- Algolagnia
Algolagnia (pronEng|ælgəˈlægniə) (from the Greek άλγος, "algos", "pain", and λαγνεία, "lagnia", "lust") is a sexual tendency which is defined by deriving
sexual pleasure and stimulation from physicalpain , particularly involving anerogenous zone .cite book |last=Kelley |first=Kathryn |authorlink=Kathryn Kelley |coauthors= Donn Byrne|title=Alternative Approaches to the Study of Sexual Behavior |year= |pages=13-38 |publisher= |location= |isbn=0898596777 ]Studies conducted indicate differences in how the brains of those with algolagnia interpret nerve input. ]
History of research
Havelock Ellis was one of the first researchers to look into algolagnia, in the early 1900s. [http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/13612 Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 by Havelock Ellis - Project Gutenberg ] ] With such titles as "Analysis of the Sexual Impulse, Love and Pain, The Sexual Impulse in Women" and "The Evolution of Modesty, The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity, Auto-Erotism", he described the basics of the condition.Eugen Kahn ,Smith Ely Jelliffe ,William Alanson White , andHugh Northcote were other early psychological researchers into algolagnia.Most early research placed algolagnia in the same category as
masochistic tendencies and other "deviancies of sexuality", but William Alanson White believed that algolagnia was primarily a motor function or nerve disease.fact|date=December 2007Current research
Currently, most psychological researchers feel that algolagnia is a physical phenomenon in which the brain interprets pain signals as pleasurable leading to psychological effects. cite book |last=Sullivan |first=Harry Stack |authorlink=Harry Stack Sullivan |coauthors= |title=Clinical Studies in Psychiatry |year= 1992 |publisher= W. W. Norton & Company |location= |isbn=0393006883 ] In particular, the research conducted by Dolf Zillmann indicated that:
...most algolagniacs see their actions as an active lust, not a motivational one. Patients with algolagnia could lead normal lives, enjoy normal arousal sequences, and indulge in fairly normal
sexual intercourse , but when exposed to sexual pain, were unable to control their reaction. One woman described it as being unable to prevent her arousal or subsequent orgasm due to pain, even if she was not aroused when it began. cite book |last=Zillmann |first=Dolf |authorlink=Dolf Zillmann |coauthors= |title=Connections Between Sexuality and Aggression |year= 1998 |publisher=Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |location= |isbn= 080581907X ]This, along with other research cite book |last=Bancroft |first=John D.|authorlink=John D. Bancroft |coauthors= |title= Human Sexuality and Its Problems|year=1989|publisher=Elsevier Health Sciences |location= |isbn=0443034559 ] , often links algolagnia to aggression, or hypersexuality, or other control psychoses.
More recently, modern researchers using MRI and computer models of neuron firing patterns show that most algolagniacs experience pain differently from others. Algolagniacs may have DNA errors such as
SCN9A , causing inaccurate nociception to occur. cite book |last=Bloch |first=Iwan |authorlink=Iwan Block |coauthors= |title= The Sexual Life of Our Time: In Its Relations to Modern Civilization|year=2006|publisher=Kessinger Publishing |location= |isbn=1428615431 ]Algolagnia and paraphilia
Algolagnia is not a
paraphilia as defined by conventional medical literature. While many people, especially those unfamiliar with paraphilias (specifically, physicalmasochism ) and algolagnia, tend to conflate the two as equivalent, this is in error. Paraphilias by definition include mental urges where the activity must be the sole means of sexual gratification for a period of six (6) months.Fact|date=December 2007 Whereas in algolagnia typical pleasure responses are still sought while seeking pain for pleasure might be avoided or be an addiction. In the case ofmasochism there is a psychological desire for pain and humiliation which may result in sexual arousal. On the other hand algolagnia is a physiological reaction to pain that doesn't involve desire or psychological aspects directly. In other words a person with algolagnia enjoys the pain but might wish they didn't, and a masochist wishes for the pain but might not actually be wired to enjoy it.ee also
Sadism and masochism
*Mortification of the flesh Resources
External links
* [http://www.psych-resources.com/psychsex3/psychsex3160.html The Psychology of Sex]
* [http://www.psyplexus.com/ellis/35.htm Ellis, on algolagnia]
* [http://books.google.com/books?vid=OCLC08224433&id=gpAzOqCVeI0C&pg=RA3-PA187&lpg=RA3-PA187&dq=Algolagnia A 1900's book on algolagnia]
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