeless and starving. The Good Luck Joes (GLJs) are a five-piece unit, featuring the deliciously insane guitar playing of Andrew “Master Shredder” Krei (’03), the booty-bumpin, rump-shakin beats of Peter “Pumpkin Eater” Goodwyn (’03), the funkadelic riffs of Joe “Funklestiltzken” Scheltema’s (’04) bass, the sensitive, panty-moistening melodies of Andy “Booby C” Citron’s (’04) keyboard, and the dreamy vocals of lead singer slash songwriter Andrew “Angelic” Martin (’04). Needless to say, GLJ groupies abound, including some of the flyest hunnies you ever laid eyes on, like the red-headed bombshell Chrissy Pearson, for instance. In other words, the GLJs enjoy the occassional trip to Beaver Island. With their sweet lyrics, which induce warm salty droplets from your tear ducts, and harmonies so gratifying, like an orgy in your ear ducts, the Good Luck Joes are on a mission to revolutionize music in ways The Beatles only dreamt of. Since their birth, they have played sold-out shows at every conceivable venue in the Midwest, giving their fair share of legendary performances. Perhaps the most famous performance during the formative years was the “Show of the Century”, aptly named because it featured the Good Luck Joes at their face-melting best, and was the night that the GLJs unveiled their vintage green and white shirt, which Booby C hated at the time but is actually a classic look. At this performance, legendary trumpeteer Matt “Blurry” McMurry stunned the crowd with his blistering solo on “It Gets Me Off” which apparently got several ladies off, including the foxy Pearson, who is rumored to have been in attendance. The night ended in a frenzy, when girls began tearing their clothes off during Andy Citron’s intro to “Dancing in the Moonlight” (no word on whether Pearson participated), which was followed by a magnificently dangerous pyrotechnics display that went awry, causing the Liquid Room to burn to the ground. Unfortunately, no one was seriously injured. Currently based in Milwaukee, WI, the GLJs have released 5 chart-topping albums, including “48 Hours EP” and “What Do You Think Of That Noise?” all of which have had profound effects on the contemporary music scene. With hit songs such as “48 Hours” and “Middle Of Me” Their music has been featured on MTV’s “The Real World”, American Airlines’ in-flight entertainment, the ABC Family channel, promotional spots for ABC, and On Demand, to name a few. Their single “Middle of Me” was nominated for the LA Music Awards’ Pop Single of the Year, and can be purchased on iTunes and their dazzling website. Beat that Van Allsburg.References
External links
* [http://www.egrps.org/schools/hs/index.html East Grand Rapids High School] (Official Home Page)
* [http://www.schoolmatters.com/app/location/q/stid=23/llid=118/stllid=206/locid=4637/catid=-1/secid=-1/compid=-1/site=pes Standards and Poor's Analysis of EGRHS]
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East Grand Rapids High School Location 2211 Lake Drive SE
East Grand Rapids, MI 49506Information Principal Jenny Fee Assistant Principal Glenn Mitcham Guidance Director Lawrence V. Fisher Athletic Director W. Scott Robertson Enrollment 975 (as of 2005-06)
Type Public Grades 9-12 Campus Suburban Mascot The Pioneer Color(s) Blue & Gold Established 1917 (first graduating class 1925)