1710 in art

1710 in art






* March 8 - Gaetano Majorano, Italian castrato and opera singer (d. 1783)
* May 8 - Peter Anton von Verschaffelt, Flemish sculptor and architect (d. 1793)
* August 27 - Giuseppe Vasi, Italian artist (d. 1782)
* September 3 - Abraham Trembley, Swiss naturalist and zoological artist (d. 1784)
* Georg Franz Ebenhech, German sculptor (d. 1757)
* Count Augustin Ehrensvärd, Swedish military architect and painter (d. 1772)
* Carlo Ferdinando Landolfi, luthier active in Milan, Italy (d. 1784)
* François Gaspard Adam, French rococo sculptor (d. 1781)
* Johann August Nahl, German sculptor and stucco artist (d. 1781)
* Yi Insang - Korean painter and government officer in the late Joseon period (d. 1760)
* Michele Marieschi - Italian painter of landscapes or vistas (a "vedutisti") (d. 1743)
* Francesco Toschi - Italian veduta painter (d. 1780)
* Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain - French sculptor in the neoclassical style (d. 1795)


* Gian Antonio Fumiani, Italian painter of the Baroque period (b. 1645)
* Margherita Caffi - Italian woman painter of Still lifes of flowers and fruit (b. 1650)
* Anna Maria Thelott - Swedish engraver, illustrator, woodcut-artist, and miniaturist painter (b. 1683)
* Sebastiano Taricco - Italian painter of the Baroque period (b. 1645)
* Giovanni Francesco Venturini - Italian painter and engraver (b. 1650)

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