1712 in art

1712 in art


* "The Seven Sacraments" by Giuseppe Maria Crespi.


* October 5 - Francesco Guardi, painter of veduta (d. 1793)
* December 11 - Francesco Algarotti, Italian philosopher and art critic (d. 1764)
* Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich, German painter (d. 1774)
* Toriyama Sekien - scholar and "ukiyo-e" artist of Japanese folklore (d. 1788)
* Arthur Devis - English portrait painter, particularly known for his conversation pieces and other such small portraits (d. 1787)


* September 12 - Jan van der Heyden, Dutch painter (born 1637)
* Andrea Celesti, Venetian painter (born 1637)
* Michelangelo Palloni, Italian painter (born 1637)
* Pietro Dandini - Italian painter of the Baroque period active in Florence (b. 1646)
* Giovanni Batista Draghi - Italian painter of the Baroque period (b. 1657)
* Andrea Lanzani - Italian painter for the Habsburg court (b. 1645)
* Francesco Monti - Italian painter of battle scenes (b. 1646)

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