- Held group
In the
mathematical field ofgroup theory , the Held group "He" (found byDieter Held (1969)) is one of the 26 sporadicsimple group s, and has order: 210 · 33 · 52 · 73 · 17 : = 4030387200: ≈ 4 · 109.
It can be defined in terms of the generators "a" and "b" and relations:a^2 = b^7 = (ab)^{17} = [a,, b] ^6 = [a,, b^3] ^5 = [a,,babab^{-1}abab] =:ab)^4ab^2ab^{-3}ababab^{-1}ab^3ab^{-2}ab^2 = 1.
It was found by Held during an investigation of simple groups containing an involution whose centralizer is isomorphic to that of an involution in the Mathieu group M24. A second such group is the linear group L5(2). The Held group is the third possibility, and its construction was completed by
John McKay andGraham Higman .The Held group has
Schur multiplier of order 1 andouter automorphism group of order 2.It centralizes an element of order 7 in the
Monster group (but is not asubgroup of any of theConway groups ). As a result the prime 7 plays a special role in the theory of the group; for example, the smallest representation of the Held group over any field is the 50 dimensional representation over the field with 7 elements, and it acts naturally on avertex operator algebra over the field with 7 elements.References
*D. Held "Some simple groups related to M24", in Richard Brauer and Chih-Han Shah, "Theory of Finite Groups: A Symposium", W. A. Benjamin (1969)
*Held, Dieter "The simple groups related to M24" J. Algebra 13 1969 253-296. MathSciNet|id=0249500DOI|10.1016/0021-8693(69)90074-X
*Ryba, A. J. E. "Calculation of the 7-modular characters of the Held group." J. Algebra 117 (1988), no. 1, 240--255. MathSciNet|id=0955602 DOI|10.1016/0021-8693(88)90252-9
* [http://brauer.maths.qmul.ac.uk/Atlas/v3/spor/He/ Atlas of Finite Group Representations: Held group]External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeldGroup.html MathWorld: Held Group]
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