Clone (function)

Clone (function)

The clone() function may be:
* clone (Linux system call), in C, relating to multithreading
* clone (Java method), in Java, used for object duplication

ee also

* Clone

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  • Clone (Java method) — clone() is a method in the Java programming language for object duplication.Since objects in Java are manipulated through reference variables, there is no direct way to copy an object. (We would be trying to duplicate the reference variable… …   Wikipedia

  • clone (Java method) — clone() is a method in the Java programming language for object duplication. In Java, objects are manipulated through reference variables, and there is no operator for copying an object the assignment operator duplicates the reference, not the… …   Wikipedia

  • clone (Linux system call) — clone() is a system call on the Linux kernel related to multithreading. In practice, one should try to avoid calling clone() directly, but instead use a threading library (such as pthreads) which use clone() when starting a thread (such as during …   Wikipedia

  • Clone (TV series) — Clone Format Comedy Starring Jonathan Pryce Mark Gatiss Stuart McLoughlin Fiona Glascott Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Clone (Linux system call) — clone() is a system call on the Linux kernel related to multithreading.The syntax for calling clone under a Linux program is: #include int clone (int (*fn) (void *), void *child stack, int flags, void *arg);clone creates a new thread that starts… …   Wikipedia

  • clone — ☆ clone [klōn ] n. [< Gr klōn, a twig < klan, to break: see CLASTIC] 1. Biol. all the descendants derived asexually from a single individual, as by cuttings, bulbs, etc. or by fission, parthenogenesis, etc. 2. an individual produced by… …   English World dictionary

  • Clone (algebra) — In universal algebra, a clone is a set C of operations on a set A such that C contains all the projections πkn: An → A, defined by πkn(x1, …,xn) = xk, C is closed under (finitary multiple) composition (or superposition [1]): if f, g1, …, gm are… …   Wikipedia

  • clone — clonal, adj. clonally, adv. cloner, n. /klohn/, n., v., cloned, cloning. n. 1. Biol. a. a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived. b. a population of id …   Universalium

  • clone — [[t]kloʊn[/t]] n. v. cloned, clon•ing 1) bio a) a cell, cell product, or organism genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was asexually derived b) a population of identical units, cells, or individuals derived asexually from …   From formal English to slang

  • clone — /kloʊn / (say klohn) verb (t) (cloned, cloning) 1. to bring about the asexual reproduction of (an individual), as by implanting the nucleus of a body cell from a donor individual into an egg cell from which the nucleus has been removed, and… …  

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