- Bovingdon stack
The Bovingdon stack is a section of airspace to the north west of
London where inbound planes toLondon Heathrow Airport , which is 20mile s (30 km) to the south, are held. It is a busy example of a hold. It extends above the village ofBovingdon and the town ofChesham , and requires the VOR navigational beacon BNN which is situated on the former RAF airfield at Bovingdon. At busy times on a clear day a dozen planes may be seen circling overhead. Other holding patterns serving Heathrow are atBiggin Hill , Kent (BIG - SE Arrivals),Lambourne , Essex (LAM - NE Arrivals) and Ockham, Surrey (OCK - SW Arrivals), where inbound aircraft will normally use the pattern closest to their arrival route. They can be visualised as invisible helter skelters in the sky.The stack descends in 1000ft (300m) intervals from 13,000ft (4km) down to 7000ft (2100m).
December 1 ,2003 , at 6 am, a major disaster in the stack was narrowly avoided. Anair traffic control ler was blamed by a later enquiry for misdirecting traffic when he ordered aUnited Airlines Boeing 777 into a level of the Bovingdon Hold (or stack) already occupied by a similarBritish Airways plane. The two planes, carrying 500 passengers, flew within 600 vertical feet of each other.ee also
TCAS External links
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=bovingdon&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.095668,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=51.73766,-0.53009&spn=0.094823,0.233459&z=12&om=1 Bovingdon on Google Map]
* [http://www.iasa.com.au/folders/Safety_Issues/RiskManagement/near_collision.html International Aviation Safety Association (IASA)] Description of the near miss on 1 December 2003
* [http://avsim.com/atco/dayinthelife.htm A real life transcript of air traffic control in the area]
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