1645 in art

1645 in art


* (unknown)


* Claude Lorrain painted "Landscape with Apollo and Mercury" ("see image").


* Gian Antonio Fumiani, Italian painter of the Baroque period (d. 1710)
* François de Troy, French painter, father of Jean-François de Troy (d. 1730)
* Aert de Gelder - Dutch artist to paint in the tradition of Rembrandt's late style (d. 1727)
* Romeyn de Hooghe - late Dutch Baroque engraver and caricaturist (d. 1708)
* Giuseppe Avanzi, Italian painter of the Baroque period (d. 1718)
* Giulio Giacinto Avellino - Italian painter of the Baroque period (died 1700)
* Carlo Girolamo Bersotti - Italian painter of the Baroque period, specialized in painting still lifes (d. 1700)
* Andrea Lanzani - Italian painter for the Habsburg court (d. 1712)
* Urbano Romanelli - Italian painter in Rome and in churches at Velletri (d. 1682)
* Sebastiano Taricco - Italian painter of the Baroque period (d. 1710)


* Giovanni Bernardino Azzolini or Mazzolini or Asoleni, Italian painter (born 1572)
* Hans Bollongier - still life Dutch painter (b. 1600)
* Luciano Borzone - Italian painter of the Baroque period with an antique style (b. 1590)
* Paolo Domenico Finoglia - Italian painter of the early-Baroque period (b. 1590)
* Sebastiano Ghezzi - Italian painter and architect (b. 1580)

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