- List of Zoids
Zoids are fictional mechanical lifeforms, found on the planet Zi. A Zoid is essentially a mechanical animal formed around a techno-organic 'core' (known as a "Zoid Core"), which serves as its heart and mind. The Core is considered to be 'alive', making the Zoid a living creature. Otherwise, its body is an artificial mechanical construct like any othermecha .The Zoids franchise has expanded to include multiple model lines since 1982, five anime series', multiple video game series' and additional supporting material.
List of Zoids
This is a list of all Zoids (and their types) that have been released in the form of a plastic model kit. There have been 16 different Zoids releases since 1982, and over 200 individual designs have been produced.
When Zoids are released outside of Japan, the names are often changed. Where the name of the re-release differs, the alternate names for that Zoid design are placed in parentheses, along with the acronym for the release(s) that those names are used in (See the main
Zoids articles or for a detailed list of releases).Official variations are listed under the name of the Zoid that they are derived from. For more information on the official variants, see the primary Zoid's article.
This list incudes only Zoids released as model kits. It does not include:
* Zoids that featured only in the anime, comics, or video games.
* Limited runs specifically for competition prizes or convention exclusives.
* Fuzor Zoids that have not been released as a single model kit.A
Aggro - Polacanthus Type
*Air Serpant - Amphitere Type
*Aqua Devastator - Lioplourodon Type
*Aquadon (OER, Z2 - Aquazoid) - Frog Type
*Armor Flail - Deodicuras Type
*Arosaurer (TZ - Strikezilla; Z2 - Raptor) - Allosaurus Type
** Arosaurer PKB
*Altersaurus (NAR, Z1 - Ultrasaurus NAC, TX - Lochness ) - Brachiosaurus TypeB
Bamburian - Panda Type
*Barigator (OER - Kroc, RS - Chompz, TZ - Armoured Gator) - Crocodile Type
*Battle Cougar (TZ - Storm Tiger) - Griffin Type
*Battlerover (Zevle - Landgallop) - Ornitholestes Type
*Bear Fighter (OER - Zear, Z2 - Cruncher) - Bear Type
** Bear Fighter Mk II
*Beeshooter - Hornet Type
*Berserk Fury (NAR - Berserk Fury) - Tyrannosaurus Type
** Beserk Fury
** Sturm Fury
*Bigasaur (OAR, OER - Giant Zrk) - Diplodocus Type
*Bio Kentro - Kentrosaurus Type
*Bio Megaraptor - Megaraptor Type
** Bio Megaraptor Glearmd (CMD)
*Bio Ptera - Pteranodon Type
*Bio Raptor - Velociraptor Type
** Bio Raptor Commander Type
** Bio Raptor Glearmd
*Bio Raptor Gui - Microraptor Type
*Bio Tricera - Triceratops Type
*Bio Tyranno - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Bio Volcano - Velociraptor Type
*Black Horn - Styracosaurus Type
*Black Rhimos (OER - Black Rhinos, Z2 - Redhorn) - Rhinoceros Type
** Black Rhimos Mk II
** Hebby (Heavy) Rhimos
** Metal Rhimos
*Blade Hawk - Hawk Type
*Blade Liger - Liger Type
** Blade Liger Black Impact (BI)
** Blade Liger Mirage
** Blade Liger Mirage Infinity
** Blade Liger Forest and Night Fight Version
** Blade Liger Leon
** Blade Liger (NAR)
** Blade Liger (NER)
** HMM Blade Liger
*Blitz Haken - Velociraptor Type
*Blitz Hornet - Hornet Type
*Blitz Shockolade - Velociraptor Type
*Blitz Sworder - Stag Beetle Type
*Brastle Tiger - Tiger Type
*Boldguard - Panoplosaurus Type
*Brachioakete - Brachiosaurus
*Brachios (OER - Dramadon, TZ - Small Battlesaurus (Unreleased), NAR - Brachiosaur) - Brachiosaurus Type
** Brachios Mk II
*Brachiozilla - Brachiosaurus/Tyrannosaurus Type
** Brachio Rex
** Brachio Tortoise
*Brave Jaguar - Jaguar Type
** Brave Jaguar Set
*Buster Eagle - Eagle Type
*Byte Griffon - Griffin TypeC
Cannon Diver - Sea Turtle Type
** Cannon Diver Deep Sea Version
*Cannon Spider - Spider Type
*Cannon Tortoise (OER - Kannon) - Tortoise Type
** Buster Tortoise
*Cannonfort - Buffalo Type
*Chimera Dragon - Dragon Type
*Command Wolf (OER - Zarwolf) - Wolf Type
** Command Wolf Mk II
** Command Wolf AC
** Command Wolf Irvine Custom
** Command Wolf LC
** Command Striker
*Connectes - Centipede Type
*Crabraster - Crab Type
*Crystal Horn - Styracosaurus Type
*Cross Winger - Dragonfly Type
* Cyclops - Monoclonius TypeD
D.A. Lizards - Fuzor Zoid Type
** Shadow Arm Lizards
* Dambuster - Bat Type
*Dark Emperor - Imperial Scorpion Type
*Dark Horn - Styracosaurus Type
*Dark Spiner - Spinosaurus Type
** Killer Spiner
*Deadborder (NAR - Battle Rex (Unreleased)) - Tarbosaurus Type
*Deadbuster - Ladybird Type
*Deadly Kong - Gorilla Type
*Deantler - Chimera Type
*Death Raser - Therizinosaurus Type
** Dekalt Dragon
** Decalto Dragon
*Death Saurer - Tyrannosaurus Type
** Bloody Deathsaurer
** Crystal Deathsaurer
*Death Stinger - Sea Scorpion Type
** Death Stinger ZS
*Deathpion (Zevle - Zagram) - Scorpion Type
*Decalto Dragon - Dragon Type
*Demantis - Mantis Type
*Demonshead - Chimera Type
*Descat - Panther Type
*Diablo Tiger - Tiger Type
** Diablo Tiger Beta
*Dibison - Bison Type
*Diloforce - Dilophosaurus Type
* Dimetrodon (OER, Z2 - Spineback)-Dimetrodon Type
*Dimetroptera - Dimetrodon/Pterosaur Type
*Diploguns - Chimera Type
*Dispellow - Buffalo Type
*Dontress (Zevle - Gigiima) - Mantis Type
*Double Sworder - Beetle Type
*Dragoon Nest - Lobster TypeE
Elephantus (OER - Protozoid) - Elephant Type
*Elephander - Elephant Type
*Energy Liger - Lion Type
** Energy Liger (NJR)
** Energy Falcon (Energy Liger with Jet Falcon)
** Energy Ray (Energy Liger with Gorilla Tron)
** Energy Storm Ligers (Energy Liger with Scissor Storm or Laser Storm )
*Evo Flyer - Microraptor TypeF
Fire Phoenix - Phoenix Type
*Flyscissors - Chimera Type
*Furolesios (OER - Hydrazoid) - ???G
G2 Rex - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Gairyuki - Tyrannosaurus Type
** Gairyuki Shin
** Gairyuki Red
*Gargantulus (OER - Spiderzoid/Tarantulon; RS - Legz; Z2 - Tarantulon) - Spider Type
*Garius (OER - Tyrannozoid) - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Garninaru - Grub Type
* Gator (OER - Spineback; RS - Reptex; NAR - Gatordus) - Dimetrodon Type
*Gekkou - Horseshoe Crab Type Blox Zoid
*Geno Breaker - Tyrannosaurus Type
** Geno Breaker Jet
*Geno Saurer - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Geruder (OER - Zaton; RS - Batlar) - Triceratops Type
*Gilvader - Wyvern Type
** Gildragon
*Girafsworder - Stag Beetle Type
*Glaive Quama - Longisquama Type*
Godkaiser (NAR - Cannon Caesar (Unreleased)) - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Godos (OER - Trooperzoid; RS - Spartak) - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Gojulas (OER, TZ, Z2 - Zoidzilla; RS - Terox) - Tyrannosaurus Type
** Gojulas Mk II
** Gojulas Mk II Limited
** Gojulas Mariner
** Gojulas the Ogre
** LB Gojulas
** LB Gojulas Mk II
*Gojulas Giga - Gigantosaurus Type
** Gojulas Giga PKB
** Proto Gojulas Giga
*Gorem (Zelve - Golgola) - Gorilla Type
*Gordos (OER - Great Gorgon; RS - Gordox; NAR - Gordosaur) - Stegosaurus Type
** Cannoneer Gordos
*Gorgodos (OER - Stegozoid) - Stegosaurus Type
*Gorgolauncher - Gorgosaurus Type
*Gorhecks (OER - Cyberdon; Z2 - Stego; NAR - Gol Hex (Unreleased)) - Stegosaurus Type
** Gorhecks PKB
*Goriate - Snail Type
*Gorilla Tron - Gorilla Type
** Ray Kong
*Grand Molar - Mole Typer
* Grappler - Beetle Type
*Gravity Ptera - Pterodactyl Type
*Gravity Saix - Cheetah Type
*Gravity Saurer - Suchomimus Type
*Gravity Wolf - Wolf Type
*Green Horn - Styracosaurus Type
*Grounchar - Echidna Type
*Gul Tiger - Tiger Type
*Gunbeetle - Beetle Type
** Crystal Gunbeetle
*Gungyarados - Dragon Type
*Gun Sniper - Velociraptor Type
** Gunsniper Naomi Edition (Red)
** Gunsniper black orpheus Sniper Style (boss)
** Gunsniper black orpheus assault style (boas)
** Gunsniper Leena Edition (gatling guns, missile pods, and radar)
*Gun Tiger - Tiger Type
*Gunbluster (NAR - Gunblaster) - Ankylosaurus Type
* Gustav (OER - Red Scavenger) - Insect Type
** Gustav Moonbay Custom (NAR - Gustav)
*Guysak (OER - Scorpozoid; RS - Stang; TZ - Evil Scorpion; NAR - Gusak) - Scorpion Type
*Guysting - Scorpion TypeH
Hammer Beak - Oviraptor Type
*Hammer Dome - Pachychepholosaurus Type
*Hammer Rock (OER - Zore) - Gorilla Type
* Hammer Head (NAR - Sledge Head) - Hammerhead Shark Type
*Hardbear - Bear Type
* Harpers - Spider Type
*Hayate Liger - Liger Type
** Hayate Liger Special Edition (Clear colors)
*Heldigunner (TZ, Z2 - Demon Lizard) - Iguana Type
*Helcat (NAR - Atak Kat) - Panther Type
** Helcat Noir
* Helldiver - Great White Shark Type
*Hidocker (OER - Brotozoid) -
*Hien - Swallow Type Blox Zoid
*Houndsoldier - Shepard Dog Type
*Hover Cargo - Snail Type
*Hurricane Hawk - Hawk Type
*Hypershiinaz -I
Ice Blazer - Doberman Type
*Iguan (OER - Zillon, NAR - Iguanasaur) - Iguanodon Type
*Iron Kong (OER - Gore, RS - Badox) - Gorilla Type
** Iron Kong Mk II
** Iron Kong Mk II Limited
** Iron Kong PK
** Iron Kong Yeti
** LB Iron KongJ
Jet Falcon - Falcon TypeK
* Killer Bee - Paper Wasp Type
*Killerdome - Crab Type
*King Baron - Lion Type
*King Gojulas - Tyrannosaurus Type
*King Liger - Lion Type
*König Wolf - Wolf Type
** König Wolf Mk II
** Heavy Arms König Wolf
*Kyanossa -L
Lanstag - Moose Type
** Lancetag Break
** Lancetag Mass Production Type
*Laserstorm - Chimera Type
*Leoblaze - Lion Type
** Genius Wolf
** Infinity Leo
*Leogator - Lion/Alligator Type
*Leostriker - Lion Type
*Lidier -
*Liger Zero - Liger Type
** Liger Zero Jager
** Liger Zero Panzer
** Liger Zero Schneider
** Liger Zero EM
** Liger Zero X
** Liger Zero Phoenix
** Liger Zero Phoenix (NJR)
** Liger Zero Falcon
** Liger Zero Falcon (NAR)
** Liger Zero Falcon (NJR)
** Liger Zero Holotech (Unreleased)
** Liger Zero Blue Souga
** Liger Zero Red Hiou
*Lightning Saix - Cheetah Type
*Lord Gale - Gargoyle Type
** Saint GaleM
Maccurtis - Crawfish Type
*Madthunder (TZ - Thunder Tri-tops (Unreleased)) - Triceratops Type
*Matrix Dragon - Fuzor Zoid Type
*Malder (OER - Slime, RS - Slithor) - Snail Type
* Mammoth - Mammoth Type
* Marder (OER, Z2 - Hellrunner; RS - Runna) - Ornithomimus Type
*Megatopros - Triceratops Type
*Megeleon (NAR - Chameleor)
*Metalhopper - Cricket Type
*Missile Tortoise
*Molga (OER - Slitherzoid; RS - Kreep; Z2 - Slither) - Caterpillar Type
** Cannonry Molga
** Rorarku Molga
** Crystal Molga
*Mosasledge - Mosasaurus Type
*Mugen Liger - Liger Type
** Holotech Mugen liger
*Murasame Liger - Liger Type
** LB Murasame Liger
** Murasame Liger Knight (Custom)
** Murasame Liger Shinobi (Custom)N
* Neptune (Zelve - Bolodie) - Alligator Type
*Nightwise - Owl TypeO
Omegahorn - Brontotherium Type
*Orudios (TZ - Evil Pegasus) - Pegasus TypeP
Paladin - Ankylosaurus Type
*Parablade - Parasaurolophus Type
*Pegasuros (OER - Cozmozoid) - Bird Type
*Ptera Rayse - Pterosaur Type
*Pteras (OER - Zark; RS - Rado; NAR - Ptera Striker) - Pterosaur TypeR
Raiden - Warthog Type Blox Zoid
*Rainbow Jerk - Peacock Type
** Rainbow Jerk Wind
*Raptojaguar - Velociraptor Type
** Raptojaguar Set
*Raynos - Pteranodon Type
** Holotech Raynos
*Raysaurer - Tyrannosaurus Type
*Rayse Tiger - Tiger Type
** Soul Tiger
*Red Horn (RS - Brutox) - Styracosaurus Type
** LB Redhorn
*Redler (OJR - Reddra; OER - Zolkon; TZ - Dragonfly, Z2 - Redwing) - Dragon Type
** Black Redler
*Rev Rapter (NAR - Rev Raptor) - Velociraptor Type
** Raven Raptor
** Rev Rapter Night Patrol
*Rez Tiger - Tiger Type
*Roadskipper (Zelve - Zeeva0) - Ostrich TypeS
Saberlion - Lion Type
*Sabre Tiger (OER, TZ, Z2 - Zaber; NAR - Zaber Fang) - Tiger Type
** Greatsabre
** Holotech Zaber Fang
*Saicurtis (OER - Scarab) - Beetle Type
* Salamander (OER - Krark; RS - Radox; NAR, NER - Pteramander) - Pterosaur Type
** Salamander F2
** Salamander Bombvern*
Saradin - Armadillo Type
*Sauro Knight - Dinosaur Type
*Savinga - Flying Squirrel Type
*Scissor Storm - Chimera Type
*Sea Panther - Hermit Crab type
* Seismosaurus - Seismosaurus Type
** Ultimate Seismo
* Serpent - Snake Type
*Shadow Fox - Fox Type
** Fire Fox
*Shellkarn - Chimera Type
*Shield Liger (OER - Shield Tiger; TZ, RS - Claw) - Lion Type
** Shield Liger Mk II
** Shield Liger DCS-J
** Shield Liger Commander SP
** Shield Liger Claw
** HMM Shield Liger
** HMM Shield Liger Desert Type
** Holotech Shield Liger
** Desert Shield Liger
*Shotgaroo - Kangaroo Type
*Shotwalker - Spider Type
*Shot Eagle - Eagle Type
* Sinker (OER - Z-Ray; RS - Stunra; NAR - Sea Striker) - Ray Type
*Silver Kong - Gorilla Type
*Skylord - Raven Type
*Snipe Master - Velociraptor Type
** Snipe Master Blue Unicorn
*Soul Tiger - Tiger Type
*Spearwing - Moth Type
*Spine Crusher - Spectral Tiger Type
* Spiker - Mantis Type
*Spino Sapper (NAR - Spino Snapper) - Spinosaurus Type
** Holotech Spino Sapper
*Stealthcutter - Dragonfly Type
*Stealth Viper (OJR - Snakes, OER - Znakes, TZ - Venom Snake (unreleased), NAR - Venomous Viper) - Viper Type
*Stegoganzer - Stegosaurus Type
* Storch - Archeaopteryx Type
*Storm Sworder - Pteranodon Type
** Storm Sworder Jet
*Styluarmour - Chimera TypeT
* Tank -
*Thunder Cannon - Rhinoceros Type
*Transhawk - Hawk Type
*Tsunami - Elasmosaurus Type
*Twinhorn - Mammoth TypeU
Ultimate Seismo - Seismosaurus Type
* Ultrasaurus (TZ - Battlesaurus) - Ultrasaurus Type
* Unenlagia - Unenlagia TypeV
Valkyrie Caesar - Lion Type
*Valkyrie Griffon - Griffin TypeW
Warshark (NAR - Warshark) - Coelacanth Type
** Holotech Warshark
* Water Spider
*Whale King - Whale Type
** Whitz Tiger Imitate
** Rez Tiger
*Whitz Destroyer - Tiger Type
*Whitz Wolf - Wolf Type
** Whitz Tiger
** Sword WolfZ
Zabat - Bat Type
* Zatton (OER - Zunder; RS - Brox) - Dinosaur Type
*Zeekdober (TZ - Doberman (unreleased)) - Doberman TypeSee also
*Unreleased Zoids
*Zoids Customise Parts
*Zoids Remodelling Sets
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