Suren Arakelov

Suren Arakelov

Suren Yurievich Arakelov (Russian:Сурен Юрьевич Аракелов) (born October 16, 1947 in Kharkov) is a mathematician, best known for the influential theory that bears his name. Arakelov theory was exploited by Paul Vojta to give a new proof of the Mordell conjecture and by Gerd Faltings in his proof of Lang's generalization of the Mordell conjecture.From 1965 onwards he attended the Mathematics department of Moscow State University, where he graduated in 1971. He obtained his "candidate of science" title in 1974 at the Steklov Institute in Moscow, under the supervision of Igor Shafarevich. He then worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas in Moscow until 1979, when he developed schizophrenia, and had to abandon scientific research. As of 2002 he was living in Moscow with his wife and their two children. Some of his mathematician friends were still keeping in touch with him.

Mathematical articles

*S. J. Arakelov, "Families of algebraic curves with fixed degeneracies", Mathematics of the USSR - Izvestiya, 1971, 5 (6), 1277-1302 [] .
*S. J. Arakelov "Intersection theory of divisors on an arithmetic surface", Mathematics of the USSR - Izvestiya, 1974, 8 (6), 1167-1180 [] .

External links and references

* [| This page] contains a message from his brother Andrei and another from Yuri Manin, who provide information about his life and work.
* Serge Lang, "Introduction to Arakelov Theory" 1988, Springer (ISBN 0387967931)

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