- Ashuradeh
Ashūradeh (Persian: آشوراده), or Ashur Ada ( _ru. Ашур-Ада), is the only island of the Iranian coast of the
Caspian Sea . Ashuradeh's surface is 800 hectares.It is located on the eastern end of theMiankaleh peninsula in theGolestan province ofIran .The island can be reached via
Bandar Torkaman . Over 40% of Iran's caviar is produced near Ashūradeh Island [ [http://former.president.ir/khatami/eng/cronicnews/1379/7901/790117/790117.htm Caviar in Iran] ]History
Ashuradeh was formerly inhabited by 300 families, but the
village is now deserted. This island was occupied by Russian forces in 1837 despite protests from Persia. [ [http://books.google.co.th/books?id=vceInEkXX74C&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=ashur+ada&source=web&ots=XSSUlfGl7c&sig=X3Ve08JxwENhwcUfwBFKo-hjncY&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result Russian occupation] ] Following the occupation, the Russian Army maintained a military post on the island for a few decades. [ [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0266-6235(1874)44%3C217%3ACSROHJ%3E2.0.CO%3B2-S Colonel Stebnitzky's Report on His Journey in 1872] ]References
* [http://www.iranian.com/GuiveMirfendereski/2005/July/Unveil/index.html Etymology of Ashuradeh Islands]
* [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5561/is_200606/ai_n22700020 Ashuradeh Island Profile]
* [http://angusmcdowall.com/?p=47 Pictures]
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