- Soe Win
Infobox Prime Minister
name = Soe Win
order = 10thPrime Minister of Burma
term_start =October 19 2004
term_end =October 12 2007
deputy =
predecessor =Khin Nyunt
successor =Thein Sein
birth_date = 1948
birth_place =Taunggyi ,Myanmar
death_date =October 12 2007
death_place = Yangon
religion = Buddhist
spouse =Than Than Nwe
party =Appointed byState Peace and Development Council General Soe Win ( _my. စိုးဝင်း; IPA2|sóu wín; 1948 –October 12 2007 ) was thePrime Minister of Burma and Secretary-1 of theState Peace and Development Council from 2004 to 2007.He was known by Burmese
dissident groups as "the butcher of Depayin" for his role as mastermind of the 2003Depayin Massacre , in which 70National League for Democracy supporters were killed by a government-sponsored mob. [http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs/Yearbook2002-3/yearbooks/Depayin%20report.htm "Premeditated Depayin Massacre"] , retrieved 2007-05-20.]Biography
Early career
In 1997 he was named Regional Commander and a member of the junta, then called the State Law and Order Restoration Council, or SLORC. In November 2001 he was named Air Defense General of the War Office.
In February 2003 he was promoted to Secretary-2 of the junta, which was vacant after Lieutenant General
Tin Oo was killed in a helicopter crash two years before.Soe Win is widely regarded as the mastermind behind the deadly attack against
National League for Democracy leaderAung San Suu Kyi and her supporters in theMay 30 2003 Depayin Massacre .Fact|date=October 2007The same year he accompanied Senior General
Than Shwe on state visits toVietnam andChina . Soe Win also signed the order to dismiss Foreign MinisterWin Aung and his deputy in September 2003.A devout
Buddhist , Soe Win upped the persecution against the predominantlyChristian Chin when he was the Northwestern Regional Commander inChin State .Fact|date=October 2007Rise to prime minister
Soe Win was appointed prime minister by
State Peace and Development Council chairmanThan Shwe onOctober 19 2004 . Soe Win succeededKhin Nyunt , who officially had been "permitted to retire for health reasons", but the reformist-minded premier had actually fallen out of favor with Than Shwe. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3756052.stm Khin Nyunt's fall from grace] , BBC, retrieved 2007-10-03] [ [http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/10/19/myanmar.soewin.profile/index.html Myanmar names Soe Win as PM] , CNN, retrieved 2007-10-04] Khin Nyunt was later convicted by a special tribunal of corruption charges and sentenced to 44 years in prison.As Secretary-1 in the SPDC and prime minister, Soe Win was third in the leadership structure under Senior General Than Shwe and SPDC vice-chairman, Vice-Senior General
Maung Aye . A senior member of the SPDC, Soe Win was close to Than Shwe, and the two men saw eye-to-eye on “nation building projects”, which included constructing dams, roads and bridges.With his appointment as prime minister, he took a tougher line against political reform than did his immediate predecessor, Khin Nyunt. He was quoted as saying in January 2003 "the SPDC not only won’t talk to the NLD but also would never hand over power to the NLD."
Health issues, death
In March 2007, Soe Win was admitted to a private hospital in
Singapore . The government was secretive about the nature of his illness, though it was reported in the media that he was suffering fromleukemia . He returned to Burma on May 3, 2007, but then returned to Singapore later that month. The Burmese embassy in Singapore said he was being treated for a "serious health matter".In April 2007, [ [http://rulers.org/rulm2.html#myanmar Countries Me-My ] ] Lieutenant General
Thein Sein was appointed acting prime minister in Soe Win's absence. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6669035.stm Burmese junta choose stand-in PM] , BBC, retrieved 2007-05-20.] [http://www.irrawaddy.org/aviewer.asp?a=7115&z=163 Burmese Junta Tips New Prime Minister] , retrieved 2007-05-20.]On
October 1 2007 , in the wake of the anti-government protests, Soe Win returned to Burma. His condition was reported as "very ill" and he was admitted to a military hospital in Mingalardon Township,Rangoon . [http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=8855 Burma’s Prime Minister in Rangoon Hospital, ‘Very Ill’] , The Irrawaddy, retrieved 2007-10-03]Mizzima News reported that Soe Win died at around 5:00 p.m. local time onOctober 2 2007 . [http://mizzima.com/MizzimaNews/News/2007/Oct/today-demonstration.html Burmese Prime Minister passes away] , Mizzima News, retrieved 2007-10-03] The report was carried by various other news outlets without independent verification. [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/10/03/headlines/headlines_30051148.php Ailing Burmese Prime Minister dies] , "The Nation (Thailand)", retrieved 2007-10-03] [http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=10458&size=A Burmese premier Soe Win, “the butcher of Depayin”, dies] , Asia News, retrieved 2007-10-04] [http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=126770 Breaking News: Myanmarese Prime Minister dead] , Meri News, retrieved 2007-10-04]Other sources, however, reported that Soe Win's death was a rumour only, and that he was still alive in the
Intensive Care Unit at Mingalardon Hospital. [http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/10/04/headlines/headlines_30051328.php Burma PM enters intensive care unit] , "The Nation (Thailand)", retrieved 2007-10-04] [http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view_article.php?article_id=92565 Myanmar PM enters intensive care -- report] , "Inquirer (Philippines)", retrieved 2007-10-04.] [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article2604151.ece Secret cremations hide Burma killings] , "The Independent", retrieved 2007-10-09]On
October 5 ,2007 , Mizzima News issued a correction to their report, quoting a family source who said: "He is still in the Mingalardon hospital. But doctors said his condition is critical." [ [http://www.angkor.com/2bangkok/2bangkok/forum/showpost.php?p=17543&postcount=130 Mizzima News Correction apologizes ONLY to readers] , 2Bangkok.com, retrieved 2007-10-09]Soe Win's death was officially announced by the military authorities on
October 12 . He died in Mingalardon Hospital, aged 59, fromleukemia . [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7041705.stm Burma prime minister Soe Win dies] , BBC, retrieved 2007-10-12] [ [http://www.mizzima.com/MizzimaNews/News/2007/Oct/53-Oct-2007.html Burmese Premier Soe Win dies] , Mizzima News, retrieved 2007-10-12] His twin brother Major-General Tin Htun had died on September 19, 2007 of leukemia. [cite news|title=Burma Prime Minister Soe Win dies after long illness |url=http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-10-13-win-obit_N.htm|publisher=USA Today |date=2007-10-13 |accessdate=2007-10-16 ] [cite news|title=After long illness PM passes away |url=http://mmtimes.com/no388/n002.htm|publisher=The Myanmar Times |date=2007-10-15 |accessdate=2007-10-16 ]Career timeline
*Commanding Officer No.12 Light Infantry Regiment (1990)
*G.S.O (1), Central Command (1993)
*Commander, No. 66 Light Infantry Division (1996)
*Commander, North West Command (1997) and Chairman ofSagaing Division , State Law and Order Restoration Council
*Chief of Air Defense Forces (November 2001) and Member ofState Peace and Development Council
*Secretary-2, State Peace and Development Council (February 2003)
*Secretary-1, State Peace and Development Council (August 2003)
*Prime Minister of Myanmar (October 19 2004)Decorations and Medals
*Naingngandaw Sit Hmu Htan Tazeit
*Pylthusit Taik Pwe Win Tazeit
*Naingngandaw Aye Chan Thar Yar Ye Tazeit
*Mong Yang Methawaw Taik Pwe Tazeit
*Tatmadaw Gone Saung Ahmu Htan Tazeit (First Grade)
*Tatmadaw Gone Saung Ahmu Htan Tazeit (Second Grade)
*Tatmadaw Gone Saung Ahmu Htan Tazeit (Third Grade)
*Sit Hmu Htan Thet Tazeit
*Naingngan Akyo Saung Tazeit
*Sit Pwe Tazeit (1974-1988)
*Sit Pwe Tazeit (1988-1990)
*Sitmuhtanguang Tazeit
*Tatmadaw Shweyatu TazeitReferences
External links
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article2657710.ece Obituary in "The Times", 15 October 2007]
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