

Neptunium-236 is a radioactive isotope of neptunium with 93 electrons and protons and 143 neutrons. It has a half-life of 154,000 years. It can decay by the following methods -
*Electron capture - here, the decay energy is 0.95 MeV and the decay product is Uranium-236.
*Beta emission - Here, the decay energy is 0.94 MeV and the decay product is Plutonium-236.
*Alpha emission - Here, the decay energy is 5.024 MeV and the decay product is Protactinium-232

This particular isotope of neptunium has a mass of 236.04657 grams/mole. It is a fissile material with a critical mass of 7 kg. It is not found on earth because it is unstable.

ee also

* Isotopes of neptunium

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