Toronto goth scene

Toronto goth scene

The Toronto goth scene, the cultural locus of the goth subculture in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the associated music and fashion scene, has distinct origins from goth scenes of other goth subcultural centres, such as the UK or Germany. Originally known as the "freaks", the term "goth" appeared only after 1988, when it was applied to the pre-existent subculture. Distinctive features included internationally recognized gothic and vampiric fashion store 'Siren', a goth-industrial bar named 'Sanctuary: The Vampire Sex Bar', and "Forever Knight", a television series about an 800 year old vampire living in Toronto. In Toronto, the goths did not seek to reject mainstream status, and achieved partial acceptance throughout the mid to late 90's, and in 1998 Toronto was reported to have a higher concentration of goths than any other city in the world. The goth subculture faced public suspicion and the local goth scene declinedAparita Bhandari [ "Aging Goths seek out fresh blood" - cached here] Toronto Star June 21, 2002] after allegedly goth-related acts of violence, the Columbine High School massacrecite web
url =
title = Goth shock
author = Leah Rumack
publisher = "NOW" magazine
date = 1999-04-291999-05-05
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] in particular.


In the UK, where goth rock originated, the term "gothic" or "goth" was used to refer to a subculture and style of music since circa 1982; however, in Toronto the usage of the term "goth" and the identification of a subculture as goth did not occur until years later in 1988, when goth rock was already in the midst of what is often referred to as the 'second generation' or 'second wave'.

Early years: the "freaks"

In Toronto, a subculture called "the freaks" existed prior to 1982 and was a cultural blend of New Romantic, Punk rock, Death punk and Hardcore punk enthusiasts. The term "freak" was a reference to individuals in this scene, and as inclusion had no specific requirements beyond participation in the music scene, it was more diverse than other goth/punk scenes. The "freaks" at this time included fans of specific music genres, and did not exclude people of colour, transgendered individuals, homosexuals, or any others who participated in the Toronto underground music scene.cite web
url =
title = Toronto Gothic History
author = Madame Webb, M.C. and A.L
work = Madamme Webb's Sight
accessdate = 2007-03-30

Some "freaks", notably Death punks and New Romantics, were extremely fashion-conscious, dressing in darker styles modeled on old black-and-white horror films, Morticia Addams, Lily Munster, film noir or ratty New Romantic and glam rock fashions, but maintained a local "freak" identity and a general lack of knowledge of burgeoning UK goth scene. Some thought of these individuals as "pretentious, vacuous, fashion victims." [Miss Lynx in cite web
url =
title = The + Section Speaks
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
work = The goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined
accessdate = 2007-03-31
Outtakes of interview questions from cite book
title = The goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
isbn = 978-0312306960
publisher = St. Martin's Griffin
date = 2004-09-23
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] Although the term "freak" was used generically, many punks disliked being labeled freaks themselves, and considered the term to apply only to others. Some punks used the term "Blitz Kids" when referring to the darker styled New Romantics after 1982.cite web
url =
title = So Goth it Hurts - The Lost Post...
author = Matthew Didie
work = One Old Green Bus
date = 2006-10-23
accessdate = 2007-03-31

Paul Samuels, co-owner of Goth Club 'Savage Garden', Toronto's current longest running goth-bar, reported "we were wearing [pointy] boots, black jeans and tour t-shirts; after that it was the frilly shirts with long sleeves. Then I mashed in make-up and black, backcombed hair with lots of hairspray. We became the freaks of the town."

The word "freak" was not derogatory; those who called themselves "freak" tended to call everyone in this music scene "freak". In this group were the same individuals who would later become known as "the goths" after 1988. However, unlike concurrent goth subcultures elsewhere, many of these "freaks" were primarily fashion-oriented as opposed to identifying as strongly with gothic rock genre of music in particular.

The area between University Avenue and Spadina Avenue on Queen Street West was home to the artistic community for many decades, in part due to the proximity of the Ontario College of Art; however, rent increases in the 80s drove many to move to adjacent neighbourhoods, most notably , which is west of Spadina Avenue on Queen Street West.cite web
url =
title = Toronto - West Queen West
author = Hans Boldt and Sylvana Grisonich-Boldt
work =
date = 2006-08-21
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] Kensington Market also attracted underground or alternative lifestyle individuals, including those who later became the goths. [cite web
url =
title = Toronto: Kensington Market]
author = DK Travel
work = Eyewitness Travel Guides
accessdate = 2007-04-01
] [cite web
url =
title = Toronto - Kensington Market 2006
author = Hans Boldt and Sylvana Grisonich-Boldt
work =
date = 2006-08-21
accessdate = 2007-03-31

Live venues in the Queen Street West area started refusing to take punk bands, "Instead, they demanded progressive acts who were evolving out of punk like beautiful butterflies from ugly cocoons."; "music here was for connoseurs of post-punk new music." says punk rock journalist S. Black.S.Black [ "The Toronto Scene 1977-1987 - Some of the Dives"] Punk History Canada]

Queen Street West was the center of goth revival at the time of the "Queen Street exodus across Spadina."cite book
title = Toronto Colourguide: Fifth Edition
author = Penina Coopersmith (author), Vincenzo Pietropaolo (photographer)
publisher = Formac
date = 2006-05-16
isbn = 978-0887806933
pages = 153
url =,M1
accessdate = 2007-04-01
] The area became known as the "Fashion District" for its textile and upholstery wholesalers, which allowed goths to cheaply experiment with styles.

Emergence of goth beginning 1988

It was 1988 that "Goth" arrived in Toronto. The term "Goth" began to be used to refer to those "freaks" who centered on Gothic fashion and Gothic rock. Elsewhere, merely being a fan of Gothic rock would generally define an individual as a "Goth" [ "Goth"]] , but this was not the case in Toronto, where the idea of being "Gothic" was taken very literally; until the mid 90s, the Goths in Toronto considered Gothic literature, romantic poetry, Gothic fashion and Gothic aesthetics, especially Beauty, to be subcultural requirements as well. Anne Rice, Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, Bram Stoker and other Gothic romanticist authors were extensively read and considered social obligations. A new, darker vampire fashion became the default definition of Torontonian Goth style. [ "Toronto Goth Subculture" - cached] CTV News Toronto - early 90's news report]

The year 1988 also saw the opening of Toronto's first Gothic fashion store, Siren,cite book
title = The Goth Bible
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
publisher = St. Martin's Griffin
year = 2004
pages = 30
isbn = 0312306962
] on and by 1998 it eventually become the "world's oldest shop catering to the combined enthusiasms of the overlapping communities devoted to the gothic and vampire genres."cite book
title = The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
author = J. Gordon Melton
publisher = Visible Ink Press
month = December
year = 1998
isbn = 978-1578590711
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] Groovella Blak, who co-owned Siren with her husband Morpheus Blak, also founded the Gothic Society of Canada (which still exists today as "The Dark Place" [ [ The Dark Place - Society History] ] ). Groovella was Toronto's best known "Goth girl", considered a sort of 'fairy godmother', and at the height of the Toronto vampire craze in mid-90's had her canine teeth filed into fangs.Liisa Ladouceur [ Lords Of The New Church] This Magazine - May 2005] However Icewind, the organizer of The Toronto Vampire Meetup Group, stated that obsession with vampire mythology and fashion is simply part of Goth subculture itself and does not make one a vampire, "they're not what we'd call vampires, they just like the culture."cite web
url =
title = Interview with the vampire
author = Victoria Scrozzo
work = The Eyeopener Online
date = 2006-08-14
accessdate = 2007-10-30

Industrial music became a major additional style popular in the Toronto goth scene; Skinny Puppy a Vancouver based Industrial band inspired an interest in Animal Rights in many "Industrial-goths" in Toronto. On September 3, 1992, a bar named "Sanctuary: The Vampire Sex Bar" opened on Queen Street West, in step with the increasing popularity of vampiric-goth archetypes. Sanctuary originally imposed a gothic dress code to strictly adhere to the gothic fashion aspect of the scene. Sexual activity did not actually occur in the bar. [cite web
url =
title = Toronto: the Good City that would be Bad
author = Nancy Lyon
work = Travel Reviews from Travel Intelligence
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] The book, "Tales From Sanctuary: The Vampire Sex Bar" (1997) documented tales and anecdotes from Toronto's alleged "vampire" scene.cite book
title = Tales From Sanctuary: The Vampire Sex Bar
author = Stephen Andrew Lee (Lance Goth)
publisher = Toronto, Spitfire
year = 1997
accessdate = 2007-03-31
Listed by cite web
url =
title = 1997 Novels, Collections and Anthologies
publisher = Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic
year = 1997
accessdate = 2007-03-31

In the mid-90's Fetish fashion started gaining popularity in the Toronto goth scene, and gradually many individuals soon equated "Fetish" with "Goth". Similarly pop-culture began to heavily influence the Toronto goths: with Marilyn Manson and Betty Page being perceived by the public as "goth", and the movie "The Crow" showcasing gothic aesthetics and goth protagonists, more and more Torontonians became interested in being part of the "goth subculture". Although these new emerging movements did not necessarily share the same outlooks as the earlier goths, nor an interest in the same styles of music and fashion, the scene itself flourished with a new emphasis on sexuality.

By the late 90's, and continuing thereafter, Toronto goths held regular BDSM or goth fetish nights. Costuming was a major aspect of this event. Unlike purist fetishists, goths were more likely to be found laughing or taking turns. Sex and sexuality also played a larger part at goth fetish nights than purist fetishist events. [cite book
title = The Goth Bible
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
publisher = St. Martin's Griffin
year = 2004
pages = 138
isbn = 0312306962

Increasing mainstream influences

"Forever Knight" (19921996) was an internationally-aired television series filmed in and around Toronto about an 800-year-old vampire who becomes a member of the Metropolitan Toronto Police and attempts to regain his humanity. The local references, landmarks and street names intrigued fans as part of a city of vampires. [cite web
url =
title = Forever Knight Filming Locations in Toronto
author = Kristin Harris
work = Forever Knight: Knight Vision
date = 2006-06-232006-07-02
accessdate = 2007-04-01

Torontonian fantasy author, Tanya Huff, wrote a series of supernatural detective novels known as the "Blood Books" between 1991 until present, featuring a fictional historical romance author, Henry Fitzroy, who happens to be a vampire. The series is set in Toronto and uses familiar landmarks. In 2007, this series was adapted for television under the title "Blood Ties" and airs on Lifetime Television.

The vampire novel "The Night Inside" (1994) referred to West Queen West as "a crowd of vampire wanna-bes" with "pale faces, black-lined eyes." [cite book
title = Our Cannibals, Ourselves
author = Priscilla L. Walton
publisher = University of Illinois Press
date = 2004-09-08
isbn = 978-0252029257
pages = 83
url =
accessdate = 2007-04-01
quote = Nancy Baker's 1993 novel "The Night Inside", her vampire-hero, Ardeth, chooses to 'hide' on Toronto's trendy Queen Street West, where she blends in with everyone else's 'pale faces, black-lined eyes' (161). As she puts it, 'What better place to hide could there be than in a crowd of vampire wanna-bes?' (161).
Quote taken from cite book
title = The Night Inside
author = Nancy Baker
publisher = Fawcett Publications
date = 1994-01-03
isbn = 978-0449909041
pages = 161
accessdate = 2007-04-01

In Toronto, the goth subculture became widespread enough that the media referred to it as "pop-culture", [cite web
url =
title = Strange places where evil lurks
author = Leah Rumack
publisher = "NOW" magazine
date = 1999-04-291999-05-05
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] in contrast with the term "cult" that would be applied in later years. In 1998, Johnson Cummins, a music journalist for the Montreal Mirror, reported that Toronto had a higher concentration of goths than anywhere else in the world and that anyone walking down Queen Street could not avoid seeing many of them. At this time, Mitch Kroll, lead singer of the Toronto based goth band Masochistic Religion, became disenchanted with direction of the Toronto scene, calling it shallow, pretentious, primarily concerned with money and glam, and stating that it was no longer goth. Masochistic Religion thereafter relocated to Montreal, Quebec.

chool shootings and decline in popularity

The 1999, a school shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado created a public backlash against local goths and especially gothic youths as some teachers and parents suddenly began to view goth fashion with suspicion and mistrust. Violence of any kind had always been very rare at Toronto goth clubs, and notable figures in the goth community spoke to the media against associating violence with "goth". They insisted that the shooters were not goths, did not listen to goth music, and that goths were non-violent and pacifistic. Certain elements of the media, notably the local entertainment and culture media, also defended goths. "Eye Weekly" columnist Donna Lypchuk wrote, "I've been laughing for the past two weeks as talking heads blame the goth subculture for the killings in Colorado. The mainstream goth movement, which has been around for at least 25 years, is not secret enough to be a subversive society." [cite web
url =
title = Necrofile - You and me against the world
author = Donna Lypchuk
work = Eye Weekly
date = 1999-05-06
accessdate = 2007-03-31
] Five months later a report from authorities in Colorado confirmed that the shooting was not related to goth subculture, and stated that the shooters held goth music in "contempt". [ Columbine retrospective] ]

The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance researched the subculture and published a report with the conclusion that goths are non-violent, pacifistic, passive and tolerant of others, and that many in the media had incorrectly associated the goth subculture with violence, hatred of minorities, white supremacy, etc. They found that the goth ideology is actually based on recognition, identification and grief over societal and personal evils that the mainstream culture wished to ignore or forget, these being the prevalent themes in goth music.cite web
url =
title = The Goth culture: its history, practices, stereotypes, religious connections, etc
author = B.A. Robinson
publisher = Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
date = 2006-09-23
accessdate = 2007-03-31

Regardless of the fact that the Columbine Shooting was not related to goth subculture, the Toronto goth scene began to decline. Goth bars closed, and goth culture-oriented businesses shut down, including Siren and Sanctuary, which was the longest-running gothic bar as well as the first industrial club in Canada. [ [ club-history Sanctuary] ] By mid 2001 goth music was no longer in significant demand in Toronto, and consequently night clubs had generally stopped playing it. [Jeckyl/Hyde [ The Savage Garden Of Good and Evil (July 29th 2001)]] Clinging to the idea that the goth subculture was not dying but merely changing, in 2002, local goths tried to revitalize the community by holding events keyed towards introducing older goths to the younger generation. In 2003 it was reported that where other cities had lost their base of goth and industrial fans, Toronto's scene was holding on, or even growingSandee Rager [ Sublime City: Toronto's Dark Renaissance] MarsDust Music] ; By 2004 it was reported that local interest in goth rock was stagnant, and some DJ's advocated a shift towards a Cyber Trance or cybergoth music. [cite book
title = The Goth Bible
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
publisher = St. Martin's Griffin
year = 2004
pages = 274-275
isbn = 0312306962
] . By late 2005, one media outlet was predicting the downfall of the goth scene in Toronto, stating goth had "returned to its sociopathic roots" and advising readers to "bask in the nostalgia while it lasts."cite web
url =
title = Pale by comparison
author = Marc Weisblott
publisher = Paved Word Press
date = 2005-11-15
accessdate = 2007-10-30
] After the Dawson College shooting on September 13, 2006, the "Toronto Sun" criticized goths: describing it as "unbelievable" that in the wake of Dawson, in the nearby City of London, Ontario, goths were organizing to raise money for charity. Toronto Sun Columnist, Michele Mandele advised goths to "stay home" and suggested that goths feel no responsibility to help prevent tragedies such as the shooting at Dawson College. [Michele Mandele [ Stay home, you freaks!] Toronto Sun, Sept 17, 2006] Whether this event and its associated media coverage has hurt the image of the local goth culture as much as Columbine is still not reported.

ubcultural traits

Toronto's goths have been noted for subcultural traits which are not noted for goth subcultures in general.

Mainstream acceptance

According to Nancy Kilpatrick's book, "The Goth Bible", goths generally are secretive and goths tend to hide the meaning of goth away from the mainstream. She found that goth is an underground movement and keeping it separate from the mainstream is what keeps it alive. [cite book
title = The Goth Bible
author = Nancy Kilpatrick
publisher = St. Martin's Griffin
year = 2004
pages = 3-4
isbn = 0312306962
] In 1999 Diane Sawyer, of the American television show "20/20", dubbed goth as "a dark, underground national phenomenon".

However, according to Matthew Didier, founder of The Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society and regular contributor to the CFRB paranormal radio show "Mind/Shift", speaking of Torontonian goths "They want to be 'professional' and be accepted for their contributions to whatever than shunned. They want to be "The Goth Lawyer" or "The Goth Accountant"... not the scary person in the gutter." According to "Time Out Toronto", a tourism guide published in 2005, the local goths had a slogan: "Making Toronto a darker place." [cite book
title = Time Out Toronto
author = Time Out Guides Staff, Time Out Guides Ltd, Lesley McCave, Time Out Guides
publisher = Time Out Guides
year = 2005
isbn = 1904978320
accessdate = 2007-03-31
pages = 91
url =
] This may be consistent with the multicultural nature of Toronto. According to the United Nations Development Programme, Toronto has the second-highest percentage of foreign-born population among world cities. Multiculturalism became official policy in Canada in 1971, before any other country in the world. [See Neil Bissoondath, "Selling Illusions: The Myth of Multiculturalism". Toronto: Penguin, 2002. ISBN 9780141006765.]

Rightfully or not, in Toronto, after the Columbine shooting, goth professionals, also called "Corporate Goths", have often felt as if they had to hide their subcultural identity from the workplace because of the negative stigma associated with goth culture. [Rachel Ross [ "Goths on the job" - cached] Toronto Star Oct 12, 2004]

Apparently heightened emphasis on fashion

Fashion is widely considered to be part of the goth subculture, however in Toronto, "goth" was an outgrowth of what was already a very fashion conscious subsection of the "freak" subculture (see History), and since then, fashion predominantly tended to define "goth" in Toronto. The Toronto mainstream culture media reported that fashion was the most appealing facet of the goth scene. [Holly Goes [ CHOOSE YOUR ALTERNATIVE] Eye Weekly Magazine]

In 1998, Mitch Kroll, lead singer of the, then Toronto based, goth band, Masochistic Religion, criticized "the people who were calling themselves goth in Toronto" for their shallow over-emphasis on fashion, calling them "glam".

After the Columbine Massacre in 1999 one notable goth club owner in Toronto, Lance Goth, commented to the media that he believed the shooters "weren't the least bit goth. They didn't even dye their hair black."

It is not clear after 1999 whether what remains of Toronto goth subculture, emphasizes fashion more, less, or the same as goth subculture elsewhere.

Historic subcultural events

In 1998, Toronto was host to Convergence IV, an annual North American meeting of net.goths. [cite web
url =
title = A Brief History of Convergence
author = Convergence IV Collective
work = Convergence IV
date = 2006-11-03
accessdate = 2007-03-30
] [ [ ] ]

Events included:
* Masochistic Religion and DJs Michael Salo and Greg Clow played at the Opera House on August 21, 1998.
* Faith and the Muse, Rhea's Obsession, the Changelings and My Scarlet Life with DJ Marylace played at the Opera House on August 22.
* An April March and DJs Lady Bathory and Lord Pale played Clinton's on August 23, with the goth/medieval magick sideshow Carnival Xaotika as the added attraction. [CINDY MCGLYNN [ Weekend of the living dead] Eye Weekly]
*Photographs can be found [ here] .

Goth and industrial music

A number bands that have performed and recorded goth and industrial music based out of Toronto.

Goth bands

*The 13thcite web
url =
title = The 13th Official Home Page
accessdate = 2007-05-11
*Alectronacite web
url =
title = Alectrona Official Myspace Page
accessdate = 2008-07-13
*Amy's Armscite web
url =
title = Amy's Arms Official Home Page
accessdate = 2007-05-30
*Arielcite web
url =
title = Hallowmass Bands/DJ's
work = Stained Productions
date = 1999-10-29
accessdate = 2007-03-31
*Atomic Spider [cite web
url =
title = Atomic Spider on Myspace
author = Rob Peets
accessdate = 2007-04-10
*Delica [cite web
url =
title = Live music: Mar 27 - Apr 2, 2003
publisher = "NOW" magazine
date = 2003-03-28
accessdate = 2007-03-31
quote = Tequila Lounge - Eden Ants, Diorama & Delica (goth pop).
*Her Beautiful Death [ [ Her Beautiful Death - Official Web site] ]
*holoscene [cite web
url =
title = holoscene|home
accessdate = 2007-11-06
*Johnny Hollow [ [ Johnny Hollow - Official Web site] ]
*Masochistic Religioncite web
url =
title = Like a bat out of hell >> Masochistic Religion's exile from goth-ville
author = Johnson Cummins
work = Montreal Mirror
date = 1998-10-22
accessdate = 2007-03-31
quote = ...Mitch Kroll and his merry band of gothsters Masochistic Religion.
*National Velvet [cite web | url =
title = National Velvet
work = The Canadian Pop Encyclopedia
accessdate = 2007-10-28
*Perdition [cite web
url =
title = New Scream series brings live goth scene back from the dead
author = Liisa Ladouceur
work = Eye Weekly
date = 2003-11-13
accessdate = 2007-03-31
*Pleasure The Priestess [ [ Pleasure The Priestess - Official Web site] ]
*Ra:tio [cite web
url =
title = The Official Webside of Ra:tio
accessdate = 2007-11-05
*Rhea's Obsession
*Saturday Night of The Living Dead [cite web
url =
title = The Official MySpace of Saturday Night of The Living Dead
accessdate = 2008-06-27
*Scarlet Fever
*Sex Without Souls [cite web
url =
title = Entertainment Listings in Toronto, October 26 - November 1, 2006
publisher = "NOW" magazine
date = 2006-10-27
accessdate = 2007-03-31
quote = Reverb - Assemblage 23, Headscan, Fractured, Sex without Souls and Ariel (goth rock).
*Synthetika [cite web
url =
title = Synthetika's Myspace Profile
accessdate = 2007-09-26
*Vampire Beach Babes
*Vegas Beach [cite web
url =
title = Vegas Beach Myspace Profile
accessdate = 2007-10-31
*Vital Sines [Rick Winkle, James Gray and Gord Wilson [ "Vital Sines"] The Canadian Pop Encyclopedia]

Industrial-electronic bands

*Autovoice [ [] Autovoice Myspace]
*Ayria [ [ Official Ayria Webpage] ]
*The Birthday Massacre [cite web
url =
title = The Birthday Massacre Prove Goth Is Alive And Well
author = Caitlin Hotchkiss
work = ChartAttack
date = 2005-10-04
accessdate = 2007-03-31
*Death and Horror Inc. [ [] DHI Official Website]
*Decoded Feedback [ [] Decoded Feedback official Website]
*Digital Poodle [ [] Metropolis Records]
*DYM [ [] DYM myspace profile ]
*Eye Butterfly [ [] EyeButterfly Official Vampire Freaks Page]
*Famine [ [] Famine Official Myspace]
*Fractured [ [] Fractured Official Website]
*Glenn Love [ [ Glenn Love Official Website] ]
*Holocaust 427 [ [] Holocaust 427 on Myspace ]
*it-clings [ [] it-clings Official Website]
*Nanochrist [ [] Nanochrist Official Website]
*Prospero [ [] Prospero Official Website]
*Re_agent [ [] Re_Agent Official Website]
*S:cage [ [] s:cage Website]
*Schema [ [ Schema] Overhear - Ontario Indie Music]
*Scrape [ [] Scrape Official Website ]
*Soundgazer [ [ Soundgazer Myspace Profile] ]
*Synthesis Machine [ [ Synthesis Machine Myspace Profile] ]


Toronto is the home of a number of goth fashion designers and retailers specializing in original Toronto and Canadian goth fashion.


*Artifice Clothing [ [ Artifice Clothing Website] ]
*Dark Destiny Designs [ [ Dark Destiny Designs Website ] ]
*Decadent Designs (Olga) [ [ Decadent Designs Website] ]
*Minx Clothing (Michelle Cooper) [ [ Minx Clothing Website] ]
*Morph Clothing (Arlene Kamalatisit) [ [ Morph Clothing Website] ]
*Plastik Wrap (Adriana Fulop and Ryan Webber) [ Plastik Wrap Website] ] [Jonathan Williams "Plastik Wrap", Gothic Beauty Magazine Issue 24, pp.42-45, isbn: 1533-841X]
*Retro-G Couture (Georgina Lye) [ [ Reto-G Couture Website] ] ["Retro-G Tophats & Tailcoats", Gothic Beauty Magazine Issue 24, pp.72-73, isbn: 1533-841X]
*Starkers! Corsetry [ [ Starkers! Corsetry Website] ]
*To Die For Designs [ [ To Die For Designs Website] ]


*Hells Belles Clothing (463 Queen St. West) [ [ Hells Belles Website] ]
*Plastik Wrap (2235 Dundas St. West)
*Posepod (622 Queen St. West) [ [ Posepod Website] ]

Nightclubs and bars

This is a list of nightclubs and bars which host goth nights and events in Toronto. [ [ Local Clubs]]

List of open clubs

*Bovine Sex Club (542 Queen St. W.) [ [] bovine sex club at Toronto Goth]
*The Dance Cave (upstairs @ Lee's Palace, 529 Bloor St. W) [ [ Panic Monday at Dance Cave] ]
*Funhaus (526 Queen St. W.) [ [ Funhaus] ]
*Neutral (349A College Street (Toronto) at Augusta in Kensington Market) [ [ NEU+RAL] ]
*The Savage Garden (550 Queen St. W.) [ [ The Savage Garden] ]
*Velvet Underground (510 Queen St. W.) [ [ Velvet Underground] ]
*Z (812 Dundas St. W.) [ [ Toronto Goth ] ]

List of closed clubs

*Anarchist's Cocktail (August 25, 2000September 29, 2001) [ [ Anarchist's Cocktail] ]
*Boom Boom Room
*Catch 22, where the floor was made of stainless steel.
*Club Noire (510 Queen Street West)
*Death in the Underground (1993end of 1994); Owner: ex-employees of Sanctuary; A song was written by Sex Without Souls about this club.
*Exit to Eden
*Catacombs (basement of 732 Queen St. W., June 1, 1995June 30, 2000); Owner: Lance Goth
*Sanctuary Vampire Sex Bar (732 Queen St. W., September 3, 1992June 30, 2000); Owner: Lance Goth
*Silver Crown (Richmond Street)
*Freak Show
*Twilight Zone
*Nuts and Bolts (Victoria and Dundas St. E.)
*Night Gallery (above Gasworks on Yonge Street, 1992 or early 1993)
*Stillife or Stilife (Richmond St. and Duncan St.)
*The Empire (where St. Charles Tavern used to be on Yonge St.) became the Time Club, which was closed down due to illegal activity.
*Limelight (closed 2001)
*The Vatikan (closed July 2006, Queen St. W., one block West of Ossington); Owner: Lance Goth

Goth social groups

Toronto has social groups devoted to goth or goth related activities, such as literature study, and social networking.

*The Dark Place (aka. The Gothic Society of Canada) [ [ The Dark Place - Web Page] ]
*Fetish Masquerade (monthly goth-fetish event) [ [ Fetish Masquerade Webpage] ]
*Shadows of Toronto [ [ Shadows Of Toronto - Webpage] ]
*Toronto Goth [ [ Toronto Goth - Webpage] ]

Goth businesses

Toronto is also the home of local businesses specializing in goth and goth subcultural products or services.
* event coordinators [ [ Website] ]

Buildings with gothic architectural characteristics

* St. James Cathedral at King Street and Church Street - Established in 1797; the current structure was completed in 1844
* Old City Hall (Toronto) on Queen Street West
* St. Peter's Catholic Church on Bathurst Street
* University College, University of Toronto

ee also

*Goth subculture
*Freak scene
*Culture in Toronto
*Gothic Revival architecture in Canada


External links

* [ Goth Girls 1] Satirical video featuring the fate of Sanctuary: Vampire Sex Bar.
* [ StreetSeen Jan 23, 2008 "Goth Style"] Canoe.Ca - segment featuring Toronto's goth scene, music from local bands, Minx Clothing, and Club Neutral.
* [ The Lilith Gallery of Toronto]
* [] – news and resource for Toronto's goth scene

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Goth subculture — This article is about the subculture. For the Germanic tribes, see Goths. For other uses, see Gothic (disambiguation). Photography with aesthetics close to gothic (black and white), showing a girl dressed in that style The goth subculture is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Freak scene — The freak scene was a term used by a slightly post hippie and pre punk style of bohemian subculture. It referred to overlaps between politicised pacifist post hippies, generally non political progressive rock fans, and non political Psychedelic… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture in Toronto — The Canadian National Exhibition remains a focal point of Toronto s culture Toronto is the largest city of Canada and one of its most ethnically diverse; many immigrant cultures have brought their traditions and music. It is a city of many… …   Wikipedia

  • National Velvet (band) — National Velvet Origin Toronto, Ontario, Canada Genres Goth rock, hard rock Years active 1986–1995 Labels Capitol, Iron Music …   Wikipedia

  • Rhea's Obsession — Infobox musical artist Name = Rhea s Obsession Img capt = Jim Field and Sue Hutton Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Toronto, Ontario, Canada Genre = Gothic rock Years active = 1995 present Label = Metropolis… …   Wikipedia

  • Gothic rock — This article is about the musical style of gothic rock. For the goth scene in general, see goth subculture. Infobox Music genre name=Gothic rock bgcolor=crimson color=white stylistic origins=Punk rockDave Thompson / Kirsten Borchardt ·… …   Wikipedia

  • Deathrock — Stylistic origins Punk rock, gothic rock, Horror Punk, post punk, glam rock, acid rock, new wave, horror film scores Cultural origins Late 1970s, Los Angeles …   Wikipedia

  • Dawson College shooting — The Dawson College campus on de Maisonneuve Boulevard minutes after the shooting Location …   Wikipedia

  • Kimveer Gill — Infobox Mass Murderer name = Kimveer Gill image size = 216px caption = From his profile birthname = Kimveer Gill occupation = birth = birth date|1981|7|9|mf=y location = Montreal, Canada death = death date and… …   Wikipedia

  • Current 93 — in 2007 Background information Origin Britain Genres Apo …   Wikipedia

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