Monte Inici

Monte Inici

Monte Inici is a mountain in the comune of Castellammare del Golfo, province of Trapani, Sicily. It stands approximately 1060 m above sea level, a few km south of the Golfo di Castellammare, an indentation of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Monte Inici has been the site of numerous explorations and finds of fossils from the Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous periods.[1].

In the classical age, Monte Inici was the site of the ancient Greek settlement of Inykon[2], not to be confused with the larger town of Inycum (Inykon in Greek) in the southwestern part of Sicily.


  1. ^ Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France; September 2001; v. 172; no. 5; p. 647-659; DOI: 10.2113/172.5.647, see abstract here
  2. ^ Richard Talbert, Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, (ISBN 0-691-03169-X), Map 47, notes.

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