1745 in art

1745 in art






* February 2 - John Nichols (printer), English printer and author (d. 1826)
* May 5 - Carl August Ehrensvärd, Swedish naval officer, painter, author, and neo-classical architect (d. 1800)
* Jens Juel, Danish portrait painter (d. 1802)
* John Russel, English portrait painter (d. 1806)
* Danwon - Korean painter of the late Joseon period (d. 1806)
* Yi Inmun - Korean court painter of the late Joseon Dynasty, primarily of landscapes (d. 1821)
* Franciszek Smuglewicz - Polish draughtsman and painter (d. 1807)
* Uragami Gyokudo - Japanese musician, painter, poet and calligrapher (d. 1820)
* Pyotr Drozhdin - Russian painter (d. 1805)
* Friedrich Ölenhainz - Austrian painter (d. 1804)


* Martin Altomonte, Italian painter of frescoes (b. 1657)
* Jean-Baptiste van Loo, Dutch painter (b. 1684)
* Willem Van der Hagen - Dutch painter who settled in Ireland, founder of the Irish school of landscape painting (b. "unknown")
* Domenico Antonio Vaccaro - Italian painter, sculptor and architect (b. 1678)
* Johan Richter - Italian Baroque painter of landscapes or veduta of Venice (b. 1665)

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