- Projective linear group
mathematics , especially in area ofalgebra calledgroup theory , the projective linear group (also known as the projective general linear group) is one of the fundamental groups of study, part of the so-calledclassical groups . The projective linear group of avector space "V" over a field "F" is thequotient group :PGL("V") = GL("V")/Z("V")where GL("V") is thegeneral linear group on "V" and Z("V") is the subgroup of all nonzero scalar transformations of "V".The projective special linear group is defined analogously::PSL("V") = SL("V")/SZ("V")where SL("V") is the
special linear group over "V" and SZ("V") is the subgroup of scalar transformations with unitdeterminant .Note that the groups Z("V") and SZ("V") are the centers of GL("V") and SL("V") respectively. If "V" is an "n"-dimensional vector space over a field "F" the alternate notations PGL("n", "F") and PSL("n", "F") are also used.
The name comes from
projective geometry , where the projective group acting onhomogeneous coordinates ("x"0:"x"1: … :"x""n") is the underlying group of the geometry (N.B. this is therefore PGL("n" + 1, "F") forprojective space of dimension "n"). Stated differently, the natural action of GL("V") on "V" descends to an action of PGL("V") on the projective space "P"("V").The projective linear groups therefore generalise the case PGL(2,C) of
Möbius transformation s (sometimes called theMöbius group ), which acts on theprojective line .The projective special linear groups PSL("n","Fq") for a
finite field "Fq" are often written as PSL("n","q") or "L""n"("q"). They arefinite simple group s whenever "n" is at least 2, with two exceptions: "L"2(2), which is isomorphic to "S"3, thesymmetric group on 3 letters, and is solvable; and "L"2(3), which is isomorphic to "A"4, thealternating group on 4 letters, and is also solvable.The special linear groups SL("n","q") are thus
quasisimple : perfect central extensions of a simple group (unless n=2 and q=2 or 3).Exceptional isomorphisms
In addition to the isomorphisms:L_2(2) cong S_3 and L_2(3) cong A_4,there are other exceptional isomorphisms between projective special linear groups and alternating groups::L_2(4) cong L_2(5) cong A_5:L_2(9) cong A_6:L_4(2) cong A_8.This does not make these latter projective linear groups solvable: the alternating groups over 5 or more letters are simple.
The associated extensions operatorname{SL}(n,q) o operatorname{PSL}(n,q) are
universal perfect central extension s for A_4,A_5, by uniqueness of the universal perfect central extension;for L_2(9) cong A_6, the associated extension is a perfect central extension, but not universal: there is a 3-fold covering group.Examples
Projective orthogonal group
*Projective unitary group
*Projective special orthogonal group
*Projective special unitary group *
Möbius group , PGL(2,C) = PSL(2,C)
*PSL(2,R) ee also
*Citation | last1=Grove | first1=Larry C. | title=Classical groups and geometric algebra | publisher=
American Mathematical Society | location=Providence, R.I. | series=Graduate Studies in Mathematics | isbn=978-0-8218-2019-3 | id=MathSciNet | id = 1859189 | year=2002 | volume=39
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