Rob Frieden

Rob Frieden

Rob Frieden holds the Pioneers Chair and serves as Professor of Telecommunications at Penn State University. Frieden holds a B.A., with distinction, from the University of Pennsylvania (1977) and a J.D. from the University of Virginia (1980).

Before accepting an academic appointment, Frieden practiced law in Washington, D.C., and served as Assistant General Counsel at PTAT Systems, Inc. where he handled corporate, transactional and regulatory issues for the nation's first private undersea fiber optic cable company. He continues to provide legal, management and market forecasting consultancy services. [cite web | url = | title = Speaker Biography, What Rules for IP-enabled NGNs? | work = Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU | date = 23-24 March 2006 | accessdate = 2007-04-21 ]

He has held senior policy making positions in international telecommunications at the United States Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Frieden is listed in a number of Who's Who publications including "Who's Who in American Law".Fact|date=April 2007


Frieden has written several books, "Managing Internet-Driven Change in International Telecommunications" and "The Cable and Satellite Television Industries" co-authored with Patrick Parsons and awarded the 1999 Cable Book Award. Additionally Professor Frieden updates a major communications treatise: "All About Cable" (Law Journal Press).

Journal articles

Frieden has published over forty articles in academic journals. Notable examples include "Network Neutrality or Bias?—Handicapping the Odds for a Tiered and Branded Internet," 29 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law, No. 2 171-216 (2007), "Revenge of the Bellheads: How the Netheads Lost Control of the Internet," 26 Telecommunications Policy, No. 6, 125-144 (Sep./Oct. 2002) and "Dialing for Dollars: Will the FCC Regulate Internet Telephony," 23 Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal, 47-79 (1997).

Additionally Frieden has provided commentary in a variety of media including BusinessWeek, The Christian Science Monitor, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the News Hour with Jim Lehrer.

Other publications

Frieden also has presented papers and moderated sessions in numerous forums throughout the world.

Before accepting an academic appointment, Professor Frieden provided a broad range of business development, strategic planning, policy analysis and regulatory functions for the IRIDIUM mobile satellite venture.

He received a Deans' Excellence Award from the College of Communications of Penn State in 2004. [ [ Penn State Live - Faculty/Staff News of Record: Awards April 22, 2004] ]

External links

* [ Selected papers and works in progress]
* [ Professor Frieden's web page at Penn State]
* [ Professor Frieden's Blog]
* [ Appearance on the PBS program News Hour with Jim Lehrer.]
* [ Thomson West - Zuckman, Corn-Revere, Frieden, and Kennedy's Modern Communications Law (Practitioner Treatise Series)]


* [ Journal of Information Law and Technology, Review of Rob Frieden International Telecommunications Handbook Artech House Inc, Boston, 1996, by Colin Scott, (London School of Economics and Political Science)]
* [ Penn State Experts - Rob M. Frieden J.D.]

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