1684 in art

1684 in art


* (unknown)


* (unknown)


* Karl Aigen, German painter (d. 1762), master painter/tutor with Daniel Gran in Vienna.
* Jean-Baptiste van Loo, Dutch painter (d. 1745)
* Antoine Watteau, French painter (d. 1721)
* George Vertue, English engraver and antiquary (d. 1756)
* Marco Benefial, Italian, proto-Neoclassical painter, mainly active in Rome (d. 1764)
* Giovanni Angelo Borroni, Italian painter of the late-Baroque and early-Neoclassic periods (d. 1772)
* Bian Shoumin - Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty (d. 1752)
* Giovanni Angelo Borroni - Italian painter of the late-Baroque and early-Neoclassic periods, active mainly in Milan (d. 1772)
* Odoardo Vicinelli - Italian painter of the late-Baroque period (d. 1755)


* <April 26 - Jan Davidszoon de Heem, Dutch painter (b. 1606)
* Pieter de Hooch, Dutch painter (b. 1629)
* Gerrit Battem - Dutch landscape painter (b. 1636)
* Caspar Netscher, Dutch portrait and genre works painter (b. 1639)
* Jan Wijnants - Dutch painter of the Baroque era (b. 1632)
* Josefa de Óbidos - Spanish-born, Portuguese painter (b. 1630)
* Pietro Paolo Baldini - Italian painter of the Baroque period (b. 1614)
* Giovanni Battista Carlone - Italian painter active mainly in Genoa (b. 1603)

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