Group Analytic Society

Group Analytic Society

The Group-Analytic Society (London) was founded in 1952 by S. H. Foulkes, Jane Abercrombie and Norbert Elias as a learned society to study and promote the development of Group Analysis in both its clinical and applied aspects. The first regular weekly seminars were given by Foulkes in 1952. Members of the Society come from different countries and from many fields and disciplines, including psychology, sociology, medicine, nursing, social work, counselling, education, industry, architecture, anthropology and theology. [citebook|title=Stuart and Sundeen's Mental Health Nursing|publisher= Ben L. Thomas, Sally Hardy, Penny Cutting|year= 1997|publisher=Elsevier Health Sciences| pages=473|id=ISBN 0723425906 |url=]

The following individuals were Founder Members: Dr. James Anthony, Dr Patrick De Mare, the Hon. W. H. R. Iliffe and S. H. Foulkes. They were joined from the beginning by Mrs M. L. J. Abercrombie, Dr Norbert Elias and Miss E. T. Marx. The Society, which has charitable status and is a learned society and non-profit organization, has been holding regular scientific meetings and organizes various workshops, including an annual one in January. A triennial European symposium is held at various European locations. An annual S. H. Foulkes lecture for a wider public has been held in London since 1977; the lectures are published in the journal Group Analysis. [Pines, Malcolm (ed) (2000). "The Evolution of Group Analysis." International Library of Group Analysis, Jessica Kingsley.]


After the Second World War, and after the experiments in treating soldiers by group methods at Northfield Hospital near Birmingham, a circle of colleagues interested in furthering their understanding of groups and how to apply group psychotherapy met regularly with Foulkes.

In 1971, leading members of the Society set up the Institute of Group Analysis, which became responsible for training, including an intensive qualifying course that leads to membership of the Institute. Training activities now take place at various British centres as well as on the Continent of Europe, with strong informal links with the London Institute.

The Society publishes a journal, Group Analysis, published by Sage. Foulkes was the first editor, and he continued to devote much energy to it until 1975, when he handed over the editorial role to an old colleague and co-founder of the Group-Analytic Society, Patrick de Maré. Under Foulkes and de Maré it remained a very informal publication, with a large correspondence section. It has since developed into a more formal academic publication.

A newsletter, Group Analytic Contexts, is directly descended from "Group Analysis International Panel and Correspondence" (GAIPAC) that was first edited by Foulkes in 1967 in order to establish dialogue between a wide international network. It then became the Bulletin of the Group Analytic Society and was edited by Elizabeth Foulkes, the widow of S. H. Foulkes, after his death. She passed on the editorship to Ronald Sandison in 1988. In 1993 Anne Harrow and Sheila Thomson took over the editorship of the society newsletter, now called Group Analytic Contexts. The newsletter provides a forum for shorter and more informal communications between Group Analytic Society members from across the world and is increasingly integrated with the closed e-mail Forum for Society members. Contexts reports on the activities of GAS and the work and opinions of members.

The Society works through a number of sub-committees and provides:

· The Journal: Group Analysis, containing papers, book reviews and international correspondence.

· The International Newsletter: Contexts, with news, reports and correspondence.

· An International Directory of Members: with a contact person for each country.

· A List of MembersPublications Worldwide

· Library Facilities

· Scientific Meetings: held in London.

· The Annual Winter Workshop and Summer Workshop: a four to five day international event.

· The Annual S.H. Foulkes Lecture

· Spring Weekend MeetingStudy Day

· International Activities: a symposium and workshop every three years.

· Affiliation to EGATIN, to the European Association for Transcultural Group Analysis, to the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and to the American Group Psychotherapy Association.

· A variety of Workshops


External links

* [ Group Analytic Society]
* [ Riding the Waves, Along with GAS]
* [ Group Analysis Journal Author Index 1967-1991]
* [ Group Analysis Journal Index 1984-Present]
* III Mediterranean Conference (IAGI & SEPTG)

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