

Bra may refer to:

* Brassiere, an undergarment
* Male bra, an undergarment
* Bra (CN), a city in Italy
* Bra-ket notation, used for describing quantum states in the theory of quantum mechanics
* Bra (store chain), formerly a Swedish store chain that merged with Wessells to form Bra & Wessels
* Bra (Dragon Ball), a fictional character in the manga "Dragon Ball Z", the anime "Dragonball Z", and the anime "Dragon Ball GT"
* Braj language ("bra" in ISO 639 alpha-3)
*, country code

The acronym BRA may refer to:

* Bougainville Revolutionary Army, a revolutionary army in Papua New Guinea
* Belfast Royal Academy, a co-educational, non-denominational independent school situated in north Belfast
* Basic rate access, in Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) technology
* Bentley Rhythm Ace, a band
* BRA Transportes Aéreos, a low-cost air carrier
* Breton Revolutionary Army
* Boy Rangers of America, an early Scouting organization
* Boston Redevelopment Authority
* Brattleboro (Amtrak station), Vermont, United States
* Bilateral renal agenesis, a sub-type of Potter syndrome

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