

Thranduil is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is a supporting character in "The Hobbit", and is referenced briefly in "The Lord of the Rings", "The Silmarillion" and "Unfinished Tales".

In literature

Thranduil first appears in "The Hobbit" as the Elvenking, when Bilbo and the Dwarves enter his relm in the northern part of Mirkwood. The Dwarves are captured by Thranduil's guards and locked in his dungeons when they refuse to divulge their intentions. The Dwarves were rescused by Bilbo, who had remained in hiding with his use of a magic ring.

After the death of the Dragon (Middle-earth) Smaug, Thranduil along with people of Lake Town demanded a share of the treasure of Erebor. War with the Dwarves was averted by the arrival of an Orc army and the ensuing battle.

The appendices to "The Return of the King" note that Legolas and the Silvan Elves later worked together with Gimli and the Dwarves to rebuild and improve Minas Tirith, capital city of Gondor, the realm of their mutual friend Aragorn. The last time Thranduil was mentioned was soon after Sauron's final defeat.


In the 1977 animated version of "The Hobbit", Thranduil is voiced by Otto Preminger.

He is one of the playable Elven heroes in "" real-time strategy game.


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