List of compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen

List of compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen

A list of compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen (alphabetical by title—a link to a chronological list is given at the end).


* "Adieu", for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn), Nr. 21 (1966)
* "Alphabet für Liège", Nr. 36 (1972)
**"Am Himmel wandre ich" ("In the Sky I Am Walking", American Indian Songs), Nr. 36½ (1972)
* "Amour", 5 pieces for clarinet, Nr. 44 (1976)
**"Amour", for flute, Nr. 44½ (1976/81)
**"Vier Sterne" from "Amour", for cello, Nr. 44⅔ (1976/98)
**"Amour", for saxophone, Nr. 44¾ (1976/2003)
*"Atmen gibt das Leben", choral opera with orchestra (or orchestra on tape), Nr. 39 (1974/77)
* "Aus den sieben Tagen" ("From the Seven Days"), 15 texts for intuitive music (performable separately), Nr. 26 (1968)
#"Richtige Dauern" (Right Durations), for ca. 4 players
#"Unbegrenzt" (Unlimited), for ensemble
#"Verbindung" (Connection), for ensemble
#"Treffpunkt" (Meeting Point), for ensemble
#"Nachtmusik" (Night Music), for ensemble
#"Abwärts" (Downward), for ensemble
#"Aufwärts" (Upward), for ensemble
#"Oben und Unten" (Above and Below), theatre piece for a man, a woman, and a child, with 4 instrumentalists
#"Intensität" (Intensity), for ensemble
#"Setz die Segel zur Sonne" (Set Sail for the Sun), for ensemble
#"Kommunion" (Communion), for ensemble
#"Litanei" (Litany), for speaker or speaking choir [Cf. "Litanei 97", below]
#"Es" (It), for ensemble
#"Goldstaub" (Gold Dust), for ensemble
#"Ankunft" (Arrival), for speaker or speaking choir


* "Balance", for flute, English horn, and bass clarinet (2006–07). See: "Klang": Seventh Hour
* "Bassetsu-Trio", for basset horn, trumpet, and trombone, Nr. 3. ex 70 (1997). Arranged from "Mittwoch aus Licht", scene 4: "Michaelion"


* "Carré", for 4 choirs and orchestras, Nr. 10 (1959–60)
* "Choral" ("Wer uns trug mit Schmerzen in dies Leben"), for a capella choir, Nr. 1/9 (1950)
* "Chöre für Doris", for a capella choir, Nr. 1/11 (1950)
* "Cosmic Pulses", electronic music. See: "Klang": Thirteenth Hour


* "Dr. K-Sextett", for flute, bass clarinet, percussionist (tubular chimes and vibraphone), piano, viola, and cello, Nr. 28 (1968–69)
* "Drei Lieder" for alto voice and chamber orchestra, Nr. 1/10 (1950)


* "Etude", musique concrète, Nr. 1/5 (1952)
* "Europa-Gruss", Nr. 72 (1992/2002)
* "Expo", for 3 players or singers with 3 short-wave receivers, Nr. 31 (1969–70)


* "Formel", for small orchestra, Nr. 1/6 (1951)
* "Fresco", for 4 orchestral groups, Nr. 29 (1969)
* "Freude" (Joy), for two harps. See: "Klang": Second Hour
* "Für kommende Zeiten", 17 texts for intuitive music, Nr. 33 (1968–70)
#"Übereinstimmung" (Unanimity), for ensemble
#"Verlängerung" (Elongation)
#"Verkürzung" (Shortening)
#"Über die Grenze" (Across the Boundary), for small ensemble
#"Kommunikation" (Communication), for small ensemble
#"Intervall", for piano four-hands
#"Ausserhalb" (Outside), for small ensemble
#"Innerhalb" (Inside), for small ensemble
#"Anhalt" (Halt), for small ensemble
#"Schwingung" (Vibration), for ensemble
#"Spektren" (Spectra), for small ensemble
#"Wellen" (Waves), for ensemble
#"Zugvogel" (Bird of Passage), for ensemble
#"Vorahnung" (Presentiment), for 4–7 interpreters
#"Japan", for ensemble
#"Wach" (Awake), for ensemble
#"Ceylon", for small ensemble


* "Gesang der Jünglinge", electronic and concrete music, Nr. 8 (1955–56)
* "Gruppen", for 3 orchestras, Nr. 6 (1955–57)


* "Harlekin", for clarinet, Nr. 42 (1975)
**"Der kleine Harlekin", for clarinet, Nr. 42½ (1975)
* "Harmonien", see: "Klang": Fifth Hour
* "Helikopter-Streichquartett", for string quartet and 4 helicopters, Nr. 69 (1992–93) [Scene 3 of "Mittwoch aus Licht"]
* "Herbstmusik", musical theatre for 4 performers, Nr. 40 (1974)
**"Laub und Regen", duet for clarinet and viola, Nr. 40½
* "Himmelfahrt", see: "Klang": First Hour
* "Himmels-Tür", see: "Klang": Fourth Hour
* "Hymnen", 4-channel electronic and concrete music, Nr. 22 (1966–67)
**"Hymnen", electronic and concrete music with soloists, Nr. 22½ (1966–67)
**"Hymnen", (Third Region) with orchestra, Nr. 22⅔ (1969)


* "In Freundschaft", for clarinet, Nr. 46 (1977)
** "In Freundschaft", for flute, Nr. 46½
** "In Freundschaft", for oboe, Nr. 46⅔
** "In Freundschaft", for bassoon, Nr. 46¾
** "In Freundschaft", for bassett-horn or bass clarinet, Nr. 464/5
** "In Freundschaft", for violin, Nr. 465/6
** "In Freundschaft", for viola, Nr. 466/7
** "In Freundschaft", for violoncello or double bass, Nr. 467/8
** "In Freundschaft", for saxophone, Nr. 469/10
** "In Freundschaft", for trumpet in E-flat (with fourth-attachment), Nr. 4610/11
** "In Freundschaft", for horn, Nr. 4611/12
** "In Freundschaft", for trombone, Nr. 4612/13
** "In Freundschaft", for tuba, Nr. 4613/14
** "In Freundschaft", for recorder, Nr. 4614/15
* "Inori", adorations for 1 or 2 soloists and large orchestra, Nr. 38 (1973–74)
**"Vortrag über HU", for a singer, Nr. 38½ (1974)


* "Jubiläum", for orchestra, Nr. 45 (1977)


* "Klang" ("Sound", the 24 Hours of the Day), Nr. 81– (2004–2007)
**First Hour: "Himmelfahrt" (Ascension), for organ (or synthesizer), soprano, and tenor, Nr. 81 (2004–05)
**Second Hour: "Freude" (Joy), for 2 harps, Nr. 82 (2005)
**Third Hour: "Natürliche Dauern 1–24" (Natural Durations 1–24), for piano, Nr. 83 (2005–06)
**Fourth Hour: "Himmels-Tur" (Heaven's Door), for a percussionist and a little girl, Nr. 84 (2005)
**Fifth Hour: "Harmonien" (Harmonies), Nr. 85, versions for:
***bass clarinet, Nr. 85.1 (2006)
***flute, Nr. 85.2 (2006)
***trumpet, Nr. 85.3 (2006)
**Sixth Hour: "Schönheit" (Beauty), for flute, bass clarinet, and trumpet, Nr. 86 (2006)
**Seventh Hour: "Balance", for flute, English horn, and bass clarinet, Nr. 87 (2007)
**Eighth Hour: "Glück" (Bliss), for oboe, English horn, and bassoon, Nr. 88 (2007)
**Ninth Hour: "Hoffnung" (Hope), for violin, viola, and cello, Nr. 89 (2007)
**Tenth Hour: "Glanz" (Brilliance), for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, and viola, Nr. 90 (2007)
**Eleventh Hour: "Treue" (Fidelity), for E-flat clarinet, basset horn, and bass clarinet, Nr. 91 (2007)
**Twelfth Hour: "Erwachen" (Awakening), for soprano saxophone, trumpet, and cello, Nr. 92 (2007)
**Thirteenth Hour: "Cosmic Pulses", electronic music, Nr. 93 (2006–07)
**Fourteenth Hour: "Havona", for bass voice and electronic music, Nr. 94 (2007)
**Fifteenth Hour: "Orvonton", for baritone and electronic music, Nr. 95 (2007)
**Sixteenth Hour: "Uversa", for basset-horn and electronic music, Nr. 96 (2007)
**Seventeenth Hour: "Nebadon", for horn and electronic music, Nr. 97 (2007)
**Eighteenth Hour: "Jerusem", for tenor and electronic music, Nr. 98 (2007)
**Nineteenth Hour: "Urantia", for soprano and electronic music, Nr. 99 (2007)
**Twentieth Hour: "Edentia", for soprano saxophone and electronic music, Nr. 100 (2007)
**Twenty-first Hour: "Paradies" (Paradise), for flute and electronic music, Nr. 101 (2007)
* "Klavierstücke"
**"Klavierstücke I–IV", Nr. 2 (1952)
**"Klavierstücke V–X", Nr. 4 (1954–55/61)
**"Klavierstück XI", Nr. 7 (1956)
**"Klavierstück XII", ex Nr. 49¾ (1979/83)
**"Klavierstück XIII", Nr. 51½ (1981)
**"Klavierstück XIV", ex Nr. 57⅔ (1984)
**"Synthi-Fou (Klavierstück XV)", ex Nr. 61⅔
**"Klavierstück XVI", Nr. 63½ (1995)
**"Klavierstück XVII", 7½ ex Nr. 64 (1994/99)
**"Klavierstück XVIII", Nr. 73⅔ (2004)
**"Klavierstück XIX", Nr. 80 (2001/2003)
* "Kontakte" ("Contacts"), for electronic sounds, Nr. 12 (1958–60)
**"Kontakte", for electronic sounds, piano, and percussion, Nr. 12½ (1958–60)
**"Originale", musical theatre with "Kontakte", Nr. 12⅔ (1961)
* "Kontra-Punkte" ("Counter-Points"), for 10 instruments, Nr. 1 (1952–53)
* "Kreuzspiel", for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, and 3 percussionists, Nr. 1/7 (1951)
* "Kurzwellen", for 6 players with live electronics, plus sound director, Nr. 25 (1968)


* "Licht", Nr. 47–80 (1977–2003)
**"Jahreslauf", Nr. 47 (1977/91)
**"Donnerstag aus Licht", opera in three acts, a greeting, and a farewell, Nr. 48–50 (1978–80)
***"Michaels Reise um die Erde", Nr. 48 (1978)
***"Donnerstags-Gruss", Nr. 48½ (1978)
***"Michaels Jugend", Nr. 49 (1978–79)
****"Kindheit", Nr. 49½ (1979)
****"Mondeva", Nr. 49⅔ (1978–79)
****"Examen", Nr. 49¾ (1979)
***"Michaels Heimkehr", Nr. 50 (1980)
****"Festival", Nr. 50½
****"Vision", Nr. 50⅔
***"Donnerstags-Abschied", Nr. 50¾ (1980)
**"Samstag aus Licht", opera in a greeting and four scenes, Nr. 51–54 (1981–84)
***"Luzifers Traum", Nr. 51 (1981)
***"Kathinkas Gesang als Luzifers Requiem", Nr. 52 (1982–83)
***"Luzifers Tanz", Nr. 53 (1983)
***"Samstags-Gruss", Nr. 53½ (1984)
***"Luzifers Abschied", Nr. 54 (1982)
**"Montag aus Licht", opera in three acts, a greeting, and a farewell, Nr. 55–59 (1984–88)
***"Montags-Gruss" ("Evas-Gruss"), for multiple basset-horns and electronic keyboard instruments, Nr. 55 (1986/88)
***"Evas Erstgeburt", Nr. 56 (1987)
***"Evas Zweitgeburt", Nr. 57 (1984–87)
***"Evas Zauber", Nr. 58 (1984–86)
***"Montags-Abschied", Nr. 59 (1986/88)
**"Dienstag aus Licht", opera in a greeting and two acts (with a farewell), Nr. 47, 60–61 (1977/87–91)
***"Dienstags-Gruss", Nr. 60 (1987–88)
***"Jahreslauf vom Dienstag", Nr. 47 (1977/91)
***"Invasion-Explosion mit Abschied", Nr. 61 (1990–91)
**"Freitag aus Licht", opera in a greeting, two acts, and a farewell, Nr. 62–64 (1991–94)
***"Freitags-Gruss" and "Freitags-Abschied" (concert title: "Weltraum" ("Outer Space"), electronic music, Nr. 62 (1991/92/94)
***"Paare vom Freitag", Nr. 63 (1992/99)
***"Freitag-Versuchung", Nr. 64 (1991–94)
**"Mittwoch aus Licht", opera in a greeting, four scenes, and a farewell, Nr. 65–71 (1995–98)
***"Mittwochs-Gruss", Nr. 65 (1998)
***"Welt-Parlament", Nr. 66 (1995)
***"Orchester-Finalisten", Nr. 68 (1995–96)
***"Helikopter-Streichquartett", Nr. 69 (1992–93)
***"Michaelion, Nr. 70 (1997)
***"Mittwochs-Abschied", Nr. 71 (1996)
**"Sonntag aus Licht", Nr. 75–80 (1998–2003)
***"Lichter-Wasser", Nr. 75 (1998–99)
***"Engel-Prozessionen", Nr. 76 (2000)
***"Licht-Bilder", Nr. 77 (2002)
***"Düfte-Zeichen", Nr. 78 (2002)
***"Hoch-Zeiten", Nr. 79 (2001–2002)
***"Sonntags-Abschied", Nr. 80 (2001/2003)
*"Licht-Ruf", Nr. 67 (1995)
*"Litanei 97", Nr. 74 (1997)


* "Mantra", for 2 pianists (with wood blocks and antique cymbals) and electronics, Nr. 32 (1970)
* "Mikrophonie I", for tamtam (2 players), 2 microphones, 2 filters with potentiometers, and 4 pair of loudspeakers, Nr. 15 (1964)
* "Mikrophonie II", for 12 voices, Hammond organ (or synthesizer), 4 ring modulators, and tape, Nr. 17 (1965)
* "Mittwoch-Formel", Nr. 73½, for percussion trio (2004)
* "Mixtur", for orchestra, 4 sinewave generators, and 4 ring-modulators, Nr. 16 (1964)
**"Mixtur", version for small orchestra, Nr. 16½ (1964/67)
**"Mixtur 2003", for 5 instrumental groups, 4 sinewave-generator players, 4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators, and sound director, Nr. 16⅔ (1964/67/2003)
* "Musik im Bauch", for 6 percussionists and music boxes, Nr. 41 (1975)
* "Momente", for soprano solo, 4 choirs, and 13 instrumentalists, Nr. 13 (1962–64/69)


* "Natürliche Dauern" (Natural Durations), for piano. See: "Klang": Third Hour


* "Originale", musical theatre, Nr. 12⅔ (1961) [Cf. "Kontakte", above]


* "Plus-Minus", 2 x 7 pages for realization, Nr. 14 (1963)
* "Pole", for 2 players or singers with 2 short-wave radios, Nr. 30 (1969–70)
* "Prozession", for 6 players with live electronics, Nr. 23 (1967)
* "Punkte" ("Points"), for orchestra, Nr. ½ (1952/62/66/93)


* "Quitt" ("Even"), for alto flute, clarinet, and trumpet, Nr. 1 ex 59 (1989)


* "Refrain", for piano (+ 3 woodblocks), vibraphone (+ 3 alpine cowbells and keyboard glockenspiel), and celesta (+ 3 antique cymbals), Nr. 11 (1959)
**"3 x Refrain 2000", for sampler-celesta (+ 3 antique cymbals), piano (+ 3 woodblocks), vibraphone (+ 3 alpine cowbells and keyboard glockenspiel), and sound director, Nr. 11½ (2000)
* "Rotary-Bläserquintett" ("Rotary Wind Quintet"), for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn, Nr. 70½ (1997)

* "Schlagtrio" ("Percussive Trio") [originally "Schlagquartett"] , for piano and 2 x 3 [originally 3 x 2] timpani, Nr. ⅓ (1952)
* "Schönheit" (Beauty), for flute, bass clarinet, and trumpet (2006–2007). See: "Klang": Sixth Hour
* "Sirius", electronic music with trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, and bass voice, Nr. 43 (1975–77)
**"Aries", for trumpet and electronic music, Nr. 43½ (1977/80)
**"Libra", for bass clarinet and electronic music, Nr. 43⅔ (1977)
**"Capricorn", for bass and electronic music, Nr. 43¾ (1977)
* "Solo", for a melody instrument and feedback (live electronics with 4 technicians, 4 pair of loudspeakers), Nr. 19 (1965–66)
* "Sonatine, for violine and piano, Nr. ⅛ (1951)
* "Spiel" ("Play"), for orchestra, Nr. ¼ (1952)
* "Spiral", for a soloist with short-wave receiver and live electronics with sound director, Nr. 27 (1968)
* "Sternklang" ("Star Sound"), park music for five groups, Nr. 34 (1971)
* "Stimmung" ("Tuning"), for 6 vocalists, Nr. 24 (1968)
** "Stimmung" "Paris Version", for 6 vocalists, 6 microphones, 6 loudspeakers, and sound director, Nr. 24½ (1968)
* "Stop", for small orchestra in 6 groups, Nr. 18 (1965)
**"Stop", "Paris Version", Nr. 18½ (1969)
**"Stop und Start", for 6 instrumental groups, Nr. 18⅔ (2001)
* "Strahlen" ("Rays"), for a percussionist and ten-channel sound recording, Nr. 80½ (2002)
* "Studie I", electronic music, Nr. 3/I (1953)
* "Studie II", electronic music, Nr. 3/II (1954)
* "Sukat", for alto flute and basset-horn, Nr. 2 ex 60 (1989)


* "Telemusik", electronic and concrete music, Nr. 20 (1966)
* "Thinki", for flute, Nr. 1 ex 70 (1997)
* "Tierkreis" ("Zodiac"), 12 melodies of the star signs, for a melody and/or chording instrument, Nr. 41½ (1974–75)
* "Trans", for orchestra and tape, Nr. 35 (1971)
* "Traum-Formel" ("Dream Formula"), for basset-horn, Nr. 51⅔ (1981)
* "Trompetent" ("Trumpetent"), for 4 trumpeters, Nr. 73 (1995)
* "Türin", for "Tür" (door), rin, and speaker (versions in German and English), with electronics (2006)


* "Unsichtbare Chöre", 16-channel recording of "a capella" choir, for 8-channel playback, ex Nr. 79 (1979)


* "Vibra-Elufa", for vibraphone, Nr. 9¾ ex 64 (2003)


* "Weltraum" ("Outer Space"), electronic music, Nr. 62 (see: "Licht": "Freitags-Gruss" and "Freitags-Abschied", above)


* "Xi", for a melody instrument with microtones, Nr. 1 ex 55 (1986)
**"Xi", version for basset horn, Nr. 2 ex 55 (1986)
**"Xi", version for alto flute or flute, Nr. 3 ex 55 (1986)


* "Ylem", for 19 players, Nr. 37 (1972)
* "Ypsilon", for a melody instrument with microtones, Nr. 2 ex 59 (1989)
** "Ypsilon", version for basset-horn, Nr. 3 ex 59 (1989)
** "Ypsilon", version for flute, Nr. 4 ex 59 (1989)


* "Zeitmaße" ("Time Measures"), for oboe, flute, cor anglais, clarinet, and bassoon, Nr. 5 (1955–56)
* "Zyklus" ("Cycle"), for a percussionist, Nr. 9 (1959)

External links

* [ Chronological worklist at the composer's website]
** [ Orchestra]
** [ Chamber music]
** [ Choir]

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