

In Greek mythology Ormenus or Ormenos is the name of eight men.

1. Ormenus one of the Telchines.

2. Ormenus, a Trojan warrior killed by Polypoetes during the Trojan War.[1]

3. Ormenus, son of Cercaphus, and father of Amyntor and Evaemon.[2]

4. Ormenus, a Trojan warrior killed by Teucer.[3]

5 Ormenus, father of Ctesius, king of the isle of Syria. Ctesius is the father of Eumaeus.[4]

6. Ormenus, one of the warriors in the army of the Seven Against Thebes. He fell in the fighting.[5]

7 Ormenus, king of Ormenion in Thessaly.[6][7]

8 Ormenus from Zacynthus. He was one of the suitors of Penelope and was killed by Odysseus.


  1. ^ Homer, The Iliad 12.181
  2. ^ Homer, The Iliad, 10.254
  3. ^ Homer, The Iliad, 8.273
  4. ^ Homer, Odyssey, 15.403
  5. ^ Statius, Thebaid, 10.509
  6. ^ Callimachus, Hymns, Hymn to Demeter. 66
  7. ^ Classical E-Text: CALLIMACHUS, HYMNS 4 - 6

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