Michel Warschawski

Michel Warschawski

Michel Warschawski (Mikado) (Hebrew: מיכאל ורשבסקי (מיקאדו)‎) is an Israeli anti-Zionist activist. He led the Marxist Revolutionary Communist League (previously Matzpen-Jerusalem) until its demise in the 1990s, and founded the Alternative Information Center, a joint Palestinian-Israeli non-governmental organization, in 1984.



Michel Warschawski, July 2005.

Michel Warschawski was born 1949 in Strasbourg, where his father was the Rabbi. At the age of 16 he moved to Jerusalem, in order to study the Talmud – he is a graduate of Mercaz HaRav. He later studied philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Despite having long since stopped being religious, fellow-activists on occasion turn to him to elicidate subtle points of the Jewish religion.[citation needed]

In 1982, Warschawski was one of the co-founders of Yesh Gvul, a term which plays on thre meanings, (1)'there is a border': 'there is a limit': and 'enough's enough'.[1] In 1984, Warschawski established the Alternative Information Center (AIC), an organization uniting Israeli and Palestinian anti-Zionist activists.

In 1987, Warschawski was arrested for "providing services for illegal (Palestinian) organizations" and sentenced in 1989 to twenty months prison, with a 10-months suspended sentence, for typesetting a booklet that the judges ruled had come from members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which described torture and interrogation techniques allegedly employed by Israel's security apparatus, with advice on how to withstand them. The court determined that Warschawsky was unaware of the booklet's origins, but guilty of closing his eyes to the evidence.[2]

Warschawski is a writer and journalist, whose articles appear regularly in International Viewpoint, Le Monde diplomatique, ZNet, Monthly Review, Sine Hebdo and other publications. In the 2006 elections to the Knesset, he was a candidate on the list of an Arab Israeli party Balad (the National Democratic Assembly).

Warschawski is married to attorney and human rights activist Leah Tsemel, and is the father of two sons and a daughter[3].

Quotes from AIC Articles


  1. ^ Daphne Golan, 'Between Universalism and Particularism: the "Border" in Israeli Discourse,' in V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.)Nations, identities, cultures, Duke University Press, 1997 pp.75-94, p.87.
  2. ^ Daphne Golan, 1997, p.89
  3. ^ [(French)http://www.lalsace.fr/actualite/2011/04/25/nous-avions-de-bonnes-raisons-de-revoir-michel-warschawski-en-janvier-dernier-a-paris Michel Warschawski, un pacifiste venu d’Alsace en Terre Sainte, l'Alsace, 25 april 2011 ]
  4. ^ Alternative Information Center (AIC) Profile, NGO Monitor, June 04, 2009


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