Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (French: "(le) conseil de recherches en sciences humaine en Canada") (SSHRC/CRSH) is a Canadian federal agency which supports university-based training and research and training in the humanities and social sciences. It was formed in 1977.

Intelligent Design Controversy

In 2006 Brian Alters was denied funding for a research project into the negative effects of the intelligent design movement in Canada by the SSHRC. The SSHRC reason for the rejection included the statement that "Nor did the committee consider that there was adequate justification for the assumption in the proposal that the theory of Evolution, and not Intelligent Design theory, was correct." This was reported in "Nature" [ [ Doubts over evolution block funding by Canadian agency] , "Nature"] and by the NCSE [ [ Canadian controversy over funding for research on antievolutionism] ] . Alters spoke about it in an interview that was published in the magazine "Humanist Perspectives" [ [ Humanist Perspectives · issue 157 · Summer 2006] ] . In the same issue of the magazine can be found other contributions regarding this controversy. Since the controversy has never been resolved, "Humanist Perspectives" has continued to follow events through several issues and has now devoted an entire webpage [ [ "The SSHRC and Intelligent Design" · A pdf file of all articles in all issues is available] ] to the affair.

The Skeptical Inquirer published a recent review of the controversy in its Jan./Feb. 2008 issue [ [ "One large defeat for science in Canada" · Gary Bauslaugh, S.I. Jan/Feb 2008] ] .

On April 11, 2006 SSHRC issued its own statement regarding the Alters' incident. It has now been removed from SSHRC's website, but can be found here [ [ April 11, 2006 SSHRC What's New statement] ] .SSHRC acknowledged that the committee statement was poorly formulated but offered no clarification. Brian Alters requested such a clarification, but the request as gone unanswered [ [ Open letter to SSHRC regarding Alters' request for clarification] ] .

ee also

* Canadian government scientific research organizations
* Canadian university scientific research organizations
* Canadian industrial research and development organizations


External links

* [ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada]

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