Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft

Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft

The Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR, "German Reich Railway") – was the name of the German national railway created from the railways of the individual states of the German Empire following the end of World War I.

It was founded in 1920 as the Deutsche Reichseisenbahnen when the Weimar Republic (formally "Deutsches Reich," hence the usage of "Reich" in the name of the railway) took national control of the German railways, which had previously been run by the German states. In 1924 it was reorganized under the aegis of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft and the operating name of the railway was simplified to Deutsche Reichsbahn. After the "Anschluss" in 1938 the DR also took over the "Bundesbahn Österreich" (BBÖ, Federal Railway of Austria).

In 1949 the newly created German Democratic Republic took over the control of the DR on its territory and continued to use the traditional name "Deutsche Reichsbahn", while the railway in the new Federal Republic of Germany became the "Deutsche Bundesbahn" (DB, German Federal Railway). The Austrian "Österreichische Bundesbahnen" (ÖBB, Austrian Federal Railways) was founded in 1945, and was given its present name in 1947.

1920: Deutsche Reichseisenbahnen

The Deutsche Reichseisenbahnen ("German Reich (Imperial) Railways") were established on 1 April 1920 as a union of the existing state railway companies ("Länderbahnen") of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Württemberg, Baden, Mecklenburg and Oldenburg. The union of the state railway companies became necessary due to the new constitution of the Weimar Republic of 1 August 1919, which placed responsibility for railways with the national government; like the prewar German Empire, it was known as the German Reich. The state railways that merged were the:

* Prussian state railways, including the former Grand Duchy of Hesse State Railways
* Royal Bavarian State Railways, including the former Palatinate Railway
* Royal Saxon State Railways
* Royal Württemberg State Railways
* Grand Duchy of Baden State Railways
* Grand Duchy of Oldenburg State Railways
* Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg Friedrich-Franz Railway

1924: Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG)

Among the provisions of the 1924 Dawes Plan was a plan to utilize the state railway completely for the payment of war reparations. Following the plan's publication, on 12 February 1924 the Reich government announced the creation of the Deutsche Reichsbahn ("German Reich Railway") as a state enterprise under the Reich Ministry of Transportation "(Reichsverkehrsministerium)". As this was not enough to satisfy the reparations creditors, on 30 August 1924 a law was enacted providing for the establishment of a state owned Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) (German Reich Railway Company) as a holding company to operate the national railways. The aim was to earn profits which, in accordance with the Dawes Plan, were to be used to contribute to Germany's war reparations. These terms were later amended in the Young Plan. In total, about 3.87 billion "Goldmarks" was paid in reparations to the Allied powers.

The beginning of the DRG was characterised by the acquisition of new rolling stock built to standard types, such as the standard steam locomotives ("Einheitsdampflokomotiven"). The stock already in use was inherited from the various state railways and comprised a great number of designs, many of them quite old. In the latter part of the 1930s, high speed trains like the "Flying Hamburger" and streamlined steam engines with matching cars were developed. The Class 05 streamlined express engine reached a speed of 200.4 km/h. Before the Second World War the most important rail lines ran from east to west. The most modern high speed lines were the Prussian Ostbahn which ran through the Polish corridor, the line from Berlin to Hamburg on which high speed diesel trains ran, the line from Hannover to the Ruhr, the line from Frankfurt am Main to southwest Germany , and the line from Berlin to Breslau (Wrocław)

1937: DRG becomes DRB

During the Nazi dictatorship, along with other measures of gaining total control (see "Gleichschaltung"), the rail network was again placed under direct government control on 10 February 1937, through a newly enacted law re-organizing the Reichsbank and DRG. To emphasize this, swastikas were added to the "Hoheitsadler" symbol (the eagle, Germany's traditional symbols of national sovereignty) on the railcars, and the initials DR were held to stand for "Deutsches Reich," although this was legally ambiguousFact|date=August 2007. Mail transport cars sported "Deutsche Reichspost".

1938: Absorption of the Austrian Railways

On 18 March 1938, following the annexation of Austria, the Bundesbahn Österreich (BBÖ, Federal Railway of Austria) was integrated into the "Deutsche Reichsbahn". On 27 April 1945, the Austrian railways became independent again as the Austrian State Railway (Österreichische Staatseisenbahn or ÖStB). On 5 August 1947 the Austrian railroad was renamed Austrian Federal Railways (Österreichische Bundesbahnen or ÖBB).

1939-1945: The "Reichsbahn" in the Second World War and the Holocaust

During World War II, the "Reichsbahn" was an essential component of German military logistics, providing essential transportation services for the Reich throughout the occupied lands of Europe. In addition, the "Reichsbahn"'s participation was crucial to the effective implementation of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" "(Endlösung der Judenfrage)". The "Reichsbahn" was paid to transport Jews and other victims of the Holocaust from thousands of towns and cities throughout Europe to meet their death in the Nazi concentration camp system.

The following is an excerpt from the testimony of Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg:

"The "Reichsbahn" [the German state railway] was ready to ship in principle any cargo in return for payment. And therefore, the basic keyprice controlled keywas that Jews were going to be shipped to Treblinka, were going to be shipped to Auschwitz, Sobiborso long as the railroads were paid by the track kilometer, so many pfennigs per mile. The rate was the same throughout the war. With children under ten going at half-fare and children under four going free. Payment had to be made for only one way. The guards of course had to have return fare paid for them because there were going back to their place of origin..." [cite book | last = Lanzmann | first = Claude | authorlink = Claude Lanzmann | title = Shoah: The Complete Text of the Acclaimed Holocaust Film | publisher = Da Capo Press | date = 1995 | location = New York | isbn = 0306806657]

Beginning in November 2007, a museum train, the "Train of Commemoration" "(Zug der Erinnerung)", began a 3000 km tour of Germany as a rolling memorial to the thousands of youth and children who were deported from all over Europe, many via the "Reichsbahn", to the camps. A certain amount of controversy has surrounded the train's tour through Germany, in part because of the apparent lack of cooperation on the part of "Deutsche Bahn AG" (DB AG) concerning such matters as compensation for the use of the DB AG's right of way (during the tour) and the stationing of the train, during its visit to Berlin, at the "Ostbahnhof" station instead of the more centrally located "Hauptbahnhof" main railway station. The tour is scheduled to end on 8 May 2008 when the train will arrive at Auschwitz. [cite web | title = 'Train of Commemoration' Travels Through Germany | publisher = Zug der Erinnerung e.V. | url = | format = html | accessdate = 2008-04-14]

1945-1949: Dissolution of the "Reichsbahn"

With the end of the war in May 1945, operational control of the "Reichsbahn" was transferred to the respective zones of occupation. The "Reichsbahn" legally existed in four parts until 1949. In the three western zones (the eventual Federal Republic of Germany), the railway system was reunified on 7 September 1949 and renamed "Deutsche Bundesbahn" (DB - German Federal Railways). In the Soviet zone, which became the German Democratic Republic on 7 October 1949, the railway system retained the name "Deutsche Reichsbahn", despite the connotations of the word "Reich"; this was due to the designation of the "Reichsbahn" in postwar treaties and military protocols as the railway operator in West Berlin, a role it retained until the creation of the unified and privatized DB AG at the beginning of 1994.


* Roland Beier, Hans Sternhart: "Deutsche Reichsbahn in Österreich 1938 - 1945 (-1953)". Internationales Archiv für Lokomotivgeschichte, Band 14, Slezak, Wien, 1999, ISBN 3-85416-186-7
* Alfred C. Mierzejewski: "The most valuable asset of the Reich. A history of the German National Railway."
** Vol 1: 1920-1932, Chapel Hill und London, The University of North Carolina Press 1999
** Vol 2: 1933-1945, Chapel Hill und London, The University of North Carolina Press 2000
* Lothar Gall und Manfred Pohl: "Die Eisenbahn in Deutschland. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart." Verlag C. H. Beck, München, 1999


"Note that the following sites are in German"
* [ Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches] (Artikel die Eisenbahnen betreffend)
* [ Gesetz betreffend den Staatsvertrag über den Übergang der Staatseisenbahnen auf das Reich]
* [ Verordnung über die Schaffung eines Unternehmens "Deutsche Reichsbahn"]
* [ Gesetz über die Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft]
* [ Satzung der Deutschen Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft]
* [ Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Verhältnisse der Reichsbank und der Deutschen Reichsbahn]

ee also

* Transportation in Germany
* Rail transport in Germany
* German steam locomotive classification
* DRG locomotive classification
* DRG locomotive types
* List of DRG locomotives and railbuses
* Deutsche Reichsbahn service ranks
* Shoah (film)

External links

* [ Info in German]

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