Bra (CN)

Bra (CN)

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Bra
img_coa = Bra-Stemma.png img_coa_small =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=PMN
province = ProvinciaIT|sigla=CN (CN)
mayor = {sindaco|}
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m = 285
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 59
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 31-07-07
population_total = 29,169
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 494
coordinates = coord|44|42|0|N|7|51|0|E|region:IT_type:city(29,169)
gentilic = UCFIRST:braidesi
telephone = 0172
postalcode = 12042
frazioni = Pollenzo, San Matteo, San Michele, Bandito, Riva, del bosco, Boschetto
saint = Madonna dei Fiori
day = 8 September
mapx = #expr:44 + 42 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:7 + 51 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Bra
name = Bra

website =
Bra is a town and commune (population 29,169) of the Cuneo province in the north-west Italian region of Piedmont. It is situated 50 km south of Turin and 50 km north-east of Cuneo in the area known as Roero. Bra is home to the world's first University of Gastronomic Sciences. In Bra was born one of the most famous living philosopher in Italy: Adriana Cavarero.

Twin towns

*Spreitenbach, Switzerland
*Weil der Stadt, Germany
*San Sosti, Italy
*Corral de Bustos - Ifflinger, Argentina

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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