- MegaScience
MegaScience is a 2000sFact|date=April 2007
Science Channel documentarytelevision series about scientific topics.Episodes
(in alphabetical order; there may be more)
# "Black Aircraft": In a few years of bewildering aeronautical innovation, we have gone from flimsy flying machines to the awesome speed and power of the
SR-71 Blackbird . Explore black aircraft and the hidden secret of the mysteriousU.S. spy plane .
# "Born To Be Bad": To most people,evil acts are brutal, cold-blooded and mind baffling. Find out what drives human beings to commit heinouscrime s likerape andmurder . Are they products of their environment, or are select individuals simply born to be bad?
# "Cosmic Storm s": A storm is coming causing wild fluctuations in the earth'smagnetic field . The cataclysm mangles radio and television signals and kills all phone and power lines plunging millions into blackouts.
# "Cybermind": Peer into thefuture as scientists begin to unlock the key to technological mastery in the 21st century, when machines will be controlled by the mind alone. As computer chips and brain cells merge, the consequences of thinking may be drastic.
# "Fast Frozen Future": People are always complaining about theweather ; seems like it's always too hot or too cold. Find out what would happen if Earth's temperature really took a dramatic turn. The slightest change could transform the entire planet.
# "Firefighting ": Firefighters escape not only the mighty flame, but also scorching third degree burns while saving millions of lives. Scrutinize fire's violent moods and its sheer power. Journey to find this new insight in the lab, in the field, and invirtual reality .
# "Ghosthunter s" (2002): Do you believe inghost s? To those who claim to have seen them, there's no question ghosts are alive and active in our everyday lives. Others flat out deny their very existence. Now scientists say there may be an alternative explanation. Scientists offer an alternative explanation for the supposed existence of ghosts. Featured topics:electromagnetism ,David S. Bell (an alleged ghost inBell House inGeorgia, USA ),haunted house ,magnetometer ,pulsed magnetic field , "Fred" (an alleged ghost in the Hopwood residence),electromagntic hypersensitivity ,Charleton House inEngland ,infrared camera ,night vision ,movement detector ,Geiger counter ,granite ,piezoelectricity ,telekinesis (mind-matter interaction ),electrostatic field ,Stonehenge , andfault line . Interviews with paranormal experiencersRobyn Griffin ,Sue Hopgood , andPaul Hopgood , and parapsychologistsWilliam Roll ,Dean Radin , andAlbert Budden , and physicistJohn Hutchinson .
# "Into theMicroworld ": We are not alone. Even in our most lonesome hour, tiny eyes are watching us. Creatures of the microworld can be found in the air we breathe, the food we eat and even inside our bodies.
# "Invaders": Alien creatures are on the loose all over the planet and it's going to take a whole lot of time, effort and scientific expertise to stop them. Animals found outside of their native habitat, otherwise known as invaders are wreaking havoc worldwide.
# "Mosquito Wars": They kill millions each year, defying chemicals and defeating drugs. With the rise ofglobal warming and ongoing battles withmalaria ,Dengue fever andWest Nile virus , can scientists use biology to turn deadly mosquitoes into flying vaccinators?
# "Planet's Time Bombs": The Earth's deadliestvolcano es continue to brew beneath our very feet just waiting to erupt. With more than five hundred million lives at risk, examine the preparations underway to combat one of the deadliest killers.
# "Return of the Plagues": Today, newepidemic s pose the worst threat in 50 years. Victory in the war againstinfectious disease may have been declared too soon. Uncover the secrets kept hidden in laboratories.
# "Spies are Us": Ever wanted to live the life of 007? Hop onboard as we explore a new generation of spy plane. Weighing in at just one and a half ounces, this hi-tech wonder carries a miniature video camera and transmitter to record voices and enemy secrets.
# "Super Humans": In just a tiny fraction of the Earth's existence,human s have become the most successful species on the planet. Because of our unique ability to adapt, we can survive almost anywhere. But thisgeneration may be the last to adapt naturally.
# "Survival In The Deep": TheMariana Trench is the deepest, darkest, most mysterious spot on the planet. Get the latest on deep-sea research and find out howocean s play a critical role in the delicate balance of the planet's vital signs.
# "Talk To The Animals": Sure we talk atanimal s. But will we ever find a way to really talk to them? See how animals communicate in startling detail with one another and how they are able to understand humanlanguage through specialized training.
# "Time Travel ": Is science about to makeStar Trek a reality? What was once viewed as fantasy is now bringing mankind closer than ever to breaking the barriers of time. Discover the theories of time travel.
# "UltimateThrill Ride s": People love to be terrified. Meet the people who design these wild rides, and find out what it takes to build a killer thrill. Discover cutting edge design technology that takes the mind and the body for a ride.
# "War 2020": What will war entail in the 21st Century? While some foresee an escalation in superweapon s, others prepare for deviant computer super hackers. Find out whymind control may be the most threatening weapon of all.
# "What Do Animals Feel?": Arefree-range chickens really happier? Do cows that like their handlers give more milk? People usually refer to theanimal kingdom as a separate world, but recent studies show that critters may haveemotion s just like humans.Links
* [http://science.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=48.13969.87190.17617.x The Science Channel - MegaScience schedule]
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