Project 1947

Project 1947

Project 1947 is a world-wide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the Freedom of Information Act, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts.

PROJECT 1947, an ongoing intensive research effort into the UFO wave of 1947, will accomplish several important tasks:

*Screen over 5,000 newspapers from all over the world for UFO reports.
*Search for UFO reports in libraries, historical societies, universities, archives and other institutions in the US and Canada.
*Compile the reports and data into the most comprehensive study of the 1947 UFO Wave yet done.

PROJECT 1947, with its primary focus on the 1947 wave, will also look forward as far as 1965 and back to 1900 for certain selected significant topics in UFO research. The 1900-1946 period will be examined for UFO-like reports.


The first volume of material collected by PROJECT 1947 has been published by the UFO Research Coalition as [ PROJECT 1947: A Preliminary Report] . An extensive collection of 1947 UFO reports and newspaper accounts from the U.S.A. is supplemented by a compilation of significant sightings from Scandinavia, France, Australia and other countries.

External links

* [ Project 1947 website]


# [ Project 1947 website]
# [ Project 1947 Press Release]

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