clone()actslikeaconstructor. Typicallyitcallstheclone()methodofitssuperclasstoobtainthecopy, etc. untiliteventuallyreachesObject'sclone()method. ThespecialJavadoc:SE|name=clone()|java/lang|Object|clone() methodinthebaseclassObjectprovidesastandardmechanismforduplicatingobjects.
TheclassJavadoc:SE|java/lang|Object'sclone()methodcreatesandreturnsacopyoftheobject, withthesameclassandwithallthefieldshavingthesamevalues. However, clone()throwsaJavadoc:SE|java/lang|CloneNotSupportedExceptionunlesstheclassyouaretryingtouseitonimplementsthemarkerinterfaceJavadoc:SE|java/lang|Cloneable.
clone (Java method) — clone() is a method in the Java programming language for object duplication. In Java, objects are manipulated through reference variables, and there is no operator for copying an object the assignment operator duplicates the reference, not the… … Wikipedia
Clone — Contents 1 Biological 2 Computing 3 Entertainment 3.1 Music … Wikipedia
Clone (function) — The clone() function may be: * clone (Linux system call), in C, relating to multithreading * clone (Java method), in Java, used for object duplicationee also* Clone … Wikipedia
Java — Иное название этого понятия «Ява»; см. также другие значения. Не следует путать с JavaScript. Java Класс языка … Википедия
Java syntax — The syntax of the Java programming language is a set of rules that defines how a Java program is written and interpreted. Data structuresAlthough the language has special syntax for them, arrays and strings are not primitive types: they are… … Wikipedia
Java performance — Programs written in Java have had a reputation for being slower and requiring more memory than those written in natively compiled languages such as C or C++ (see e.g. [cite web url= java is slow.htm title=Why… … Wikipedia
Язык программирования Java — Java Класс языка: объектно ориентированный, структурный, императивный Появился в: 1995 г. Автор(ы): Sun Microsystems Последняя версия: Java Standard Edition 6 (1.6.14) Т … Википедия
Comparison of Java and C++ — Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions Arrays Associative arrays String operations … Wikipedia
Template method pattern — [ LePUS3 ( [ legend] ) ] In software engineering, the template method pattern is a design pattern.It is a so called behavioral pattern, and is unrelated to C++ templates.IntroductionIn a template pattern,… … Wikipedia
Object copy — An object copy is an action in computing where a data object has its attributes copied to another object of the same data type. An object is a composite data type in object oriented programming languages. The copying of data is one of the most… … Wikipedia