List of compositions by Juan María Solare

List of compositions by Juan María Solare

This is a fairly complete list of works by composer and pianist Juan María Solare.

tage works

*"Veinticinco de agosto, 1983" August 25 1983. (1992/1993)
*"Diez Estudios Escénicos" [Ten scenic Etudes] (Cologne - Mollina, June - July 1996)
*"Trio for One"

Chamber music

*"Suite Modal" for flute and clarinet (1985) [5'] . First performed by Silvia Gelós and Amelia Saftich at the Anfiteatro Promúsica in Buenos Aires on 12 September 1986. Published: Dohr Verlag (Köln) ED 95286 (ISMN M - 2020 - 286 - 5). Recording by Regine Kuhn (flute) and Heidi Voss (clarinet), CD "Pifferari - Werke für Flöte und Klarinette", July 2001, Label Heidi Voss (Wiesbaden, Germany).
*"Three pieces for clarinet and piano" (1986) [8'35"] .
*"Cuatro Croquis" [Four Sketches] for flute and piano (1988) [2']
*Sonata for flute and piano (1988) [12']
*"Seis bagatelas"
*"Demeter" for string quartet (1990) [15'] . To the late clarinetist Ariel Martínez. It was awarded first prize in the 1990 competition for composers organized by "Promociones Musicales de la Argentina".
*"Siete monedas" [Seven Coins] for Flute, Viola and Violoncello. (1991) [12'45"]
*"Extraños preludios y doble canon" [Strange preludes and double canon] for Wind Quintet. (1992) [6'30"] . To Cristina Galarza.
*"Ben Oni", for Flute, Clarinet and Violoncello. (1992) [4'30"] . To Catherine Seymour. First performed by Tasneem Hanfi (Fl), Claudia Giesing (Cl) and Sonia Asselhofen (vcl) at the Musikhochschule of Cologne (Germany) on December 21 1994.
*"Diálogos últimos" [Ultimate dialogues] for two sufficiently distanced percussionists. (November 1992) [3'25"] First performed by Tibor Herczeg and Przemyslaw Fiolek at the Musikhochschule of Cologne (Germany) on December 21 1994.
*"Dos Dúos" [Two Duos] for Violin and Viola (Berlin, March 1994) [40" + 1']
*"Arrorró" for violin and clarinet (Köln, 15 May 1995) [2'20"] . To Anahí and Nicolás Montes. First performed by Aki Komiyama - Yasuda and Diego Montes on October 27 1995 at the Künstlerhof [ Schreyahn] in Lüchow.
*"Passacaglia über Heidelberg"
*"Tetramorfos", four quartets for guitars (can be played separately) [16'15"] :
**1) "Canon de la tortuga negra" (Köln, 3 August - 10 August 1996) [3'30"] .
**2) "A - Be - A del tigre blanco" (Köln, 4 August - 21 August 1996) [5'00"] .
**3) "Tema y Variaciones del dragón azul" (Köln, 18 August - 30 September 1996) [5'15"]
**4) "Melodías autorreferentes del pájaro rojo" (Köln, 6 - 13 October 1996) [2'30"] The quartets 1) and 3) were first performed on Friday 19 January 2001 at the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne by Masao Tanibe, Pedro Munuera, Blandine Menard und Mehmet Özkanoglu.
*"Nana", for viola and violoncello. (Köln, 2 - 7 February 1997). [5'15"] A Felix Walter - Bauckholt. First performed by the Thürmchen - Ensemble (with Caspar Johannes Walter, cello, and Almut Steinhausen, viola) on 1 March 1997 at the "Kölnischer Kunstverein" within the Festival of the Society of Cologne of New Music (KGNM).
*"Neverness", second string quartet. (Cologne, 8 April - 2 May 1997). [20'00"] . 25 pages.
*"Nenia in memoriam Juan Pedro Franze", for trombone, doublebass and piano. (Cologne, 22 April - 6 May 1997) [6'00"] . 11 pages. First performed on 2 August 1998 at the 39. Ferienkurse für neue Musik (Vacation Courses of New Music) in Darmstadt by Jürgen Schaal (Tbn), Sascha Jacobsen (Cb) and Eric Huebner (Pno). In 2000 the piece won the access to the International Rostrum of Composers, organized by the UNESCO, and - representing Argentina - was presented before producers from some 35 broadcasting stations on 8 June 2000 in Amsterdam (venue Beurs van Berlage).
*"Palmas" [Palms] for choir to eight parts, or for a large number of musicians ("palmists") dividede in eight groups, or for eight percussionists. (Cologne and Stuttgart - in part, Paris - 19 October - 29 December 1997) [11'00"] .
*"Two Still Lives in Free Fall"
*"Arriba los de abajo" [Up those who are down]
*"Oasis", five pieces for violoncello and guitar. Madrid, January/February 1992 (two first pieces) & Köln, February/March 1999. [8'00"] . First performed on 17 October 1999 by Silvia Fernández (Guitar) and Silvia Luna (Violoncello) in the Asociación Italiana de Belgrano, in Buenos Aires.
*"Variaciones sin tema (pensamiento paramétrico)" [Variations without Thema (parametric thought)] for string trio (violin, viola, violoncello). Cologne, 24/May - 29 June 1999. (embryonic idea: Göttingen September 1993.) [6'15"] (The first of the future "Tres Tristes Trios".)
*"Nenia per Zorzi" for clarinet, violoncello and one percussionist (marimba, crotales and tom - tom). Buenos Aires, 22 - 30 August 1999. In memoriam Juan Carlos Zorzi. [6'00"] . 10 pages.
*"Viejo Fueye Deconstruido" [Old, deconstructed bag (bellows)] , postmodern tango for Saxophon Tenor, Bandoneon, Doublebass and Piano. Cologne, 2 February - 2 March 2000. [9'15"] . 26 pages (requires parts).
*"de capa caída", tango for two pianos. Cologne, 24 February - 19 March 2000. [8'00"] . 14 pages. To Dorothee Haddenbruch.
*"Utopía caminante" [Walking Utopia] , for trombone and violoncello. Darmstadt and Köln, 17 - 23 April 2000. [3'15"] 1 page. Ten years after the death of Luigi Nono. Premiered on 9 November 2000 at the Alte Feuerwache (Cologne) by members of the Quartet Avance: Mike Svoboda (trombone) and Cornelius Hummel (cello).
*"Blockartig", for three recorders (T, T, B). Diez, Köln and trains to and from Amsterdam, 21 May to 19 June 2000. [9'00"] 8 pages. To the trio "les trois en bloc" (Barbara Engelmann, Anja Wetzki and Susanne Riemann).
*"Constelación (Nueva Suite Modal)" [Constellation (New Modal Suite)] , five pieces for flute und clarinet (Preámbulo, Diálogo, Fragmentación, Rítmico and Coral). Cologne, 14 November to 4 December 2000. [7'00"] 11 pages. Dedicated to Mabel García Martínez.
*"Blind Date" for two bass clarinets (with theatral elements). About 10 minutes. April 2000 - January 2001. To Paulo Alvares.
*"Icarus" for quintet: flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano. Stuttgart and Cologne, 1998 - 99 & 2001. [6'00"] First performed in Cologne (Hall Alte Feuerwache) on 6 December 2001 by the Thürmchen Ensemble: Evelin Degen (flute), Diego Montes (clarinet), Clemens Merkel (violin), Caspar Johannes Walter (violoncello), Dorothea Eppendorf (piano), conductor: Erik Oña.
*"Les Atavismes du crépuscule" [Atavisms of twilight] , for clarinet, Alt Saxophon and Trombone. Worpswede, 2 December - 27 December 2001. [10'00"] . To Eduardo Benarroch and Agustín Blanco - Bazán.
*"FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Satiericon", nine pieces for piano four hands (Why, What, Where, When, Which, Who, The unaskable question, How, Why again). Worpswede and Lilienthal, 13 April - 20 April 2002. [13'00] . To Jorge Pítari.
*"Aquelarre (tercera noche de Walpurgis)" for three trumpets. Mollina, Köln, Kürten, Worpswede, Bremen and Lilienthal, 2 July 2001 - 24 May 2002. [8'00"] To Friedemann Boltes.
*"Anche" [also/reed] for trio d'anches (reed trio): oboe, clarinet and bassoon. Mollina, 29 June - 1 July 2002. [6'00"] . To Anke Bräuler.
*"A fondo", milonga for violin and piano. Lilienthal, Köln, trains between Köln and Bremen, 17 August - 25 August 2002. [4'30"] . 4 pages. To "Fredo" Burmester.
*"Schwebend" [Suspended] for Piccolo flute and string trio (Violin, Viola & Cello). Train Stuttgart - > Cologne 14 October, Cologne 15 October 2002. [4'30"] 3 pages.
*"Dreiecksbeziehungen" [triangular relationships] , for Bass-clarinet, Cello and Bandoneon. Flight London - >Bremen & Bus Bremen - >Worpswede, 21 November 2002. [6'00"]
*"You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince", for English Horn and Alto Saxophone. Köln & Worpswede, 28 November - 12 December 2002. [6'30"] To Andreas van Zoelen & Susanne Lucker.
*"Variationen über kein Thema (geometrisches Denken)" [Variations on "it's not a subject" (geometric thinking)] for string trio (violin, viola, cello). Salzburg, Munich, Worpswede; January 2003. [4'00"] (Is the second of the "Tres Tristes Tríos".)
*"Skin & Bones" for two percussionists (Tom - toms and Woodblocks or Temple blocks).
**I) evolving patterns (4 Tom - toms and 5 Woodblocks). Munich, 13 January - 14 January 2003. [3 '00"] .
**II) rhythmic canon (5 tom - toms and 5 woodblocks). Train Bremen - > Köln, 1 February 2003. [1'15"]
*"Frère Jacques the Ripper (deconstructing the Canon)" for Flute, Clarinet, Violin and Cello. Cologne, 27 January - 29 January 2003. [5'15"]
*"Dimensión" [Dimension] Tango for sextet: Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Guitar, Bass, Piano. Worpswede & Köln, January - February 2003. [3'45"]
*"Ölflecke auf dem Wasser" [Oil spots on the water] for Wind Quintet (Fl+Ob+Cl+Hn+Fg) Worpswede, 20 February - 22 February 2003. [4'30"]
*"Anamnesis" for Septet (Flute, Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Violin, Cello, Piano and Percussion [Vibraphon, Tam - tam and temple blocks] ). Kürten, Köln & Worpswede, August 2002 - 26 March 2003. Commissioned by the Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea (Madrid). Written especially for the Plural Ensemble and dedicated to Elisabeth Dierlich. [13'00"] First performed on 13 May 2003 at the Auditorio Nacional de Música (Madrid) by the Plural Ensemble (conducted by Jean Paul Dessy).
*"Balá" for two groups of informal instruments (or one single percussionist). Cologne, 17 April - 18 April 2003. To Carlitos Balá. 2 pages. [2'00"]
*"Cristal plateado" [silvery cristal] for flute & vibraphone. Worpswede, 2003 - JAN/2004 [5'30"]
*"Flaute" [dead calm] , for four flutes. Airplane Frankfurt to Chicago, 19 July 2003, & Köln 6 - 7 August 2003. To Silvina Wainszelbaum [5'45"]
*"EL ES (ein Trio in fünf Sätzen)" [He Is (one trio in five movements)] for violine, cello and piano. Berlin, Cologne, Worpswede, Bremen, diverse conveyance/transportation, November 2001 - September 2003. [Durations: (1'50" + 2'30" + 3'00" + 2'30" + 5'30") Total: 15'30"] Commission of the Kunststiftung NRW; written at the special request of Antonio Spiller. Dedicated to Ljerko Spiller. Premiered by the Spiller - Trio (Antonio Spiller, violin; Wen - Sinn Yang, Cello; Silvia Natiello, piano) on 23 November 2003 in the Max - Joseph - Saal of the Residenz, Munich. Recorded by the Bayerischer Rundfunk.
*"Pensierosa (milonga para tres)" [Pensative (Milonga for three)] for Violin, Cello and Piano. Worpswede, September 2003. [6'15"] To the Spiller Trio: Antonio Spiller, Silvia Natiello & Wen - Sinn Yang.
*"Ostinato Suspenso" for sextet (violin, piano, dulcimer, timpani, drums, tube bells). Köln, 8 August & 1 October 2003. [1'35"] (for the short film "Mesa para dos")
*"Degrees of Resonance" for Trumpet (with Live Electronic) and Organ. Bremen, flight Paris - > New York & Buenos Aires - > New York, Worpswede, Köln; 3 December 2003 - 21 January 2004. [6'30"] For the Duo Aureum (Friedeman Boltes & Guido Helmentag).

* "Seasons" for Alto Flute, English horn & Guitar. Dedicated to Linda Wetherill.
** 1) Autumn [8'15"] (Worpswede & Köln, 16/JAN-2/FEB/2004)
** 2) Winter [3'30"]
** 3) Spring [4'40"]
** 4) Summer

* "Korrupter Walzer" [Corrupted Waltz] fore Flute & Piano. Köln & Worpswede, 14-18/APR/2004. To Cordula Bösze. [3'30"]

* "Ritual Chamán" (Working title) for four percussionists. Köln, 3, 4 & 9/MAY/2004. [1'00"]

* "Hypnosis (in another room)" for trio (clarinet [or viola d'amore] , tenor saxophone & piano (after the homonymous piece for Viola); Köln 10-11/MAY/2004, version dedicated to the Thelema Trio. [2'30"] Premiere: Thelema Trio, Teatro Comunale de Citta della Pieve, Italy, 27/AUG/2004 (the concert was organised by the city major). Belgian first performance: Thelema Trio, 13/OCT/2004, De Rode Pomp, Gent, Belgium. South American first performance: Thelema Trio, 24/OCT/2004 (Instituto Nacional de Cultura "La Libertad", Trujillo, Perú), 28/OCT/2004 (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú), 30/OCT/2004 (Universidad de San Agustín, Arequipa, Perú) and 2/NOV/2004, Festival Internacional de música clásica contemporánea de Lima.

* "Momificación de una rosa" [Mummification of a rose] for violin (one or two). London (tube), 11-12/JUL/2004. [7'40"] "To her"

* "Vidurria" for a quartet of a same instrument (4 horns, 4 clarinets, 4 violins in harmonics, etc.). Köln, July-2/AUG/2004. [15'00"] Premiere by the Clarinet Quartet Manuel de Falla (Enrique Pérez, Adolfo Garcés Sauri, Jorge Gil & José Selva) on 8/JUL/2005 at the Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid).

* "Zwei Duos für zwei" [Two Duos for Two] for two flutes. Worpswede, Bremen & Köln; 27-30/OCT/2004. [Total duration: 5'00" (2'05"+2'55")] To Katrin Dapper-Helmerding & Sabine Tiedtke.

* "Kammerkonzert" [Chamber Concert] for Salon Orchestra (Fl+Clar+Bsn+3 Vln+Viola+Cello+Cb+Pno). Commission of the Landesmusikrat of Bremen. [Total duration: 26'30"] Premiered on 11/JUN/2005 by the salon orchestra Café Olé at the church Unser Lieben Frauen, Bremen. The concert was recorded by Radio Bremen.
** 1st Movement ("Sphärisch"): Köln, 15-18/NOV/2004. [5'00"]
** 2nd Movement ("Klaustrophobie"): Worpswede, Bremen, Köln, 18-23/NOV/2004. [3'15"]
** 3rd Movement ("Tango en espiral"): Worpswede, Bremen, Köln, NOV/2004-JAN 2005. [5'15"]
** 4th Movement ("Abgesang"): Worpswede, Bremen, Köln, Salzburg, NOV/2004-14/FEB/2005. [13'00"]

* "Fun-fare" for 4-parts Trumpet Ensemble and a drum. [2'45"] . Köln, 8-12/JAN/2005.
* "FORUM" for flute quintet, 4-parts Trumpet Ensemble, drum and piano Includes version of the pieces Intrommel, Fun-fare and Ätherklavier. Finished in Worpswede, 26/FEB/2005. [10'00"] For the inauguration of the "Forum für Schule und Kultur" of the School "Annette von Droste Hülshoff" in Münster-Nienberge (Germany). Premiere: 17/ABR/2005.

* "Tengo un tango" [I've gotta tango] for four guitars (after the original piece, for piano). Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004. Version for guitar quartet: Buenos Aires, 13/APR/2005, & Köln 20/APR/2005. [5'20"] . Dedicated to Nicola B. Lahn and Walter Samsel.

* "Tengo un tango" [I've gotta tango] for Nonet (2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 violins, guitar, bass and piano), after the original piece, for piano. Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004. Version for Nonet: Köln, 24-25/APR/2005. [5'20"] . Dedicated to Nicola B. Lahn und Walter Samsel. First performance: on 28/MAY/2005 at the Gemeindehaus of the Zionskirche in Worpswede, Germany, by the Orquesta no típica conducted by the composer. Repeated on 16/JUN/2005 (same performers) at the Theater of the University in Bremen.

* "Arroyo seco" [Dry River] for Trio (variable instrumental line-up). Tandil, 18-24/MAR/2005 (realisation: until JUN 2005 in Bremen, Worpswede, Köln and diverse means of transportation). [7'00"]

* "Dos elegías" [Two Elegies] for violin and cello (or Horn).
** I) Bremerhaven & Worpswede, 27-28/APR/2005. [6'00"] .
** II) Köln, 30/APR-1/MAY/2005. [2'10"]

* "Mai-Glöckchen" [Little Bells of May / Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)] Version for flute trio, made in Worpswede on 14/JUN/2005, of the original piece for piano solo, written in Köln in 11/MAY/2005). [2'35"] . It will integrate a cycle of "flowers" together with "Herbst-zeitlose" and others.

* "Tengo un tango" [I've gotta tango] for quartet (flute [or violin] , bandoneon, doublebass and piano), after the original piece, for piano. Cologne, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004. Version for quartet: Worpswede & Bremen, 26/JUN - 1/JUL/2005 [5'20"] . Dedicated to Nicola B. Lahn und Walter Samsel.

* "Tango en ciernes" for tenor saxophone and piano. (Original for piano: Worpswede, 30/JUN; Bremen, 1/JUL; Köln 2/JUL/2005.) [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan. Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (sax) and the composer (piano) in a private concert in Worpswede (house of Ulrike Dehning) on 10/JUL/2005. First performance in Switzerland: Eduardo Kohan (sax) and the composer (piano) at the Leopard Room of the Hôtel d'Angleterre, Geneve, 12/AUG/2005. Repeated by both performers on 13/AUG/2005 at the Hôtel d'Angleterre, on 14/AUG/2005 at the Bains des Pâquis and on 15/AUG/2005 in the home of Ms. Marianne Bally, in Geneve.

* "Un eremita", lonely/solitary milonga for one instrument and piano. Köln, 17-18/JUL/2005 (precisions: Bremen, 15/SEP/2005). [6'00]

* "Tango en ciernes" for quintet (saxo alto, saxo tenor, bandoneon, doublebass and piano). After the original for piano. Arrangement for quintet: Köln (22/AUG) & Train Köln->Bremen (24/AUG/2005). [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan. First performance: 14/OCT/2005 at the AMR in Geneve, Switzerland, by the group "LIBERTANGO": Eduardo Kohan (tenor saxophone), Stefano Saccon (alto saxophone), Alain Ray (bandoneón), Jean Ferrarini (piano) and Claude Currat (double bass).

* "Con un sapo en la nariz" [With a toad in the nose] for two bass clarinets, two celli, or one of each. Buses and tranways from Worpswede to Bremen, 25/AUG-2/SEP/2005. [3'33"] . To Petra Stump & Heinz-Peter Linshalm. Premiere: Gustavo Kamerbeek (bass clar) & Ricardo de Armas (vcl), Hall Payró of the Teatro Municipal, Bahía Blanca (Argentina), 16/MAY/2006, in the cycle "Música de Cámara Profertil 2006" (organized by the Asociación Amigos de la Orquesta Sinfónica Provincial de Bahía Blanca).

* "Sale con fritas", milonga for any melodic instrument and piano. Bremen, 28/OCT/2005 (precisions: Köln, 29/OCT/2005). [3'00] Premiere on 6/DEC/2005 at the University in Bremen by Eduardo Kohan (Saxophone) and the composer at the piano. Version for two melodic instrument and piano: premiere on 11/DIC/2005 at Westend (Bremen) by Eduardo Kohan (Saxophone), Gert Gondosch (violin) and the composer at the piano. Performed by Gert Gondosch (violin) and the composer (piano) on 16/JUN/2006 at Westend (Bremen), cycle "Tango Spezial". Another performance by Eduardo Kohan (tenor saxophone) and Juan María Solare (piano), Bains des Pâquis (Geneva, Switzerland), 6/AUG/2006. It was included in the CD Tango Nómade (JUL 2006) by Kohan & Solare. Performed by Kohan & Solare in Worpswede (private concert at Ingeborg Hjort's, 8/SEP/2006), Hamburg (church St. Ansgari, 9/SEP/2006), Worpswede (church Zionskirche, 11/SEP/2006), Bremen (culture center Westend, cycle Tango Spezial, 12/SEP/2006) and Ottersberg (culture center Kukuc, 15/SEP/2006).

* "Liebergmilonga". Milonga for Trio (flute, cello & guitar), version (NOV/2005) of the piece of the same name original for piano (2004). To Andreas Lieberg. [5'00"]

* "Senderos que se bifurcan" for 1 to 4 guitars. NOV 2005. [5'00"] To Jens Wagner. Premiere: Kai Okuniek & Jens Wagner, in KITO (Bremen-Nord), 12/FEB/2006.

* "Talismán", tango for saxophone and piano (original para piano solo: Köln, 31/OCT/2005). [2'30"] (Version Sax & Pno: DEC 2005). Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (sax) and the composer (piano) at Westend, Bremen, 10/DEC/2005.

*"Quinteto minimal" (no title yet) for quintet (flute, clarinet, violin, cello & piano). Köln & trains, 26/MAR-2/APR/2006 [5'10"]

* "Herbst-zeitlose" [Meadow saffron / Naked lady (Colchicum autumnale)] for three flutes (adaptation, made in Köln on 19 & 22/APR/2006, of the piano piece with the same name from SEP/2005. [3'10"] It will integrate a cycle of flowers "Blümerantes" together with "Mai-glöckchen" and others.

* "Tango en ciernes" for bass clarinet and piano. (Original for piano solo: JUN-JUL/2005. Version for bass clarinet and piano: Köln, 23/APR/2006). [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan.

* "Thinking outloud" for flute and piano. Köln, 17-26/MAR/2006. [8'40"] For Katrin Dapper-Helmerding on her 45th birthday.

* "13 Miniaturen", 13 miniatures for tenor saxophone and organ. APR-/2006 [11'00"] In progress. Avant Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (saxophone) und Ulrike Dehning (organ), 10/SEP/2006, Zionskirche, Worpswede.

* "Octango", for tenor saxophone and piano. Original version for piano: Köln, 9-10/MAY/2005 [1'30"] Version for tenor saxophone and piano: Geneva, 25/JUL/2006. Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (tenor saxophone) and Juan María Solare (piano), Bains des Pâquis (Geneva, Switzerland), 6/AUG/2006. It was included in the CD Tango Nómade (JUL 2006) by Kohan & Solare. Performed by Kohan & Solare in Worpswede (private concert at Ingeborg Hjort's, 8/SEP/2006), Hamburg (church St. Ansgari, 9/SEP/2006), Worpswede (church Zionskirche, 11/SEP/2006), Bremen (culture center Westend, cycle Tango Spezial, 12/SEP/2006) and Ottersberg (culture center Kukuc, 15/SEP/2006).

* "Octango", for cello & piano. Original version for piano: Köln, 9-10/MAY/2005. Version for cello & piano: Geneva, 25/JUL/2006. [1'30"] Premiere: Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) on 21/NOV/2006 at Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial).

* "Tengo un tango", for tenor saxophone and piano. (After the homonimous piece, original for piano, dated in Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004). [5'20"] . Version for sax & piano: Geneva, 27/JUL/2006. Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (tenor saxophone) and Juan María Solare (piano), Bains des Pâquis (Geneva, Switzerland), 6/AUG/2006. It was included in the CD Tango Nómade (JUL 2006) by Kohan & Solare. Performed by Kohan & Solare in Worpswede (private concert at Ingeborg Hjort's, 8/SEP/2006), Hamburg (church St. Ansgari, 9/SEP/2006), Worpswede (church Zionskirche, 11/SEP/2006), Bremen (culture center Westend, cycle Tango Spezial, 12/SEP/2006) and Ottersberg (culture center Kukuc, 15/SEP/2006).

* "Wintergrün" [Pyrolia rotundifolia] for three flutes (fifth and last piece of the cycle Blümerantes). Original for piano: AUG-SEP/2006). Version for three flutes: 6-9/SEP/2006. [3'20"] Beatriz in memoriam.

* "Norbertango" for organ and flute. Original for piano: Worpswede, 3-4/DEC/2004. Version for organ and flute: train Bremen -> Köln, 16/SEP/2006 [2'00"] . Norberto Volante in memoriam. Oremiere: Susanne Meier (flute) & Juan María Solare (organ), 8/OCT/2006 at the church Zionskirche in Worpswede (Germany), in the frame of the "87. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (87th Organ music in Worpswede).

* "El bosque de los ectoplasmas turquesa" [The forest of the turquoise ectoplasms] , four pieces for saxophone trio (soprano, alto & tenor) or clarinet trio (3 sopran clarinets). Total duration: 13'50"
**1) Mariposa de humo [Butterfly of smoke] . Bremerhaven & Köln, 13-17/SEP/2006. [3'30"]
**2) Monjes heterodoxos [Heterodox monks] . Alicante, 25/SEP & flight Alicante -> Köln, 26/SEP/2006. [4'20"]
**3) Llaves oxidadas bajo un menhir [Rusty keys under a menhir] . Conception: Alicante (25/SEP/2006); realisation: Bremerhaven (12/OCT), Bremen (13/OCT) & train Bremen -> Köln (13/OCT/2006). [3'30"]
**4) Arena en fluctuación [Sand in fluctuation] . Köln, 19/SEP/2006. [2'30"]

* "Sufi Motetten" for flute and organ. Original for women choir (SA). [Total duration: 4'50"] The cycle is dedicated to the pastor Ewald Dubbert.
**I - "Verborgener Schatz" [Hidden treasure] Original: Worpswede, 25-26/FEB/2003. Version for flute & organ: Worpswede, 7/OCT/2006 [1'00"] Premiere: Zionskirche, Worpswede (Germany), 8/OCT/2006, by Susanne Meier (flute) & Juan María Solare (organ).
**II - "Umfassen" [Contain] . Original: Worpswede, 6/JUL/2003. [1'20"] .
**III - "Jetzt" [Now] . Original: Kürten & Worpswede, 14/AGO-6/SEP/2003. A metallic percussion instrument with a long resonance time is required (gong, tamtam, etc.) [2'30"]

* "Tengo un tango", for two pianos (after the homonymous piece, original for piano: Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004). Version for two pianos: Bremen, OCT/2006. [5'20"] . Dedicated to Nicola B. Lahn & Walter Samsel. Premiere: Duo Dinamitango (JM Solare - Gustavo Lanzón) at the Kulturwerkstatt Westend (Bremen) on 10/OCT/2006.

* "Tengo un tango", for quintet (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano). After the homonymous piece, original for piano (Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004). Version for quintet: Bremerhaven, OCT/2006. [5'20"] . Dedicated to Nicola B. Lahn & Walter Samsel. Premiere: QuinteTTTango (Iris Höfling, flute; Marek Nowak, clarinet; Walter Samsel, violin; Andreas Pott, cello; Juan María Solare, piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle TonSpur nr. 36).

* "Talismán", tango for cello & piano (original version for piano solo: Köln, 31/OCT/2005). [2'30"] (Version cello & piano: Köln, 29/OCT/2006). Premiere: Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) on 21/NOV/2006 at Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial).

* "Tango en ciernes" for cello & piano (original version for piano solo: Worpswede, 30/JUN; Bremen, 1/JUL; Köln 2/JUL/2005. Version for cello & piano: Köln, 30/OCT/2006). [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan. Premiere by Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) in Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial), 21/NOV/2006.

* "Octango", for double bass & piano. Original version for piano: Köln, 9-10/MAY/2005. Version for double bass & piano: Köln, 30/OCT/2006. [1'30"]

* "Tengo un tango", for cello & piano (original version for piano solo: Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004). [5'20"] . Version for cello & piano: Köln, 30/OCT/2006. Premiere by Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) in Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial), 21/NOV/2006.

* "Tengo un tango", for piano trio (violin, cello & piano). After the homonimous piece, original for piano (Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004). Version for trio: Köln, 31/OCT/2006. [5'20"] . To Nicola B. Lahn y Walter Samsel. Premiere by Dr. Walter Samsel (violin), Dr. Andreas Pott (cello) & Juan María Solare (piano), at the evangelisches bildungszentrum in Bad Bederkesa (North of Germany) on 11/NOV/2006 (during the opening of the picture exposition Private Views by Jutta Bastian).

* "Tango en ciernes" for sextet (flute, alto saxophone, violin, guitar, cello & piano). After the original for piano (2005). Version for sextet: Bremen & train Bremen-Köln, 8/DEC, and Köln 10/DEC/2006. [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan. Premiere: 18/JAN/2007, Theater of the University in Bremen, by the Orquesta no típica (conductor: Juan María Solare). Performed again on 19/JAN/2007 by the same musicians at the church "Guter Hirt" in Lilienthal (Foyer Konzerte nr. 21)

Works for Solo Instruments

Piano Solo (except 4-hands: see "Chamber music")

*"Doce variaciones 1987" [Twelve Variations 1987] for piano (1987) [12']
*"Milonga Nunca Más", for piano (1994) [3"30"] . To Carlos Guastavino, Pedro Sáenz and Juan José Ramos. First performed by María Victoria Asurmendi on 7 December 1999 at the Círculo Naval in Buenos Aires.
* "Kabstraktion", Sounding Moment for piano (Cologne, 1994) [1'15"] Premiere by the composer on 7/AUG/1994 during the Vacation Courses of New Music at Darmstadt. Argentine first performance: Vanina Trifoglio on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
* "In the middle of Nowhere", for piano (Cologne, May 1994) [3'00"] . First performed by the composer on 20/JUN/1994 at the Musikhochschule in Cologne. Again during Vacation Courses of New Music at Darmstadt, on 7/AUG/1994.
* "La memoria de Caronte" [The memory of Caronte] for piano (Cologne, June 1994) [4'30"] . To Ligia. First performed by Dorothee Haddenbruch on 3/FEB/2000 in the Aula Magna of the Musikhochschule in Cologne, accompanied by a silent performance by Ligia Liberatori. Repeated by Dorothee Haddenbruch on 1/APR/2000 at the Lukaskirche in Cologne-Flittard, on 23/JUN/2001 at the Kulturbunker Mülheim (Cologne), and on 30/SEP/2001 at the Hans Thomas Gymnasium in Lörrach (Germany). Performed by the composer at a home concert at Gudrun Laves' in Worpswede (Germany) on 10/AUG/2002. Argentine first performance by Federico Ferro on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. The composer played it on 25/APR/2004 at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberneuland in Bremen, and y at the Theatre of the University in Bremen on 2/FEB/2006.
*"... de bueyes perdidos ..." ["... about lost Oxen ..."] Prelude with Markov - chains, for piano (Cologne, July - August 1995) [4'00"] . To Diego Prigollini.
* "Full moon over the horizon", for harpsichord or piano. Cologne, 20-22 February 1997. [4'15"] To Suzana Mendes. Facsimile: 7 pages. Premiere: Leonardo Petroni (piano) on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad in Buenos Aires during a monographic concert organised by Silvia Dabul & Manuel Massone. European first performance by the composer (piano) on 25/APR/2004 at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberneuland in Bremen (Germany).
* "Saludo" [Greeting] , for a pianist. Köln, 30/JUL-7/AUG/1999. [4'00] . For Karlheinz Stockhausen in his 71th birthday. 6 pages.
* "Garúa infinita" [endless drizzle] , Prelude for piano. Buenos Aires, 17 September 1999. [4'15"] To Estela Telerman.
* "Anochecer en Ushuaia" [Nightfall in Ushuaia] , simple Tango for Piano (right Hand alone). One may play it on Guitar. Cologne, 10 February 2000. [3'00"] 2 pages. First performed by the composer on 20 November 2001 in the Representation of the Federal State of Low Saxony (Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen), in Berlin, during a concert for the benefit of the Foundation "Kinder von Tschernobyl" (Children of Chernobil), presenting a Calendar with pictures by other scholarshipped of the Künstlerhäuser Worpswede. Second version: for Guitar (in collaboration with Sebastián Bosch Estrada), Köln 30/AUG & 20/SEP/2005. Premiered by Jens Wagner, on 12/FEB/2006, in KITO (Bremen-Nord). There is a third version for choir.
* "e", for piano solo. 16-17 February 2000. [2'43"] To Luca Miti. 3 pages and indications. First performance: Luca Miti on 15/DIC/2002 at the Associazione Culturale V.O.C.I., Rome (IV festival "...tra composizione e improvvisazione").
* "Neunzehn Atemzüge" for piano. Cologne, 27 May 2000. To Cordula Dietrich. [2'45"]
* "Fastango" for piano. Trains from Köln to Salzburg (both ways), 28/FEB and 6/MAR 2001, details in Köln until 2/ABR/2001. For a choreography of Antonella Marcucci. [3'30"] First performed by Gert Kapo on 1/JUN/2001 at the Studiotheater of the Musikhochschule in Cologne ("Tanzabend junge Choreographen" - "Dance Evening Young Choreographs") with a choreography by Antonella Marcucci, performed by Anna Mühlberger and Anna Schmurko.
* "Winchmore Hill" for piano. Worpswede, 27/AUG-20/SEP/2001. To James MacAonghus. [4'00"] Premiere by Dorota Niziol in Stuttgart on 28/SEP/2002, with a choreography by Diana-Maria Sagvosdkina (Studio für BewegungsChiffren) within the frame of the Kulturmarkt Stuttgart. Repeated by the composer at the theatre of the University in Bremen on 8/JUN/2006.
* "Blues en " [Blues in E / Blues in me] for piano. Worpswede, 9-18/OCT/2001. To Hans-Dieter Ludwig (H.D.) [3'20"] 4 pages. First performance by the composer at the Music Hall in Worpswede (Germany) on 3 May 2002. Argentine first performance: Cecilia Strack on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
* "RED - a deconstructed Blues" (music for Marcel Worms) for piano. Mollina, Kürten and Worpswede, 5/JUL-7/NOV/2001. [4'30"] 4 pages. Premiere by Marcel Worms on 7/JUN/2002 at the Goethe Institut in Paris. German first performance by the composer on 8/JUN/2002 at the Museum Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen. Argentine first performance: Gonzalo Casares on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Northamerican premiere: Marcel Worms, Cincinnati (University of Cincinnati), 7/FEB/2003. Further performances in USA: Marcel Worms, Middletown (Wesleyan University), 9/FEB/2003. Marcel Worms, Buffalo (Deaman College), 11/FEB/2003.
* "Pasaje Seaver", tango for piano. Worpswede, 5-22/DIC/2001. To my father. [7'30"] 5 pages. First performance by the composer on 15/MAR/2002 at the Café Central, Worpswede (Germany). Argentine first performance: Natalia Cabello on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Repeated by the composer on 2/OCT/2004 at the Niels-Stensen-Haus (Lilienthal) during the concert "die akustische Landschaft des Moores" (the acoustic landscape of the bog). Also during a private concert in the home of Ingeborg & Alfred Schmidt-Ehrenberg, in Bremen, on 29/JAN/2005. Also in Buenos Aires (Scala de San Telmo), 1/APR/2005. Also in Mendoza, Auditorio de la Escuela de Música de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; on 8/APR/2005. Also on 14/JAN/2006 at Westend, Bremen. Also on 2/FEB/2006 at the Theatre of the University n Bremen. Also at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen on 8/JUL/2006 (inauguration of the new building).
* "Fragmentango", for one until infinite pianists. Worpswede, 7-8/MAY/2002. [3'00"] 1 page. To my mother Beatriz. First performed on 20/JUN/2002 at the Hochschule für Musik Köln, Departament Wuppertal, during the Final Concert of the Improvisation Course coordinated by Dorothee Haddenbruch. Performers: Jana Kunina, Noeko Takimura, David J. Becher, Florian Besten, Felicia Schick & Christina Schraub.
* "Sonatango" for piano. Dedicated to my sister María Mercedes. The four movements may be performed separately and have independient titles:
** I) "Natural". Köln, Lilienthal, Worpswede, different trains, 22/AUG-28/SEP/2002. [4'45"] Premiere: Sonia Morales on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
** II) "Nómade" Lilienthal, 13/JUN/2002. [3'00"] Piano version first performed by the composer at the Atelier Gudrun Laves (Worpswede) on 5/ENE/2003. Argentine first performance: Sonia Morales on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hollander first performance by the composer at the Academia del Tango in Amsterdam on 12/JUN/2004. Second version for recorders quartet, SATB, made by the composer in Köln on 16/SEP/2002 (corrections: Worpswede, 27/JAN/2005). Third version for quintet [Fl+Clar+Vln+Guit+Bass] , premiered at the University in Bremen on 9/DEC/2002 by the Orquesta no Típica). Fourth version for Quartet (Violin, Bandoneón, Guitar and Bass), premiere on 27/MAY/2003 by the group Tango Volcano in London (St Cyprian's Church); performed on 16/OCT/2004 in Bremen (Brauhauskeller) by the quartet Flautango. Fifth version for quintet (flute, vibraphone, piano, guitar & E-Bass) written in Köln 5/OCT/2003 (for the shortfilm "Mesa para dos"). Sixth Version for Tenor Sax (or bassoon) and piano, Worpswede 26/NOV/2003. Premiere: Eduardo Kohan (tenor saxophone) and Juan María Solare (piano), Bains des Pâquis (Geneva, Switzerland), 6/AUG/2006. It was included in the CD Tango Nómade (JUL 2006) by Kohan & Solare. Performed by Kohan & Solare in Worpswede (private concert at Ingeborg Hjort's, 8/SEP/2006), Hamburg (church St. Ansgari, 9/SEP/2006), Worpswede (church Zionskirche, 11/SEP/2006), Bremen (culture center Westend, cycle Tango Spezial, 12/SEP/2006) and Ottersberg (culture center Kukuc, 15/SEP/2006). Seventh version for orchestra (Bremen 12-13/FEB/2004, under the general title "Concertango"). Eighth version for clarinet quartet (cl Eb, 2 cl Bb, bass cl; Köln 21/JUL/2004), world premiere by the Quartet "Cuatro Palos" (Raúl Soto, Diego Casoni, Gustavo Kamerbeek & María de la Cruz Rodríguez Palacios) on 28/AUG/2004 at the Library Bernardino Rivadavia in Bahía Blanca (Argentina); European first performance on 2/JUN/2005 by the Bremer Klarinettenquartett at Westend, Bremen. Ninth version for cello & piano (Worpswede 17/OCT/2004), premiered by Penelope Witt (cello) and the composer at the piano in Buenos Aires (Scala de San Telmo), 1/APR/2005. European premiere: Dr. Andreas Pott (cello) & Juan María Solare (piano) at the evangelisches bildungszentrum in Bad Bederkesa (North of Germany) on 11/NOV/2006. Also performed by Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) on 21/NOV/2006 at Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial). Tenth version for quartet (flute, bandoneon, piano, contrabass), dedicated to the group "Flautango" (17-31/OCT/2004). Eleventh version for bass clarinet & accordion (Köln 14/NOV/2004). Twelfth version for flute & piano (Train Bremen -> Köln, 17/DEC/2004). First performed by Katrin Dapper-Helmerding (flute) and the composer at the piano, on 24/JAN/2005 in Bremen (Stiftungsresidenz Ichon Park); repeated by Clara Blome & Angelika Benz on 29/JAN/2006 at the Musik- und Kunstschule Bielefeld (competition Jugend Musiziert). Thirteenth version for Organ, premiere by Ulrike Dehning on 29/MAY/2005 at the Zionskirche in Worpswede, in the frame of the "29. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (29th Organ Music in Worpswede); repeated on 24/JUL/2005 by the composer during the "35. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" at the Zionskirche, Worpswede; repeated by Ulrike Dehning in Fischerhude (Fischerhuder Orgelvesper, 19/AUG/2005), repeated by the composer at the church La Paloma in Madrid on 28/AUG/2006. Fourteenth version for cello quartet (Worpswede & Bremen, 9-10/JUN/2005). Fifteenth version for saxophone quartet (Köln, 23/OCT/2005). Sixteen Version for Wind Quintet (Fl+Ob+Cl+Hn+Bsn) (Köln, 6/MAY/2006), premiere by the Quintet Viento en Popa, Primer Congreso de Música Argentina, Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte (Buenos Aires), NOV/2006. Seventeenth version for violin and piano (JUN 2006), premiere by Gert Gondosch (violin) and the composer (piano) in Westend (Bremen) on 16/JUN/2006 in Westend (Bremen), cycle "Tango Spezial". Eighteenth version: for flute and organ (OCT 2006), premiere by Susanne Meier (flute) & Juan María Solare (organ) on 8/OCT/2006 at the church Zionskirche in Worpswede (Germany). Nineteenth versin: for two pianos, OCT/2006; premiere by the duo Dinamitango (JM Solare - Gustavo Lanzón) at the Kulturwerkstatt Westend (Bremen) on 10/OCT/2006. Twentieth version: for clarinet and piano (13/JAN/2007), Premiere: Iván Martínez (cl) & Alfonso Vázquez (pno), Casa Municipal de Cultura, Zacatecas, Mexico, 3/MAR/2007.
**III) "Introversión" Lilienthal & Köln, 13-16/SEP/2002. [5'10"] Premiere: Federico Ferro on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
** IV) "Fulminante" Lilienthal. 25/AUG-4/SEP/2002. [5'10"] Premiere: Antonella Giunta on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

*"häi ka", Sounding Moment for piano. Kürten, 30/JUL/2002. [1'00"] To Karlheinz Stockhausen.

* "Mois de pèlerinage" [Months of pilgrimage] , twelve monthly preludes for piano solo. JAN-DEC/2002. Whole cycle: 60 minutes. Each prelude may be performed separately:
** "Estalactitas" [Stalactites] , speleological prelude for piano. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 29-31/JAN/2002. To Patrizia Boschin. [5'00"] 2 pages. Premiere on 14/JUN/2002 by Patrizia Boschin at the Church Guter Hirt, Lilienthal (Germany). Repeated by the composer on 10/AUG/2002 in Worpswede (house concert at Gudrun Laves').
** "Moormoos" [Moss of the bog] , prelude with resonances for piano. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 9-16/FEB/2002. To Luis Alfredo Duarte Herrera [6'30"] 3 pages. First performance by the composer on 8/DEC/2002 in a home-concert at Hildegard Stausberg, in Cologne. Repeated in the Rathaus in Worpswede on 1/JUL/2003 (event "Rilke trifft Vogeler" organised by the Heinrich-Vogeler-Gesellschaft) and on 10/NOV/2003 at the Niels-Stensen-Haus (Lilienthal) (Vernissage of an exposition of Karin Hündling).
** "Solsticio" [Solstice] , astronomic prelude for piano. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 30-31/MAR/2002. [4'00"]
** "Relojes Blandos" [Soft Clocks] , prelude for piano. Worpswede, 2-5/APR/2002. [7'30"] 3 pages. First performed by the composer on the "Kultourbahn" ("cultoural trainway") during the "Long Night of the Museums" in Bremen, on 8/JUN/2002. Repeated on the same day (twice) at the museum Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen.
** "Countdown", prelude for piano. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 8-26/MAY/2002. [4'30"] 4 pages.
** "Plus Ultra" [Beyond] , prelude for piano. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 9-17/JUN/2002. [5'15"]
** "Afterthoughts", prelude for piano. Madrid and Kürten, 15/JUL-4/AUG/2002. To Ramón Barce. [4'00"]
** "Mar adentro" [Out to see] , prelude for piano. Kürten, Bremen, Köln, Lilienthal, Worpswede, 4-31/AUG 2002. [5'40"]
** "Rapsodia Porteña" [Rhapsody of Buenos Aires] , prelude for piano. Worpswede and Lilienthal, 31/AUG-4/SEP/2002. [3'15"] 4 pages. Premiere: Leandro Barrientos on 17/DIC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. German First performance: Philipp Niemann, 12/FEB/2006, KITO (Bremen-Nord).
** "Equinoccio" [Equinox] , one more astronomic prelude for piano. 19-30/OCT/2002. [3'15"] To Elisabeth Dierlich. Premiere on 5/ENE/2003 at the Atelier Gudrun Laves, Worpswede.
** "Atonalgotán (un preludio tanguístico no tonal y deconstruído)" [Atonalgotán (a non-tonal, deconstructed prelude in tango-style)] for piano. Train Bremen->Köln & Köln, 30/NOV/2002. [1'45"] To Carlos María Solare. First performed by the composer on 15/JUN/2003 at the Atelier Gudrun Laves, Worpswede. Argentine first performance: Leonardo Medero on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Repeated by the composer in Berlin on 14/MAR/2006, Berliner Kabarett Anstalt (cycle Unerhörte Musik, unheard music), also at the theatre of the university in Bremen. Second version for tenor saxophone, vibraphone and accordion (Köln & Bremen, 17-19 December 2002) is dedicated to the group "Oiasso Novis". Third version for flute and guitar (Köln, 16-28/JUL/2004), premiere on 17/OCT/2004 in Wiesbaden (Foyer of the Staatstheater) by the Duo Arrabal (Thomas Richter & Karin Scholz).
** "Estalagmitas" [Stalagmites] , one more speleological prelude for piano. Worpswede, 24-29/DEC/2002. To Elisabeth Dierlich. [5'00"] First performed by Juan María Solare at 8/JUN/2003 in the Rhön Academie (Gersfeld, Germany).

* "Naturgeträumt, erste Flageoletüde" for piano. Gersfeld (Rhön, Germany), 8/JUN/2003. 2 pages. [12'00"] To Elisabeth Dierlich. Premiere by the composer on 25/APR/2004 at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberneuland in Bremen (Germany). Repeated by the composer in Berlin on 14/MAR/2006, Berliner Kabarett Anstalt (cycle Unerhörte Musik, unheard music).
* "Akemilonga" for piano. Köln, 23/JUN/2003. [1'45"] To Akemi Ishijima. Premiere by the composer on 14/NOV/2003 in Bremen (Brauhauskeller). Published in the album Arte del Tango (Ricordi Munich, Sy 2765, March 2006). There is a version by the composer for flute, clarinet, 2 violins, guitar and Bass, made on 9/JUL/2003 in Worpswede. And a third version (Köln 5/OCT/2003) for sextet (Flute, Marimba, piano, E-Bass, steel drums, bass drum) for the short film "Mesa para dos"
* "Ätherklavier (Berceuse non canonique pour Luciano Berio)" [Piano of ether (non canonic berceuse for Luciano Berio)] . For piano. Worpswede, 3-4/MAY & 29-30/JUN 2003. 2 pages. [5'00"] Premiere: by Leonardo Medero on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Performed by the composer on 19/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio Provincial, Tandil (Argentina). European first performance by the composer (piano) on 25/APR/2004 at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberneuland in Bremen (Germany). Repeated by the composer on 2/OCT/2004 at the Niels-Stensen-Haus (Lilienthal) during the concert "die akustische Landschaft des Moores" (the acoustic landscape of the bog). Also during a private concert in the home of Ingeborg & Alfred Schmidt-Ehrenberg, in Bremen, on 29/JAN/2005. Also at the Auditorio de la Escuela de Música de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; on 8/APR/2005. Also at the Theatre of the University in Bremen on 2/FEB/2006. Also at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen on 8/JUL/2006 (inauguration of the new building).
* "Déjà Blues" for piano. Köln & Worpswede, 1-5/SEP/2003. [1'30"] . To Gustavo Lanzón. Premiere by the composer in Berlin on 14/MAR/2006, Berliner Kabarett Anstalt (cycle Unerhörte Musik, unheard music); repeated at the theatre of the university in Bremen. First performance in Spain by the composer on 21/JUN/2006 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Fiesta de la Música organised by the magazine Doce Notas). Published by the magazine Doce Notas (Madrid) nr. 52 (June 2006), central pages.
* "Windstoß (Haiku Nr. 4)" for piano. Worpswede, 11/SEP/2003. [1'25"] To Elisabeth Dierlich. Premiere by the composer in Berlin on 14/MAR/2006, Berliner Kabarett Anstalt (cycle Unerhörte Musik, unheard music). Repeated by Ulrike Dehning on 28/MAY/2006 at the Community Centre of the church Zionskirche of Worpswede (cycle Orgelmusik, Nr. 75). Repeated by the composer at the theatre of the University in Bremen on 8/JUN/2006.
* "Para Lisa" [For Lisa] Walz-Bagatelle for piano. Worpswede, 15-17/OCT/2003. [2'00"] For Elisabeth Dierlich. Premiere by the composer on 14/NOV/2003 in Bremen (Brauhauskeller). Argentine first performance (piano version): Tamara Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003. Also performed by the composer in Buenos Aires (Scala de San Telmo) on 1/APR/2005 and by Natalia González during the recital "The tango at the concert Piano" on 14/MAY/2005 at the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires. Performed by the composer in the venue WESTEND, in Bremen, on 17/JUN/2005. Second version: for sextet (Fl+Cl+2Vln+Guit+Bass) train Bremen->Köln 21/FEB/2004 & Köln, 22/FEB/2004. First performance: on 28/MAY/2005 at the Gemeindehaus of the Zionskirche in Worpswede, Germany, by the Orquesta no típica conducted by the composer. Repeated on 16/JUN/2005 (same performers) at the Theater of the University in Bremen, and there on 19/JAN/2006. Also on 21/JAN/2006 at the church "Felicianus-Kirchengemeinde Weyhe" in Kirchweyhe (near Bremen). performed by the group QuinteTTTango (Iris Höfling, flute; Marek Nowak, clarinet; Walter Samsel, violin; Andreas Pott, cello; Juan María Solare, piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle TonSpur nr. 36). Third version, for quintet (Violin, Bandoneon, Guitar, Doublebass & Piano): train Köln->Bremen, 2/JUN/2004, & train Bremen->Köln, 4/JUN/2004. Fourth version: for accordion. Premiere by Kristina Kuusisto during a show in the theatre of Minister de Economy and Finance of France in Paris (several days in MAR-APR/2005). Fifth version for flute and piano (Cologne, 29/AUG/2005), premiere by Katrin Dapper-Helmerding (flute) and the composer (piano) at the Stiftungsresidenz Ichon Park, in Bremen, 8/SEP/2005. Performed also by Judith De Santis (flute) & Kim Rösner (piano) on 12/FEB/2006 in KITO (Bremen-Nord). Also by Walter Samsel (violin) and the composer (piano) on 29/APR/2006 in Misselwarden (North Germany). Also by Gert Gondosch (violin) and Juan María Solare (piano) on 16/JUN/2006 at the Kulturwerkstatt Westend (Bremen). Sixth version for Flute (or Violin), Cello and Piano: Köln, 3/SEP/2005. Premiere by Dr. Walter Samsel (violin), Dr. Andreas Pott (cello) & Juan María Solare (piano) at the evangelisches bildungszentrum in Bad Bederkesa (North Germany) on 11/NOV/2006. Seventh version for cello & piano: Köln, 30/OCT/2006; premiere: Gesa Biffio (cello) & the composer (piano) on 21/NOV/2006 at Westend, Bremen (cycle Tango Spezial). Eight version: for clarinet & piano (Köln, 14/JAN/2007) Premiere: Iván Martínez (cl) & Alfonso Vázquez (pno), Casa Municipal de Cultura, Zacatecas, Mexico, 3/MAR/2007.
* "13 Variaciones sobre un tema recurrente (the bombs bursting in air)", for piano. In progress.
**13th) Penúltimo Tango. Train Köln->Bremen, 4 FEB; Bus Worpswede->Bremen, 5/FEB; & Train Bremen->Köln 6/FEB/2004. [1'20"]

* "Aroma a Roma (Sciopero)" [Smell of Rome (strike)] for piano. Rome, Perugia, Cologne, Worpswede, Bremen, 25/MAR-27/APR/2004. To Luca(rissimo) Miti. [5'40"]
* Liebergmilonga, milonga for piano. Bremen & Köln, 18/JUN-2/JUL/2004. To Andreas Lieberg. [5'00"] First performance by the composer on 24/JAN/2005 in Bremen (Stiftungsresidenz Ichon Park). There is a second version for Trio (flute, cello & guitar), NOV/2005.
* "Mozartango 1" for piano. Köln, 14-15/SEP/2004. First piece of a cycle of eleven, based on the aleatoric concept of the Musikalisches Würfelspiel from Mozart (Köchel 294 d). [2'15"] To Natalia González.
* "Himmelsrichtungen (sechs kleine Klavierstücke)" [Cardinal points (six little piano pieces)] for piano. Worpswede, Bremen, Köln; 16/SEP-23/OCT/2004. The whole cycle is dedicated to the Dehning family [Total duration: 19'00"] . Premiere by Ulrike Dehning on 9/JUL/2005 at the Haus im Schluh, Worpswede (Germany), during the first Worpsweder Kultursommer. Repeated by Ulrike Dehning on 16/OCT/2005 at the Community Centre of the church Zionskirche of Worpswede (cycle Orgelmusik, Nr. 47). "Cenit" & "Nadir" were performed by Ulrike Dehning on 28/MAY/2006 at the Community Centre of the church Zionskirche of Worpswede (cycle Orgelmusik, Nr. 75). "Cenit" was also performed by the composer at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD in Bonn on 28/NOV/2006 (as illustration of a lecture by Susanna Poldauf about music & chess, in the frame of the event "Hinter den Spiegeln"). The pieces can be performed separately:
**1) Siesta Norteña. [Northern Siesta] Worpswede, 16/SEP 2004. [3'00"] To Maria Dehning.
**2) Viento del Este. [Wind from the East] Worpswede, Bremen, Köln. 30/SEP-20/OCT 2004 [3'20"] To Christian Dehning.
**3) Un poco más al oeste. [Somehow more to the West] Worpswede, Bremen, Köln; 7-22/OCT/2004 [4'20"] To Johannes Dehning.
**4) La voz del sur. [The Voice of the South] Worpswede, 16/OCT/2004 [2'20"] To Juliane Dehning.
**5) Cenit. Worpswede, 17/OCT; Köln 19-20/OCT/2004 [2'50"] To Friederike Langkrär. Second version: for organ (OCT 2006), premiere by the composer on 8/OCT/2006 at the church Zionskirche Worpswede, in the frame of the "87. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (87th Music for organ in Worpswede).
**6) Nadir. Köln 19-20/OCT/2004 [3'00"] To Ulrike Dehning.

* "Mozartango 2" for piano. Köln, 9/OCT/2004. Second piece of a cycle of eleven, based on the aleatoric concept of the Musikalisches Würfelspiel from Mozart (Köchel 294 d). [2'15"] To Natalia González.

* "Tengo un tango" [I've gotta tango] , for piano. Köln, 12/SEP & 19/OCT/2004. [5'20"] . To Nicola B. Lahn & Walter Samsel. First performance by the composer on 24/JAN/2005 in Bremen (Stiftungsresidenz Ichon Park). Argentine premiere by the composer in Buenos Aires (Scala de San Telmo), 1/APR/2005. Also performed by the composer on 21/MAY/2005 in Bremerhaven (Germany) at the Theater im Fischereihafen, in the frame of the Lange Nacht der Kultur ("Long culture night"). Performed by the composer at WESTEND, Bremen, on 17/JUN/2005, and y at the Martinianleger, in Bremen, in the frame of the project Tango am Fluss (Tango at the river), on 25/JUN/2005 together with the Flustist Efrain Oscher. Performed by the composer on 26/JUN/2005 at the "Musikfest der Zionskirche" (Musical Party of the Sion Church), in Worpswede. Also on 14/JAN/2006 at the Kulturwerkstatt Westend, Bremen. Second version: for four guitars (April 2005). Third version: for Nonet (April 2005). Fourth version: for quartet (JUL 2005). Fifth version: for tenor sax & piano. Sixth version: for two pianos (OCT 2006). Seventh version: for piano trio (Köln 31/OCT/2006).

* "Prélude à la manière de Scriabin" for piano. Köln, 10, 14 & 19/OCT/2004. Based on the rhythmic structure of Scriabin's Opus 11 Nr. 4. [2'00"]
* "Norbertango" for piano. Worpswede, 3-4/DEC/2004. [2'00"] . Norberto Volante in memoriam. Premiere by the composer at WESTEND in Bremen (Germany), on 17/JUN/2005. Performed again by the composer on 8/SEP/2005 at the residence Ichon Park (Bremen). Second version: for organ; premiere by the composer on 24/JUL/2005 in the frame of the 35th Orgelmusik, Zionskirche, Worpswede. Repeated by Ulrike Dehning on 26/NOV/2006 at the "92nd Worpsweder Orgelmusik" in Worpswede. Third version: for organ and flute (see "chamber music").
* "Mai-Glöckchen" [Little Bells of May / Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)] for piano (right hand alone). Köln, 11/MAY/2005. [2'35"] There exists a second version for flute trio. It will integrate a cycle of "flowers" together with "Herbst-zeitlose" and others.
* "Mozartango 3" for piano. Köln, 16-17/MAY/2004. Third piece of a cycle of eleven, based on the aleatoric concept of the Musikalisches Würfelspiel from Mozart (Köchel 294 d). [2'15"] To Natalia González.
* "Un Souvenir" [A Souvenir] for piano. Bremen, 20/MAY/2005. [1'30"] To Luise Scherf.
* "Mozartango 4" for piano. Bremen, 27-28/MAY/2005. Fourth piece of a cycle of eleven, based on the aleatoric concept of the Musikalisches Würfelspiel from Mozart (Köchel 294 d). [2'15"] To Natalia González.
* "Nictálope", nocturne for piano. Worpswede (5/MAR & 19/MAY/2005) & Bremen (20/MAY/2005). [5'15"] Premiere by the composer in Berlin on 14/MAR/2006, Berliner Kabarett Anstalt (cycle Unerhörte Musik, unheard music). Repeated by the composer at the theatre of the University in Bremen on 8/JUN/2006.
* "Nefelismo", nocturne for piano. Buenos Aires, 13/APR; Köln, 6/MAY; Worpswede, 31-31/MAY/2005. [10'00"]
* "Tango en ciernes" for piano. Worpswede, 30/JUN; Bremen, 1/JUL; Köln 2/JUL/2005. [3'00"] To Eduardo Kohan. Premiere by the composer on 8/SEP/2005 at the Residence Ichon Park (Bremen). Second version: for (tenor) saxophone and piano. Third Version: for quintet (alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, bandoneon, double bass and piano). Fourth Version for bass clarinet and piano (see "chamber music").
* "Aún" [still] , milonga for piano. Köln, 13/JUL/2005. [5'00"]
* "La única verdad y otras mentiras" [The only truth and other lies] , tango for piano. Main idea: Worpswede, 17/OCT/2004, Worksing phases: Köln, 4/SEP/2005. [5'15"]
* "Andén Siete", tango for piano. Köln, 14/SEP/2004-16/SEP/2005. [4'15"]
* "Herbst-zeitlose" [Meadow saffron / Naked lady (Colchicum autumnale)] for piano (right hand alone). Worpswede, 14/SEP & Köln 17-18/SEP/2005. [3'10"] It will integrate a cycle of "flowers" together with "Mai-glöckchen" and others.
* "Milonga fría" [cold Milonga] for piano. Köln, 25 & 29/OCT/2005. [5'05"] To Katrin Dapper-Helmerding. Premiere by the composer on 2/FEB/2006 at the Theater of the University in Bremen.
* "Because her name is Laura", for piano. Köln & Worpswede, 2-3/OKT/2003 & 10-17/JAN/2006. [3'00"] . To Laura Diane Kuhn.
* "un adieu" for piano. Worpswede & Bremen, 27/JAN/2006. [4'30"] Premiere by Ulrike Dehning on 28/MAY/2006 at the Community Centre of the church Zionskirche of Worpswede (cycle Orgelmusik, Nr. 75).
* "Märzenbecher" for piano (right hand). Worpswede & Köln, 31/MAR-3/APR 2006. Future movement of "Blümerantes" (together with Mai-Glöckchen and Herbstzeitlose) [5'35"]
* "Mate amargo" for piano. Köln, Worpswede, 20-31/MAY/2006. [4'00] To Bibiana Alvarez.
* "Wintergrün" [Pyrolia rotundifolia] for piano (fifth and last piece of the cycle Blümerantes). Madrid (29/AUG) & Köln (5/SEP/2006). [3'20"] Beatriz in memoriam. There is a version for three flutes.
* "de madrugada - in der Frühe" [at dawn] for piano. Köln, Worpswede, Bremerhaven, 8-10/NOV/2006. [3'20"] Deicated to Ulrike Dehning on her birthday.
* "The chessboard as force field", for piano. System to transcribe chess games into music. The following games have been made:
**1) Averbakh-Kotov, Zürich 1953. Köln, DEC/2006
**2) Kramnik-Deep Fritz, Bonn 2006. Köln, 3-4/DEC/2006. [3'00"] Dedicated to the GM Helmut Pfleger. Premier by the composer at the piano in the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD in Bonn on 4/DEC/2006 (in the frame of the event "Hinter den Spiegeln").

* "Responso (Haiku Nr. 5)" for Organ (or Harmonium or Piano). Köln, 17/FEB/2007. [2'30"] . In memoriam Martin Kausche.

Other instruments solo

* "Trenodia" [Threnody] for viola (Buenos Aires, May 1989) [3'20"] . To Carlos María Solare. First performed by Carlos María Solare in the Aula Magna of the University at Tandil, on 6 April 1991. Violin version: first performed by Juan Roqué Alsina in the Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, on 26 September 1997.
* "Delta", three pieces for clarinet (Buenos Aires, October 1990) [5'25"]
* "Maverick", for unaccompanied violin. Berlin, March 1992. To Dietrich Lasius. Premiere: Gert Gondosch, 28 May 2006, Bremen (Galery Katrin Rabus), cycle "8th Kammermusik am Sonntagmorgen" of the Bremer Philharmoniker. [3'00"]
* "Interludio 1" for guitar (Buenos Aires, 26 April 1992 & 19 September 1992) [0'35"] To Oscar Varela. (See later more Interludios for guitar)
* "Vae Victis" [Woe to the Vanquished] , for tenor saxophone (Cologne, March 1994) [3'00"] . To Enrique Martín Entenza. Third Honorific Mention in the First National Competition "Juan Carlos Paz", organized in 1996 by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Endowment for the Arts) in Argentina (category "work for soloist instrument"). Premiered by Peter Verdonck on 25 July 2004 at the Gentse Feesten in Gent, Belgium.
* "Monaden" [Monads] for violoncello (Cologne, February 1995) [1'10"] . To Amy Leung.
* "Tres Preludios Arcaicos" [Three archaic Preludes] for tuba alone (Cologne, April-June 1995) [7'00"] . 15 pages. First performed by Miguel Moreno in the Museo Thyssen in Madrid (concert of the Plural Ensemble) on 10 June 1998.
* "Sinapsis" [Synapse] , Rhapsody for bass clarinet (Cologne, May-July 1995) [7'00"] To Diego Montes. 14 pages.
* "Happy Birthday, Mr. K." for clarinet (Cologne, 21-22 July 1995) [0'30"] . To Karlheinz Stockhausen. 1 page.
* "... WOLF ..." nocturne for violoncello (Cologne, JUL-AUG 1995) [7'00"] . To Amy Leung. 4 pages.
* Prelude 1 for Horn alone (Cologne 1995) [2'55"] 2 pages. First performed by Gaetan Lagrange at the Musikhochschule in Cologne the 12/FEB/1996. Also performed by Henryk Sienkiewicz on 25/SEP/2001 at the British Music Information Centre, London.
* "Eufemismos Tautológicamente Perifrásticos" [tautologically periphrastic euphemisms] , five pieces for unaccompanied oboe (Cologne-Madrid, February-March 1996) [6'15"] 9 pages. World premiere by Catherine Pluygers on 24 October 2000 at the British Music Information Centre (BMIC), London, in the frame of the Third London New Wind Festival.
* "Viaje nocturno por el mar", three pieces for unaccompanied guitar ("Efluvios flamígeros", "Morid antes de morir" and "Claustrofobia ligetiana"). Cologne, October 1996. [12'00" = 5'00" + 4'00" + 3'00"] To Pedro Munuera-Viñegla. Third Honorific Mention in the "First XICOATL Composition Competition for Guitar 'Agustín Barrios Mangoré'" organized in 2000 by YAGE, Association for the Latinamerican Arts, Science and Culture (Salzburg, Austria) and ASPEKTE SALZBURG, Association for the impulse of today's Art and Music.
* "Apuntes en una libreta de apuntes (doce nenias)" [Notes in a notebook (twelve nenias)] (Cologne, Nov 1996) [8'45"] "To those, from whom I've learned and now are dead (Horacio López de la Rosa, Pedro Sáenz, Juan José Ramos ...)" 7 pages. First performed by Sascha Schroeder on 27 May 1998 in the auditorium "Freie Kammerspiele Köln", in Cologne (Germany). Published in Ricordi München (Sy 2712) middle of 2002.
* "Anfibios, batracios y quelonios" [Batrachian] , six hypothetically easy pieces for unaccompanied violin. Train Paris-> Irún, 7 December 1996. [5'45"] To Ligia. 8 pages. First performed by Ferah Özkarpat on 27 May 1998 in the auditorium "Freie Kammerspiele Köln", in Cologne (Germany).
* "Full moon over the horizon", for harpsichord or piano. Cologne, 20-22 February 1997. [4'15"] To Suzana Mendes. Facsimile: 7 pages. Premiere: Leonardo Petroni (piano) on 17 December 2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad in Buenos Aires during a monographic concert organised by Silvia Dabul & Manuel Massone. European first performance by the composer (piano) on 25 April 2004 at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberneuland in Bremen (Germany).
* "Entre Escila y Caribdis (cinco miniaturas urbanas)" [Between Scylla and Charybdis (five urban miniatures)] for clarinet solo. Köln, 28 March 1997. [5'40"] To Rainer Stach. 9 pages. First performed by Miriam Schwering on 27 May 1998 in the auditorium "Freie Kammerspiele Köln", Cologne (Germany). First performance in Argentina by Eduardo Ihidoype on 11 August 2002 during the 34th Festival Internacional Encuentros 2002 (artistic direction: Alicia Terzián) at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires).
** I: N.Y.
** II: Islamabad
**III: Madrid, acaso Toledo
** IV: Tandil
** V: B.A.

* [Title to be decided] for Marimba. Köln, 4-5/DEC/1997. [3'00" - 6'00"]
* "No animal was harmed in the making of this piece", for violoncello. Köln and Stuttgart, 17 January1 March 1998. [8'00"] 5 pages.
* "El caballero de la triste figura (jinete de quimérica montura)" [The knight of the illfavoured face (rider of fanciful mount)] for double bass. Köln, 20-22 March 1998. [13'00] To Cristóbal Halffter for his 68 years. 10 pages. First performed by Holger Philippsen on 29 October 1998 in the Musikhochschule in Stuttgart. Commended in the 1999 Composition Contest of the British & International Bass Forum (BIBF).
* "Pituphonie" for unaccompanied bandoneon. Cologne, 2228 November 1998; important corrections in Cologne, 16 September 2003. [3'00"] To Enrique Martín Entenza. 3 pages.
* "One hundred and fifty-three fish" for crotales (extension: two octaves) or glockenspiel. Cologne, 13/APR/1999. [2'35"] . To James MacAonghus. 2 pages.
* "Baile Atha Cliath" ballad for recorder. Köln, 20-23/MAY/1999. [3'45"] . For Lucia Mense. 4 pages. First performed by Gonzalo Ariel Juan in Buenos Aires on 27/JUN/1999. European First performance by Susanne Riemann on 20th/MAY/2000 in Diez (Germany).
* "Helmholtz-Straßen Blues" [Helmholtz Street Blues] for (French) Horn. Köln, 7-10/JUN/1999. [6'30"] . To Domingo Zullo. 5 pages. World premiere by Henryk Sienkiewicz on 25/SEP/2001 at the British Music Information Centre, London. Performed again by Henryk Sienkiewicz on 22/NOV/2004 at the Regent Hall of The Salvation Army, London.
* "Expansión" [Expansion] for bass clarinet. Köln, 2-17 August 1999. [4'00] . To Martín Moore. 5 pages.
* "Mireya" for bandoneon. Buenos Aires, 1-3 September 1999. [5'30"] . In remembrance of Alicia Artal.
* "QAMAR", for flute. Buenos Aires, 24 September14 October 1999. [5'30"] To Mario Alberto Domínguez, Paul Locaux. First performed by Lars Nilsson in Mendoza on 19 September 2000.
* "Anochecer en Ushuaia", simple tango for guitar. Arrangement (in collaboration with Sebastián Bosch Estrada, AugustSeptember 2005) of the homonimous piece for piano of 10 February 2000. [3'00"] . Premiered by Jens Wagner, on 12 February 2006, in KITO (Bremen-Nord). There is a third version for choir.
* "Tanka", Sounding Moment for Organ. Cologne, 11-14 March 2000. [5'00"] . To Josef Rebbe. Premiere by Josef Rebbe on 1/APR/2000 in the Lukaskirche, Köln. English first performance at the Christ Church Chester as part of the Chester Ash Wednesday Service on 13 February 2002, as part of the "New Organ Works Project" (Ian Thomas). Performed at the Zionskirche in Worpswede (Germany) on 8/OCT/2006 by Juan María Solare (organ), in the frame of the "87. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (87th Organ Music in Worpswede).
* "Inside village" for one percussionist. Darmstadt, 10-11 April 1999 and Cologne, 26 April to 14 May 2000. To Isao Nakamura and Clyde Nakamura. [5'00" - 7'00"] Premiere at the Ishihara Hall in Osaka (Japan) by Isao Nakamura on 19/SEP/2003.
* "Namaste", three pieces for bass clarinet ("Tango del minuto", "Primera Puerta" and "Within"). Köln, 2329 June 2000. To Guido Arbonelli. [6'00"] . "Within" was first performed by Guido Arbonelli on 1 May 2001 at the University of Hartford (USA). He performed it also at the Packard Hall of the Colorado College Music Department (USA) on 13 |(15?) November 2001; on 11 November 2002 at the musical association "Etnea" in Catania (Italy) and on 16 June 2004 at the association "Filarmónica Mihail Jora" in Bacau, Romania.
* "Israfil" for Trumpet. Köln, 2528 July 2000. To Friedemann Boltes. [2'30"]
* "Carpe Noctem" for Bass Saxophone. Köln, November-December 2000. For Andreas van Zoelen. [6'00"] First performance: Andreas van Zoelen at the Conservatoriumzaal in Tilburg (Holand) on 8 January 2002, during a big Festival dedicated to the Sax (Traces of Saxophone). Repeated by the same performer on 24 February 2002 at the Koffieconcert Culturele Raad Goes (Holland)
* "Biblische Monodien" [Biblical Monodies] for English Horn ("From the land of Hus", "In the belly of the big fish", "The eagle of Patmos"). Köln, Madrid and London, 1 July 2000 to 11 January 2001. For Almut Kallenberg. [9'00"] First performed by Almut Kallenberg on 13 June 2001 in the Aula Magna of the Musikhochschule in Cologne.
* "JOTAERRE" for oboe or oboe d'amore. Köln, 14-15 February 2001. To Jaime Rodríguez-Roa. [2'30"]
* "Unterwegs" [on the way] for trumpet. Cologne & Worpswede, 11 May24 June 2001. In memoriam María Clara Blanco. [5'30"] Premiered by Malte Burba on 18 May 2004 at the Glockenhaus in Lüneburg (Germany), in the frame of the 26th Internationale Studienwoche für zeitgenössische Musik (International Studies Week of Contemporary Music) organised by the EULEC (European Live Electronic Centre). Repeated by Malte Burba on 24 November 2004 in Luxemburg.
* "Caño" [tube/pipe] for (alto) saxophone. Mollina and Madrid, 11-14 July 2001. To Borja Judel. [4'00"] Second version: for horn solo (Köln, 14 January 2007).
* "Twelve Generations (interludio alla passacaglia)", for Horn solo. Cologne, diverse aeroplanes and trains, Mollina and Worpswede; 2 November 1995-23 July 2001. To Henryk Sienkiewicz. [4'30"] . 5 pages. World premiere by Henryk Sienkiewicz on 25 September 2001 at the British Music Information Centre, London.
* "Perlas Esparcidas" for Trumpet. Can be also performed with English Horn or Basset Horn. Kürten, 10 August 2001. [2'20"] One page.
* "Weise weiße Weisen" [Wise white melodies] for any monodic instrument. [Total Duration: 17'35"]
**1) Kanon zu einer Stimme (canon at one voice). Worpswede 1011 December 2001. [3'30"] . 2 pages. In memoriam George Harrison.
**2) Simetrías por doquier [Symmetries everywhere] . Worpswede-Lilienthal, 10-27 January 2002. [4'25"] 2 pages. To Patrizia Boschin.
**3) Marea [Tide] (particularly for flute). Darmstadt, 23-27 March 2002. [3'00"] To Luisa Sello.
**4) In a Lindenmeyer System. Lilienthal (21 April 2002) & Worpswede (12 June 2002) [6'20"]
**5) (No title yet) Bus Worpswede -> Bremen, 5 May 2003. [1'10"]
**6) (No title yet) Worpswede, 6/SEP/2003. [1'40"] To Elisabeth Dierlich.
**7) Pitch mapping. Bremen & Köln, 23-24 May 2005. [4'15"] To Katrin Dapper-Helmerding on her 44th birthday.
**8) (No title yet) Köln, 2122 October 2006. [2'05"] To Sonja Horlacher.

* "Centipede - a study on counting" for one percussionist (5 instruments of a kind: 5 woodblocks or 5 tom-toms, etc.) Worpswede, 10-18 December 2001. [10'00"] 6 pages.
* "Poli (another study on counting)" for one percussionist or two at unisono (2 sets of 5 instruments of a kind, for instance: 5 woodblocks and 5 tom-toms) Lilienthal and Worpswede, 17-19 March 2002. [6'30"] 2 pages. Premiere by Daniel Serale in Buenos Aires: on 24 August 2005 (at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música, cycle "Dígame Licenciado"); on 25 August 2005 (in "La Manufactura Papelera") and on 27 August 2005 (at the Centro Cultural del Sur, cycle "BAP IV")
* "im Zeitenreich" for Organ. Worpswede & Lilienthal, 10 June 2002. To Ulrike Dehning. [3'00"] Premiere on 9 November 2002 by Ulrike Dehning in the Zionskirche in Worpswede. Repeated by her on 29 May 2005 at the Zionskirche in Worpswede, in the frame of the "29. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (29th Organ Music in Worpswede).
* Sosiego [calmness] , for Organ. Train Bremen -> Köln, 20 September, Cologne 21 September 2002. [10'00"] To Ulrike Dehning. Premiere: Ulrike Dehning, Zionskirche in Worpswede, on 9 November 2002. Performed by the composer on 24 July 2005 at the Zionskirche, in the frame of the "35. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (35th Organ Music in Worpswede). Performed by the composer on 8 October 2006 at the Zionskirche, in the frame of the "87. Worpsweder Orgelmusik" (87th Organ Music in Worpswede).
* "Allá en el bajo" [Down there at the harbour] , milonga for double bass. London, 18-20 November 2002. [2'15"] To James MacAonghus. First performed by Sergio Rivas on 19 December 2002 at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música in Buenos Aires.
* "Snowy Field with bells", five fractal melodies for tubular bells. Salzburg, 10 January 2003. [6'00"]
* "Islamic Memories" for clarinet solo (one or two, optional). Köln, 20-27 April 2003. 3 pages. [5'30"] To Elisabeth Dierlich.
* "Orgelmusik" [Organ music] Köln, 8/AUG/2003. [0'15"] (for the short film "Mesa para dos")
* "Soliloquium 1" [Soliloquy nr. 1] for violoncello. Köln, 2627 August 2003. [4'00"] . To Klaus Bettag & Gerda Krohn-Bettag.
* "Conga con gas" [conga with gas] for one percussionist (three congas). Kürten, Worpswede & Bremen, August9 September 2003. [3'00"] To Hakim Ludin.
* "Poema del quinto elemento" [Poem of the fifth element] , for one percussionist (5+1 tibetan bells). Worpswede, London, Cologne, Sevilla, Bremen, 13 December 20027 November 2003. [11'00"] To Elisabeth Dierlich.
* "Hypnosis (in another room)" for Viola (or Violin). Worpswede, Bremen & Train Bremen->Cologne, 7 May 2004. There is a second version for trio (clarinet, tenor saxophone & piano; Köln 10-11 May 2004, version dedicated to the Thelema Trio) [2'30"]
* "Estrofas Gregorianas" [Gregorian Strophes] , five pieces for any melodic instrument or for voice (solo or choir "bocca chiusa"). May be performed as Duo: two muted instruments unisono. Composed in Köln 38 May 2004. [5'40" (1'10" + 1'00" + 0'45" + 1'20" + 1'25"] .
* "Partikeln" [particles] for Saxophone (Tenor, Bariton, Bass or contrabass). The soloist must scream certain German words (linguistic particles). Composed in Cologne 23-24 May 2004 (corrections until 29 May 2004). Dedicated to Peter Verdonck. [4'00"] Premiered by Peter Verdonck on 25 July 2004 at the Gentse Feesten in Gent, Belgium.
* "Momificación de una rosa" [Mummification of a rose] for violin (one or two). London (tube), 11-12/JUL/2004. [7'40"] "To her"
* "Trauermarsch" [funeral march] for bass drum (or a timpanum). Köln, 23 August 2004. [2'50"]
* "L'étincelle obtenue", three pieces (and a postscriptum) for clarinet solo (or any other melodic instrument). To Marco Mazzini. [Total duration: at least 17'45"; maximum 21'20"]
** I) Köln, 26-28 July 2004. [3'30"]
** II) Köln, 48 August 2004. [7'00"]
**III) Köln, 931 August 2004. [7'15"] in progress.
** IV) ad libitum: perform the first piece again, a twelfth lower (there is a specific score for that). [3'35"]

*"Soliloquium 2" [Soliloquy nr. 2] for flute. Köln, 26 August1 September 2004. [4'00"] . To Katrin Dapper-Helmerding.
* "Convalecencia" [Convalescence] for one or two clarinets. Köln, 29 November 2004. [5'00"] . To Marco Mazzini.
* "blaue Rose" [blue rose] for cello. Worpswede, 12-13 January 2005. [4'15"] . To Jani [Juliane Dehning] . Premiere: Ricardo de Armas Hall Payró of the Teatro Municipal, Bahía Blanca (Argentina), 16 May 2006, in the cycle "Música de Cámara Profertil 2006" (organized by the Asociación Amigos de la Orquesta Sinfónica Provincial de Bahía Blanca).
* "Intrommel" [Intro-drum] for drum. Köln, 19 January 2005. [1'50"]
* "La beauté du geste" [The beauty of gesture] for tenor saxophone (only key clicks). Salzburg, 14 February 2005. [5' - 11'00"] To Eduardo Kohan.
* "Orgelpunkt" [Pedal point] for Organ. Worpswede, 31 May 2005. [8' - 10'00"] . To Ulrike Dehning.
* "Interludio 2" for guitar. Worpswede, 23 July 2005. [3'35"] To Analía Rego.
* "Diagonal" for Cello solo. Airplane Buenos Aires->San Martín de los Andes, 2 April 2005, Bremen & Köln, 11 September 2005. [6'00"] To Gesa Biffio.
* "Interludio 3" for guitar. Köln, 22 October 2005 (general plan) & Worpswede, 45 November 2005 (realisation). [3'05"] To Sebastián Bosch Estrada.
* "Senderos que se bifurcan" for 1 to 4 guitars. November 2005. [5'00"] To Jens Wagner. Premiere: Kai Okuniek & Jens Wagner, in KITO (Bremen-Nord), 12 February 2006.
* "Impromptu about the troubles of Marco Polo", for any melodic instrument. Flight Amsterdam-México, 21 February 2006. [5'00"] To Iván Martínez. Premiere: Iván Martínez, Auditorio del Museo de Arte Moderno, Centro Cultural Mexiquense, Toluca (México), 26 March 2006.
* "Desert plants" for flute solo. Köln, 25 April 2006. [4'00"] For Sonja Horlacher on her birthday. Premiere: Edgar Gutiérrez, 19 January 2007 at the Escuela de Música of Zacatecas (Mexico) in the frame of the Seminar for Woodwinds and chamber music given by Beatriz Plana.
* "Gedankensplitter" for violin solo. Train Köln -> Bremen, 26 April 2006; Worpswede, 27 April 2006. [6'00"] For Gert Gondosch on his birthday.
* "L'homme désarmé" for cello solo. Köln 5-6 June 2006, Köln, flight Köln-Madrid 19 June 2006, Köln 12 July 2006. [5'05"] To Ricardo de Armas.
* "Interludio 4" for guitar. Worpswede, 5-7/OCT/2006. [2'55"] To Yvonne Zehner.
* "Ischigualasto" (Moon Valley) for flute. Worpswede, Bremen & Köln, 719 December 2006. [7'00"] For Iris Höfling. Avant-Premiere: Edgar Gutiérrez, 19 January 2007 at the Escuela de Música of Zacatecas (Mexico) in the frame of the Seminar for Woodwinds and chamber music given by Beatriz Plana.
* "Crooked Roads" for violin. Köln, Bremen & Worpswede, 30 October25 December 2006. [10'00"] To Susanne Gläß. Premiere: Gert Gondosch, 25 February 2007, Bremen (Galery Katrin Rabus), cycle "4th Kammermusik am Sonntagmorgen" of the Bremer Philharmoniker.
* "Proliferación" for flute. Worpswede, 2327 December 2006. [4'00"] To Katrin Dapper-Helmerding. Premiere: Edgar Gutiérrez, 19 January 2007 at the Escuela de Música of Zacatecas (Mexico) in the frame of the Seminar for Woodwinds and chamber music given by Beatriz Plana.
* "Interludio 6" for guitar. Worpswede, 23 December 2006. [3'40"] To Ioana Gandrabur.
* "Responso (Haiku Nr. 5)" for Organ (or Harmonium or Piano). Köln, 17 February 2007. [2'30"] . In memoriam Martin Kausche.

Didactic pieces for piano solo

*"Bad Milk Blues". Buenos Aires, towards 1985-87; score transcribed and corrected in Worpswede, 5/JUN/2001. [2'00"]
* Quinta Aumentada [Augmented Fifth] , for piano. Buenos Aires, towards 1985. Score transcribed in Köln, 7/AUG/2003. [0'35"] .
* Para una mano pequeña [For a small hand] , for piano. Buenos Aires, towards 1985. Score transcribed in 2002. [2'15"] To Amelia Saftich. Premiere: Brian Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003. European premiere by Martina Zago (13 years) on 28/MAR/2004 at the Auditorium Marianum in Perugia, Italy (concert of the winners of the XVI piano competition piccole mani of the Associazione Musicale Frescobaldi).
* "Suite Barroca", for keyboard. Buenos Aires, 1985?
* "Esperando a S." [Waiting to S.] for piano. Buenos Aires, 7/FEB/1988 [1'30"]
* "Vals sobre una serie dada" [Walz on a given (Dada) series] , for piano. Buenos Aires, June 1989 [ca. 1'00"] Premiere: Diego López at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* "Recuerdo evanescente" [Vanishing recollection] for piano. For Andrea Roitman. Buenos Aires, 18/NOV/1990 [2'00"]
* "Pacífico" [Pacific] , for piano (or trio of recorders). Buenos Aires, 4/JUN/1992. [0'45"] Premiere of the piano version: Nelson Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* "Barroquismo nº1 (hoy por , mañana por )" [Barroquism Nr 1 (today for you, tomorrew for me)] for keyboard. Köln, 13/AUG/1994 [1'45"] . To Carlos María Solare.
* "Schwarz auf Weiß" [Black on White] for piano. To Daniela Altmayer. Köln 8/OCT/1996. [1'45"] Premiere by Margherita Vescareili (10 years old) on 28/MAR/2004 at the Auditorium Marianum in Perugia, Italy (concert of the winners of the XVI piano competition piccole mani of the Associazione Musicale Frescobaldi).
* "Strophen, Etüde für Roman" [Strophes, study for Roman] , for piano. Worpswede, 25/APR/2002. [3'00"] 1 page. Premiere: Diego López at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* Autoblues for piano. Lilienthal, 30/MAY/2002. [1'10"] Premiere: Nelson Benítez on 17/DEC/2003 at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
* "Es geht noch" [It still goes] blues for piano, study for beginners. Worpswede & Bremen, 29/AUG-5/SEP/2002. [1'15"] 1 page. There is a version for sextet (guitar, dulcimer, piano, vibraphone, bass & percussion) written on 5/OCT/2003 in Köln (for the short film "Mesa para dos").
* "Deleidades", canon in baguala style for piano. Bus Bremen -> Worpswede, 12/SEP/2002. [1'00"] 1 page. For Delia Geddes on her 48 birthday.
* "Caminata nocturna (por Colonia)", for piano (for students). Cologne, 22/SEP/2002. [1'45"] , 1 page. (There is a version for two recorders, SA or AT, made by the composer in Köln on 22/SEP/2002). Premier of the piano version: Nelson Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* "Lark in the Dark" for piano. Train Bremen->Köln, 22/NOV/2002. [1'15"] There is a version (by the composer) for two violins (Köln, 26/NOV/2002). Premiere by Arianna De Stefani (6 years old) on 28/MAR/2004 at the Auditorium Marianum in Perugia, Italy (concert of the winners of the XVI piano competition piccole mani of the Associazione Musicale Frescobaldi).
* "Precalentamiento personal: Estudio en LA menor" (Personal warming-up: Study in A minor), for piano (cycle of technique studies). Lilienthal & Worpswede, Middle 2002. [2'00"]
* "Strassencafé" (Street Café), for piano (for students). Worpswede, 17/JAN/2003. 1 page. [0'40"] Version for quartet (guitar, piano, banjo tenor & E-bass), OCT/2003 (for the short film "Mesa para dos"). Premiere (piano version): Diego López at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003. European first performance on 28/MAR/2004 by Lorenzo Perri at the Auditorium Marianum in Perugia, Italy (concert of the winners of the XVI piano competition piccole mani of the Associazione Musicale Frescobaldi).
* "Langostango", for piano (for students). Worpswede, 23/JAN/2003. [1'10"] Published in the album Arte del Tango (Ricordi Munich, Sy 2765, March 2006). Premiere: Brian Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* "Continuando", for piano (for students). Worpswede, 23/JAN/2003 & in the train Köln->Bremen, 30/JAN/2003. [1'25"] Second version for trio (piano, flute and E-Bass) written in Köln on 8/AUG/2003 (for the short film "Mesa para dos"). Third version para bandoneon solo (Köln, 16/SEP/2003).
* "Zeitfluss", for piano (for students). Worpswede, 6-14/FEB/2003. [0'30"] Version for quartet (Vibraphon, Marimba, E-Bass and tube bells), 8/OCT/2003 (for the short film "Mesa para dos"). Premiere (piano version): Brian Benítez at the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 17/DEC/2003.
* "Tesoro oculto", for piano. Worpswede, 25-26/FEB/2003. [1'00] Premiere by Ulrike Dehning on 28/MAY/2006 at the Community Centre of the church Zionskirche of Worpswede (cycle Orgelmusik, Nr. 75). There is a version for female choir with the title "Verborgener Schatz" and another one for flute and organ.
* "Truro Road" for piano. Worpswede, 8/NOV/2003. [3'40"] To Catherine Seymour, ten years later.
* "Flatternd - Etüde für Larissa" [Flattering - Study for Larissa] for piano. Bremen, Worpswede, Train Bremen -> Köln; 21/NOV & 5/DEC/2003. [1'30"]
* "Romanesca" for piano. Buenos Aires, 9/DEC/2003 & Köln, 31/JAN/2004. [1'00"] To Marlene Heiland.
* "Sonatinina" for piano. Four movements: Sonatenform, Quasi un palindromo, Minuetto scherzante, Rondeau [30" + 15" + 10"+ 15" = 1'10"] Köln, 21-22/AUG/2004.
* "Canción sin palabras a Paulina" [Song without words for Paulina] , for piano. Köln, 1/SEP/2004. [1'05"] . To Josie "Pauleona" Bortz on her birthday.
* "Dodeca-Mambo" for piano. Köln, 14/SEP/2004. [0'45"] Premiere by the composer on 21/JUN/2006 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Fiesta de la Música organised by the magazine Doce Notas).
* "Precalentamiento personal: Mientras como una zanahoria con la otra mano" [Personal warming-up: when eating a carot with the other hand] for piano, left hand alone (cycle of technique studies). Bremen & Worpswede, 27/AUG-1/OCT/2004. [3'15"]
* "Precalentamiento personal: Blind Octaves" [Personal warming-up: Blind Octaves] , for piano (cycle of technique studies). Worpswede, 1/OCT/2004. [0'30"]
* "Tarantella", for piano. Köln, 7/MAY/2005. [0'40"]
* "Octango", for piano. Köln, 9-10/MAY/2005 [1'30"] Published in the album Arte del Tango (Ricordi Munich, Sy 2765, March 2006). There is a second version for tenor saxophone and piano (Geneva, 25/JUL/2006). Third version for cello & piano (Geneva, 25/JUL/2006). Fourth version for double bass & piano (Köln 30/OCT/2006).
* "Barcarola", for piano. Bremen, 13/MAY/2005. [1'45"]
* "Valsarín", for piano. Bremen, Worpswede & Köln, 12/MAY-21/AUG/2005. [2'30"] Premiere by the composer at the piano in his recital "A short story of tango"), "Lunch concert" of the 14/NOV/2006 at the theatre of the Universität in Bremen.
* "Talismán", tango for piano. Köln, 31/OCT/2005. [2'30"] Premiere: Kulturwerkstatt Westend (Bremen), 14/JAN/2006, by the composer (piano). Also performed by the composer on 24/MAY/2006 at the Emanuel-Lasker-Gesellschaft (Berlin) during the XIIth Congress of Chess Collectors International. First performance in Spain by the composer on 21/JUN/2006 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Fiesta de la Música organised by the magazine Doce Notas). Published in the album Arte del Tango (Ricordi Munich, Sy 2765, March 2006). There is a second version for saxophone and piano (DEC 2005) and a third version for cello and piano.


*"Canción II" [Second Song] (Text: Garcilaso de la Vega); for voice and piano. (About 1981) [1'30"]
*"Vocalise" for voice and piano (About 1982) [2']
*"Ajedrez I y II" [Chess I and II] , (Jorge Luis Borges); voice and piano (1986) [2'+ 2'30"] To Mauricio Carlón. Ajedrez I was first performed on 11 May 2001 at the Volkshochschule in Düsseldorf by Cristina Haigis (Soprano) and the composer (piano). Repeated by both performers on 20 October 2001 at the Cultural Café Modigliani, also in Düsseldorf.
*"Ambos lados del ocaso" [Both sides of twilight] (Jorge Luis Borges); viola and soprano (1989) [7'15"]
*"Más allá del amor" [Beyond love] (Javier Adúriz); mezzosoprano, violin, viola, clarinet (1992) [3']
*"Ich trage allein" [I bear it alone] (Friedrich Rückert); for soprano and piano (Göttingen, Aug - Sept 1993) [1'30"]
*"Ligia Lieder
*"Black Bart"
*"Anfangs" [At the beginning] (Heinrich Heine), for baritone, clarinet, Horn and violoncello (Cologne, 28/Aug - 12/Sep 1996) [3'35"]
*"Catharsis (before night comes) Stimmstück III, per voce femminile" for female voice. Phonetic text. (Cologne, March - April 1997 and Worpswede, June 2001) To Ligia Liberatori on her 33 birthday. [ca. 7'00"]
*"Delicias del balón (pan y fútbol)" [Delights of the ball (bread and football)] . For one speaker (he or she) Own text in Spanish. (Cologne, 2nd - 4 March 1999) [ca. 5 - 8'00"]
*"Luz de fondo" [Background light] , for contralto and violoncello. Text by Lucrecia Romera. (Airplane Buenos Aires - > London, 20 October 1999, details in Cologne on 1 November 1999.) [1'45"] . First performed on 15 December 1999 at the Centro Cultural Recoleta, in Buenos Aires, by Victoria Zotalis (contralto) and Fabio Loverso (cello).
*"Postmodern Psalm", for cazoo quartet (SATB). Without text. (Trains, buses and tranways, 14 - 20 November 1999). [5'15"]
*"Nachts" [By night] , lyric monodrama for bariton, clarinet, trumpet and guitar. Text by Franz Kafka (saved by Max Brod). Köln, 8/May - 26/JULY/2000. To Silke Kleemann. [12'00"] Will be first performed by Stefan Schauer (bar), Michele Marelli (cl), Friedemann Boltes (tpt) and Alexander Eugster (guit) in the north of Germany in SEP/2001.
*"Presenze - Memorie - Colori - Respiri (Haiku Nr 3 - suono non statico)" for (woman) voice, trumpet and bassoon. First version: graphic score. Cologne, 12 - 16 March 2001. [5'00"]
*"Mala leche", quasi a rural milonga for voice and piano. Text by Javier Adúriz. Cologne, 21 - 29 April 2001. To Cristina Haigis. [4'00"] 4 pages. First performed by Cristina Haigis (soprano) and Juan María Solare (piano) on 20 October 2001 at the Café Modigliani, Düsseldorf.
*"al trabajo" [to work] , for a monotonous speaker. Idea: London towards 1998, realisation: Darmstadt March 2002. [1'00"]

*"Milongas grecolatinas" song cycle for voice and guitar or piano (and Bass ad libitum). Texts: Pedro Lastra. [Total duration: 14'10"]
**1)"Plinio revisitado" [Plinio revisited] for voice and guitar. Text: Pedro Lastra. Salzburg, 8/OCT/2002 (precisions: Cologne 28/OCT/2002). [1'30"] To Felix & Cristina Haigis. First performed von Natalia Chernyavska (voice) & Andreas Lieberg (guitar) in the Community Hall of the Zionskirche, Worpswede (Germany) on 31/MAY/2003. Second version: für alto flute, piano and cello. Premiere by Iris Höfling (flute), Andreas Pott (cello) & the composer (piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle TonSpur nr. 36, concert of the group QuinteTTTango). Third version: violin, cello and piano (premiere: Orquesta no típica, University of Bremen, 29/JUN/2006). Fourth version: clarinet, cello ad libitum & piano (OCT/2006), Premiere: Iván Martínez (cl) & Alfonso Vázquez (pno), Casa Municipal de Cultura, Zacatecas, Mexico, 3/MAR/2007. Fifth version: flute & organ, bass or cello ad libitum (7/OCT/2006). Premiere: Susanne Meier (flute) & the composer (organ), 8/OCT/2006, Zionskirche Worpswede (Germany).
**2)"Meditación de Teseo" for voice and guitar. Text: Pedro Lastra. Köln, 3 - 4 November 2002. [2'30"] .
**3)"Reflexiones de Aquiles". Version for voice and piano. Text: Pedro Lastra. Köln, 10 February & 4 - 6 March 2003. [1'30"]
**4)"Sísifo" Version for voice and piano. Text: Pedro Lastra. Köln, 23 - 24 February 2004. [6'20"]
**5)"Espero cada día que cante la sirena" for voice & piano. Text: Pedro Lastra. Köln, 10 February 2004. [2'20"]

*"Diálogo de la sombra" [Dialog of the shadow] for soprano and guitar. Text: Pedro Lastra. Salzburg, 11 October 2002. [1'30"] To Cristina Haigis.
*"Fyr", Lieder parlati for recitator and piano (eventually one single performer). Salzburg and Cologne, October 2002. [11'05]
**I) Warning! (text in English) [1'50"]
**II) Matafuego [fire extinguisher] (text in Spanish) [4'00"]
**III) Incendio Boschivo (text in Italian) [3'30"]
**IV) Rauchen [To Smoke] (text in German) [1'45"]
*"Fall - Out (eine stille Katastrophe)" [Fall - Out (a silent catastrophe)] for voice (woman or man) and piano. Text: Nadeschda Petrowna Wigowskaja, eye - witness of the disaster of the reactor at Chernobyl. Worpswede, diverse trains, Salzburg and Cologne, 19 September - 28 October 2002. [4'30"] 5 pages. Dedicated to the Foundation "Kinder von Tschernobyl".
*"Fiel a la tierra", five Lieder with texts by Pedro Lastra. For soprano and piano. Salzburg & Cologne, 2002 - 2003. To Agueda Abad - Pagés.
**I) Diálogo del porvenir. Salzburg, 2 - 8 October & Köln 28 - 29 October 2002. [2'45"] First performed on 22 March 2003 at the Community Hall of the Zionskirche, Worpswede (Germany), by Agueda Abad - Pagés (sopran) and the composer (piano).
**II) El vigía
**III) Los emisarios
**IV) Fragmento. Salzburg 8 - 9 October 2002 & Cologne 31 March - 19 April 2003. [1'35"]
**V) Canción del pasajero. Salzburg, 8 October 2002 [1'50"]
*"Aus der Niemandrose" [From Nobody's Rose] , two songs with texts by Paul Celan, for voice and any melodic instrument (violin, viola, Cello, clarinet, alto flute or English Horn):
**I) Stumme Herbstgerüche [Dumb Autumn Smells] (2'15") Worpswede & flight Bremen - London, 16 November 2002
**II) Erratisch [Erratic] (2'00") London, 16 November 2002.
*"SCHADE (Requiem für die Vergessene)" [Pity (requiem for the forgotten)] , six scenes for two singers (man and woman), trumpet and piano. Madrid & Köln, 7 - 27 May 2003 [7'30"]
*"Ernste Stunde" for voice and piano (adaptation of the homonymous piece for Choir). Two versions: for female and for male voice. In the train Bremen - Köln, 16 June 2003. Text: Rainer Maria Rilke. [3'35"]
* "Sonetos Fonéticos" [Phonetic Sonnets] , abstract recitatives (for a soloist, in principle). They may be performed separately.
** Nr 1: Train Köln-Bremen, 28/AUG/2003. [ca. 1'00"]
** Nr 2: Köln, 18/ABR/2004 & train Köln-Paris 6/AUG/2004 [ca. 1'00"]
** Nr 3: Köln, 20 & 28/APR/2004. [ca. 1'00"]
** Nr 4: Train Paris-Köln, 7/AUG/2004. [ca. 1'00"]
** Nr 5: Alicante, 20/SEP/2006. [ca. 1'00"] To Elena Montaña.
** Nr 6: Alicante, 21 & 23/SEP/2006. [ca. 1'00"] * "Lost content", quasi una Baguala for voice and drum (one performer). Text: Alfred Edward Housman. Köln, 22/JUL/2004. [3'30"] To Jimena Semiz.
* "Con pilcha azul" [With blue dress] , Tango for voice and piano. Text: Aníbal Troilo (letter to Astor Piazzolla from 1967). Worpswede, 4-6/DEC/2004 [3'15"]
* "kleine Fabel" for Speakers Trio Text: Franz Kafka. In trains, buses, Bremen & Köln, 14-17/DIC/2005. [6'00"]
* "Rondel" for voice and guitar (eventually only one performer). Text: Georg Trakl. Bremen & Worpswede, 20-21/JAN/2006. [3'15"]
* "Einführung zu Malena (in Form eines Rezitativs)" [Introduction to Malena (in form of a recitative)] for tenor & continuo (cembalo & cello). Text: Juan María Solare. Köln, 16/APR/2006 (Eastern Sunday) [3'45"] Premiere: Martin Kramer (tenor), Martin Kayser (cello) and the composer (piano), concert of the Orquesta no típica at the theatre of the University in Bremen on 29/JUN/2006.
* "Vacío blanco" [white emptiness] for baritone and piano. Text: Silvia Dabul. Köln, 21 & 26/APR; Worpswede 12/MAY, Köln 13/MAY/2006. [4'00"] To Víctor Torres.
* "Guaranga", country milonga for voice and guitar (or piano). Text: Argentine folklore, partially transmitted by Adolfo Bioy Casares and Jorge Luis Borges. Köln, Bremen & Worpswede, 20/AUG-14/SEP/2006 [2'45"]
* "On a sundial", for unaccompanied voice. Text (in English): attributed to Henry van Dyke (1852-1933). Alicante, 24/SEP/2006. [4'30"]
* "Geistliche Dämmerung" for voice and organ. Text: Georg Trakl. Worpswede & Bremen (23/NOV), train Bremen -> Köln (24/NOV/2006). [4'30"]

Mixed Choir

*"¿Cuándo saliredes, alba?" [When will ye break, dawn?] (Text: Lope de Vega). (1983) [1'35"] .
*"Soledad" [Solitude] (Text: Carlos Mastronardi) (1990) [2'] . To Annele Moroder.
*"Wanderers Nachtlied" [Wanderer's night - song] (Text: Johann Wolfgang Goethe). Mixed Choir and Flute. (1992) [2'15"] . To Kirsten Reiher.
*"Epithalámios (Fight right, Sisyphus)". Mixed Choir. (1993) [0'55"] . To Jan LaRue.
*"Tiempo" [Time] (Text: Javier Adúriz). Homogeneous Choir (better female choir) to four voices. (1993) [2'45"]
*"Sombra" [Shadow] (Javier Adúriz). Mixed choir, eight voices. (1993) [2'] . To Guillermo Milano.
*"Un epitafio de Sábato" [An epitaph of Sábato] (Text: Ernesto Sábato). Mixed choir, four parts. (Cologne, April 1995) [4'10"] . 9 pages.
*"Requiem Brevis". Large mixed choir. In progress. Finished: Introitus [5'] and Kyrie [2'30"] . 15 pages.
*"Haiku Nr 1" (own text). Mixed choir, six parts (SSAATB). Cologne, 21 October 1994 and 7 September 1995. [1'15"] .
*"Un haiku bilingüe/ein zweisprachiges Haiku" (Haiku Nr 2) (own text). Mixed choir, four parts or vocal quartet (Cologne, 5 September 1995) [2'30"] . Primera Mención Especial en el Primer Concurso Nacional "Juan Carlos Paz", organizado en 1996 por el Fondo Nacional de las Artes de Argentina (categoría "obra coral con o sin acompañamiento instrumental").
*"Palmas" [Palms] for choir to eight parts, or for a large number of musicians ("palmists") divided in eight groups, or for eight percussionists. (Köln and Stuttgart - in part, Paris - 19/10 - 29 December 1997) [11'00"] .
*"Preludios Invisibles" [Invisible Preludes] for spoken choir or vocal quartet.
**Number I (Sibilants): Stuttgart and Köln, 22 - 27 April 1998. [2'30"] . To Guillermo Milano.
**Number II (Vocals): Stuttgart and Köln, 1 - 16 May 1998. [6'15"] . To Estela Salomone.
**Number III: Buenos Aires, 11 - 25 December 2003. [3'00"] . To Bernardo Moroder.
**The whole cycle will have five preludes.

*"Su Voz" [His/Her voice] for four woman choirs at two parts, distributed around the audience. Text by Javier Adúriz. Köln, trains to and from Darmstadt, Unna, 31 March - 15 April 2001. [7'30"] To Annele Moroder and her choir "Cantoría de la sierra".
*"Desvariaciones Corales sobre el nombre GEDDES" for mixed choir at four voices. Text: vocalise or bocca chiusa. Travel Worpswede - > Amsterdam, 29 December 2001. [4'30"] To Delia Geddes.
*"Alles hat seine Zeit" [Everything has its time] for mixed choir at four voices (SATB). Text: Bible (is the piece "Desvariaciones Corales" with a text put afterwards). Travel Worpswede - > Amsterdam, 29 December 2001. Texto put in Worpswede. [4'30"] To Delia Geddes. Premiere by the Worpsweder Kirchenchor, conducted by Ulrike Dehning, on 9/NOV/2002 at the Zionskirche Worpswede (Germany).
*"The numbers are many, but the Number is One" for spoken choir in four different languages. Buses from and to Worpswede, 11/APR - 6 May 2002 [4'00"] Premiere by the Worpsweder Kirchenchor, conducted by Ulrike Dehning, on 9 November 2002 at the Zionskirche Worpswede (Germany).
*"Circa Cis" ["roughly within" but also "roughly C sharp"] for mixed choir (and Tape ad libitum). Conceived middle - end 2002, written down on 17 - 18 January 2003 in Worpswede. [10 Minutes or more] . To Ulrike Dehning.
*"Ernste Stunde" [Solemn Hour] for mixed choir (SATB). Worpswede, 1 - 2 March 2003. Text: Rainer Maria Rilke. [3'30"]

*"Sufi Motetten" for women choir (SA). Text: Muhammad, translated into German. [Total duration: 4'50"] The whole cycle is dedicated to the Pastor Ewald Dubbert. Premiere of the whole work: by the Worpsweder Kirchenchor (conductor: Ulrike Dehning) at the Zionskirche in Worpswede (Germany) on 2/JUL/2005. Second version: for flute and organ.
**I - "Verborgener Schatz" [Hidden Treasure] for mixed choir (SATB). Worpswede, 25 - 26 February 2003. Text: Muhammad. To the pastor Ewald Dubbert. [1'00"] Premiere: on 10/APR/2004 at the Iglesia Luterana Danesa (Danish Luteran Church) in Tandil (Argentina) by the Conjunto Vocal de la Margarita conducted by Guillermo Milano. Repeated by the same group in the same place on 11/DEC/2004.
**II - "Umfassen" [Contain] . Worpswede, 6 July 2003. [1'20"] Premiere: on 10/APR/2004 at the Iglesia Luterana Danesa (Danish Luteran Church) in Tandil (Argentina) by the Conjunto Vocal de la Margarita conducted by Guillermo Milano. Repeated by the same group in the same place on 11/DEC/2004.
**III - "Jetzt" [Now] . Kürten & Worpswede, 14 August - 6 September 2003. Text: Sufi tradition attributed to Muhammad (a phrase from the original Arabic text is quoted). A metallic percussion instrument with a long resonance time is required (gong, tamtam, etc.) [2'30"]

* "Estrofas Gregorianas" [Gregorian Strophes] , five pieces for any melodic instrument or for voice (solo or choir bocca chiusa). Köln 3-8/MAY/2004. [5'40" (1'10" + 1'00" + 0'45" + 1'20" + 1'25"] .
* "Túnel sombrío" [Sombre tunnel] for female choir (SSA) a cappella. Text: Domingo Rivero. Köln, 9-11/AUG/2004. [4'35"]
* "Metamadrigales para esta vieja cultura frita", for vocal quintet or 5-parts choir a cappella. The whole piece will be performed with the so-called "vocal fried". Work in progress, planned are eight movements performable separately.
** 4. Fibonacci frito, nomás. Train Madrid->Alicante, Alicante, Elche; 21-27/SEP/2004 [2'25"]
** 5. Mambo frito. Frankfurt (Airport), train Madrid->Alicante, Elche; 18-22/SEP/2004 [1'35"]

* "Xenoglosia" [Xenoglossy] , for mixed choir four parts (SATB). Köln, 3-4/MAY/2005. Text: Juan María Solare. [2'20"] To the Conjunto Vocal de la Margarita (Tandil, Argentina).
* "Move", for mixed choir four parts (SATB). Köln, 5/MAY/2005. Text (English): Juan María Solare. [5'15"]
* "Worte Ramakrishnas" [Words of Ramakrishna, for mixed choir four parts (SATB). Worpswede, 27-28/JUN/2005. Text by Ramakrishna (1833-1886) translated into German by Martin Buber. [3'00"]


*"Orchestral Variations" (1991, from "Variations for piano") [12']
*"La memoria de Caronte" [The memory of Caronte] (Cologne, June 1994, after the homonymous piece for piano) [4'30"] . To Ligia. First performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Mendoza (Argentina) conducted by Alejandro Vila on 21/AGO/2003 at the Teatro Municipal Mendoza (cycle "Jueves Filarmónicos" - "Philharmonic Thursdays").
*"Tres Episodios" [Three Episodes] for string orchestra (FEB 1995) [3'30"] :
**"im Nu" for string orchestra (minimal 4 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1) (Cologne, 1 - 10 February 1995) [1'05"] To Maja Stenger.
**"In no time" for string orchestra (minimal 8 - 8 - 6 - 3 - 2) (Cologne, 10 February 1995) [1'00"] To Ligia Liberatori.
**"Ipso Facto" for string orchestra (minimal 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1) (Cologne, 13 - 15 February 1995) [1'00"] To Evelyn Dyffort.
*"Min az - zulumát" for large orchestra (Cologne, 1995) [16'00"]
*"...Cuando la cornisa se termina..." [When the cornice finishes] for string orchestra (4 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 1), in three parts [14'00" = 4'45"+5'30"+3'45"] . Cologne, FEB March 1997.
*"Un ángel de hielo y fuego" [An Angel of Ice and Fire] for large orchestra (Cologne, May - 19/July/1997) [11'00"] 2 Flautas (1st also piccolo), Fl contralto, 2 oboes, English Horn, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrafagot; 4 horns, 3 trompets, 3 trombones, tuba; 3 percusionists (I: Vibraphon, middle - sized Tam - tam, 3 Log drums, 3 Tomtoms, Zambomba, crystals/glasses. II: suspended cymbal, large Tam - tam, Gongs, plate bells, Marimba, whip, timpani, crystals/glasses. III: Tube Bells, anvil, crotales, 5 Temple blocks, 3 Tomtoms, Tenor drum, gran cassa, crystals/glasses), piano, strings (16 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8)


*"Rara Avis", graphic score for two to four pianists at one or two pianos. (Cologne, May 1994) [5'] .
*"38317 - one study for two guitars" (Cologne, 1994) [2 to 6'] .
*"Endeca" for medium to large ensemble - with or without singers - or choir - with or without instruments. (Cologne, 27 - 28 July 1995). First Performance on 22 April 1999 by Ruth Alexandru, Dorrit Bauerecker, Dorothee Haddenbruch, Josef Rebbe, Manfred Rücker, Mark Steinhäuser and the composer at the Aula Magna of the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne. Dorothee Haddenbruch organized a performance on 18 June 2001 with her students at the Musikschule Wuppertal (Germany). It was also performed in Indianapolis (USA) on 20 November 2003.
*"Envolvente" [Envelope] , for eight performers, formation ad libitum. (Köln, 13 June 1999 & Kürten, 20 - 24 July 1999). 6 pages [10' - 12'00"] . First performed on 18 June 2001 in Wuppertal (Germany) by a group of instrumentalists conducted by Dorothee Haddenbruch.
*"Palinsesto Senso" [Palimpsixth sense] , for Theremin (and Ring Modulator ad libitum). Graphic score. Lilienthal, 9 August 2002. For Luca Miti. [5' - 7']
*"Space equals ancient dimensions" for a free number of performers (dancers/musicians). Conceived in Salzburg on 2 March 2002, developed in Cologne (airport) on 28 June 2002, final form: Cologne 24 September 2002. [ca 12 Min]
*"Seis Composiciones Fluxus" [Six Fluxus Compositions] . Madrid, 8 May 2003. [variable Duration]
* "Proairesis", for three groups of performers or three soloists. Köln, 30/NOV - 7 December 2003. [variable Duration]
* "Klangskulptur mit Zephir". [Sound Sculpture with Cephirus] for three sound sources. Worpswede, 2-3/MAR/2005. [10'00"] .
* "Telenovela muda (música para una escena cinematográfica imaginaria)" [Silent Soap Opera (Music for an imaginary cinematographic scene)] , for an improvisator (or two, with theatre elements) and diapositives ad libitum. Köln, 22/MAR/2006; and in the train Köln -> Bremen, 23/MAR/2006. [ca. 10-15'00]
* "De lo subjetivo como forma de expresión" [On the subjective as expression form] , improvisation concept for soloist or ensemble. Worpswede, 25/MAR/2006. [Variable Duration (ca. 5-10'00")]

Conceptual Works

*"Al octavo día" [On the eight day] , monologue for Viola and Piano. (December 1993)
*"Encuesta" [Poll] , for variable line - up. Worpswede, 9 - 11 May 2002. To Delia Geddes.
* "Seis Composiciones Fluxus" [Six Fluxus Compositions] . Madrid, 8/MAY/2003. [variable Duration]
*"Escenas 2005". [Scenes 2005] . (theatral music - musical teatro - conceptual sound-actions) Köln 2005. The scenes are separately performable. [variable duration] To Jorge Pítari.
**#1 = for flute and guitar (2-3/JAN/2005)
**#2 = for mime (one or two) (4/JAN/2005)
**#3 = for two voces (27/JAN/2005)

Electronic Music

*"Mentira" [Lie] Köln, Studio of the Deutsche Welle (Audio Work Station), about 1996. [2'00"]
*"Zart" [with Polish pronunciation] , sonoclip. Stuttgart, 15 - 16 July 1998. [2'00"]
*"gl", mini - sonoclip for tape. Made on 17 July 1998 with CSound in the Studio of the Musikhochschule in Stuttgart (with the support of Jens Schroth and Rainer Wehinger). [0'13"] To G.L. (Gabriela Liberatori).
*"Solidità della nebbia"
*"Was a saW", based exclusively on synthetic sounds (more concrete: only saw tooth waves), stereo. Made on 29 July 2001 in Worpswede, in the composer's Studio. [5'30"] To Victor Meertens.
*"Voi ch'intrate" [you who enter here] , electronic sounds (stereo), based exclusively upon the sound of the door of a toilet of the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin; made for "The Door Project" from John ffitch. Planned in Mollina (10 July 2001) and made in Worpswede, in the composer's Studio, from 28/JUL - 2 August 2001. [4'00"] . To Pablo Amster. First Performed on 22 September 2001 at the Caturla Hall of the Amadeo Roldán Theater, La Habana, Cuba; during the ICMC 2001 (International Computer Music Conference).
*"The void profound of inessential night", based on synthetic sounds (sine waves), stereo. Made 30/JUL - 21 August 2001 in Worpswede, in the composer's Studio. [8'35"] . In memoriam Isaac Asimov. Premiere on 17 March 2002 at the Olbers Planetarium Bremen (Germany). Argentine first performance: on 15 June 2003 in the Museo Nacional De Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires), during the Festival De Música Electroacústica, "LITURGIAS DEL CIELO Y DE LA TIERRA", coordinated by Alejandro Iglesias Rossi.
*"Nice Noise", Sonoclip with sine waves (synthetic sounds). Stereo. Made 20 - 23 August 2001 in Worpswede, in the composer's Studio. (for the festival En Red O 2001, in Barcelona) [0'28"] . Selected for the 60x60 project in 2003. [ 60x60 (2003) Concert Program] It was also included in the CD release of that project on Capstone Records. [ Capstone Records 60x60 (2003) CD]
*"Celsius 24 (Wolhtemperierter Raum)" [Celsius 24 (the well - tempered room)] . Sound installation for the Altes Rathaus in Worpswede, daily from 30 September to 18 November 2001. 40 Minutes. To Gisela Corleis.
*"OksiD (for the moon)", electronic sounds (dance music). Stereo. Worpswede, 11 October 2001. [5'10"]
*"Engarces" [threading (stringing, setting, mount)] electronic sounds. Stereo. Worpswede, Bremen, airplane to London, 20 September - 17 October 2001. [4'47"]
*"Collar" for trumpet and electronic sounds. (Consists in the superposition of "Perlas Esparcidas" and "Engarces"). Can be performed with English Horn or bassetthorn. Stereo [4'47"] To Friedemann Boltes (version for English Horn dedicated to Catherine Plugers). Premiered by Friedemann Boltes in May/2002 in Köln (Germany). Friedemann Boltes performed the piece also on 21 May 2002 in the Hörsaal des Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminars, Heidelberg, on 22 March 2003 in the chapel of the Diakonissenanstalt Flensburg and on 23 March 2003 in the Versöhnungskirche Oldenburg (Germany).
*"taube Taube" (deaf dove/pigeon), study in granular synthesis, for electronic sounds. Stereo. Worpswede, in the composer's Studio, 11 - 12 November 2001. [2'45"] To Anne Frechen. First Broadcasting: on 15/FEB/2002 during a Live monographic programme (one hour) in the programme "Quodlibet", produced by Andreas Lemke at the Station Offener Kanal, Bremen. Broadcasted on 28 November 2003 by Radio Berlin-Brandeburg (program "International Radiokunst" of Andreas Hagelüken). Premiere in concert: 30/JUN/2004 at the Salón de Actos of the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (cycle "La música toma el museo", during the XI Days of Musical Informatic and Elektronic; concert coordinated by Adolfo Núñez); this concert was broadcasted on 4/JUL/2004 in Radio Nacional de España (Program Ars Sonora, conducted by José Iges). Argentine first performance: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano (MACLA), La Plata (Argentina), Sat 14/OCT/2006; concert of the group Sonoridades Alternativas coordinated by Luis Mihovilcevic & Pablo Loudet.
*"Trituration" electronic sounds (granular synthesis, based upon one single base sample). Stereo. Worpswede, in the composer's Studio, 9 - 30 November 2001 (quadraphonic version: Köln 23 October 2002). [8'45"] . Dedicated to Cecilia Ghio. Premiere: Cologne (Musikhochschule), 25 October 2002, (Aulakonzert Neue Musik LXIX).
*"Drooping Drops" for bassoon, piano and tape (stereo). Worpswede, 1 October - 19 December 2001 [6'00"] . 6 pages. Especially written for the Duo Palmos and dedicated to Akemi Ishijima. First performance by the Duo Palmos on 7 April 2002 at the "Grote Kerk" in Veere (Holland) and repeated on 8 April at the "Theater Kikker" in Utrecht (Holland).
*"Preludio granular y Fuga" [granular Prelude and Fuge] for tape (Stereo), based exclusively upon the sound of a claves - impact; made for "The Money Project" from John ffitch. Composed in Worpswede, in the composer's Studio, 1 - 10 February 2002. [2'31" + 1'26" (=3'57")] . First performed in Gotenborg (Sweden) in SEP/2002, during the ICMC 2002 (International Computer Music Conference).
*"Point of No Return"
*"TUC", Sonoclip for Tape (Stereo). Sketched on 11 November 2002 in the train Bremen - > Cologne, made in Cologne at the composer's studio, on 11 November 2002 & 11 February 2003. [1'00"] . To Elisabeth Dierlich.
*"Kühles Wort", micro - Hörspiel for tape (stereo). Text by Michael Augustin, read by himself. Sketched in Worpswede on 20 February 2003, made on 3 March 2003 in Köln, at the composer's studio. [1'03"]
*"Nocturno sintético" [Synthetic Nocturne] , Sonoclip for tape (stereo). Composed on 19 - 20 April 2003 in Cologne, at the composer's studio. [1'00"] .
*"Break a Brake" for Tape (stereo). Based exclusively upon the sound of a tram in Gotenborg; made for "The Transport Project" of John ffitch. Designed in Cologne & Worpswede (23 - 24 April 2003), made on 26 April 2003 in Cologne, at the composer's Studio. [3'45"] . Dedicated to Ingvar Loco Nordin ("Sonoloco"). Premiere: 3 October 2003 during the International Computer Music Conference 2003 at the National University Singapore.
*"Lluvia verde en Plutón (Estudio Granular 2)" for Tape (stereo). Composed on 31 August & 1 September 2003 (corrections on 30 September) in Cologne, at the composer's Studio. [2'55"] .
*"Arrostito", sonoclip for tape (stereo). Composed on 16 September 2003 in Cologne, at the composer's studio. [0'15"] . Selected for the 60x60 project in 2004. [ 60x60 (2003) Concert Program]
*"Whitelessness (música para La Nuria)" for tape (stereo). Composed on 29 February 2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio. To Nuria Juncosa. [2'54"] .
* "Operación Isla Tortuga" (Operation Turtle Island) for tape (stereo). Conceived around 1998; spoken materials recorded at the studio of the Musikhochschule of Cologne (Technician: Marcel Schmidt) at the beginning of 2004; music (Penúltimo Tango, from "13 Variaciones sobre un tema recurrente") composed 4 - 6 February 2004; piece made in Cologne, at the composer's studio, 2 - 10 April 2004. Dedicated to Noam Chomsky. [7'50"] Premiere: 20/MAY/2004 in Barcelona during the festival Zeppelin 2004, "La razón del otro" (the reason of the Other one) organised by the CCCB (Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona). Broadcasted: Radio Fabrik (Salzburg, FM 170.5), on Sunday 13/JUN/2004 in the program "Lyrik und Musik aus Lateinamerika" produced by Dr. Luis Alfredo Duarte Herrera. Performed at the Festival Zeppelin (7-19/SEP/2004) in Zaragoza.
* "Estrofa Gregoriana Nr. 1" [Gregorian Strophe Nr. 1] , Sonoclip for tape (stereo). Composed on 3/MAY/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio. For the project "Recursión" together with the plastic artist Nuria Juncosa. [1'15"]
* "SUBTE (un soundscape órfico)" [SUBTE (an orphic soundscape)] for tape (concrete sounds). Hörspiel, Soundscape of the undergrounds (tubes) of five European cities. Commission of the CDMC (Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea) as result of winning the XI concurso de obras musicales para la radio Radio Clásica-CDMC, Madrid, in April 2004. [Total duration: 53 Minutes] Premiere at the Festival de Alicante (24 September 2004), broadcasted by Radio Nacional de España at the end of 2004. Its five scenes are separately performable:
** a) "Mind the Gap" (London), for tape (concrete sounds). Made 22-23/MAY/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio; quite early sketches and sound samples recorded in London already in SEP 2001. [8'15"]
** b) "¿Adónde vas?" (Madrid), for tape (concrete sounds). Made 30/MAI-8/JUN/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio; early sketches and sound samples recorded in Madrid in JUL 2002. [10'25"]
** c) "Allons" (Paris), for tape (concrete sounds). Made 13-16/AUG/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio; sound samples recorded in Paris from 6-7 August 2004. [8'10"]
** d) "Vandalismus" (Cologne), for tape (concrete sounds). Made 22/JUN-21/JUL/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio; sound samples recorded in Cologne in JUN 2004. [13'31"]
** e) "Sentire la voce" (Venice), for tape (concrete sounds). Made 23-28/JUL/2004 in Cologne, at the composer's studio; sound samples recorded in Venice from 3-5 July 2004. [12'45"]

* "Mambo von Capricornus" for tape (electronic & concrete sounds). First movement of the projected cycle "Zodíaco Sudaca" (12 movements). Cologne, 10-14/OCT/2004. [5'10"] Quadraphonic version: Cologne 17/OCT/2005 (Studio of the Musikhochschule Köln). Premiere: Musikhochschule Köln, Aulakonzert, 12/DEC/2005.

* "Orfeo evaporado" [evaporated Orpheus] , sonoclip for tape (electronic sounds). Köln, 16-18/OCT/2005 [0'20"] Premiere: Buenos Aires (theater La Ranchería), 11/OCT/2006, concert of the group Sonoridades Alternativas coordinated by Luis Mihovilcevic.

* "Nieve en Neptuno" [Snow in Neptun] for tape (electronic sounds). Composed on 29/DEC/2005 in Köln, at the composer's studio. [5'40"] . Quadrafonic version: elektronisches Studio of the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne, 18/OCT/2006. Premiere: Aula Magna of the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne, 20/OCT/2006 (cycle Aula Konzerte, nr. 78).
* "Obertura" for electronic sounds and pantomime. Köln (Hochschule für Musik), JAN/2001-11/APR/2006 [9:00] . Introductory movement of the planned "Electropera" (work title) for electronic sounds, soprano, clarinet, trumpet and percussion.
* "Elogio de la telaraña" [ex working title: Gitonband] , for Guitar and electronic sounds. Tape produced at the Musikhochschule in Cologne, 11-23/APR/2006. Soloist part written in Köln, 29/SEP-3/OCT/2006. [14'20] To Roberto Aussel. Premiere by Roberto Aussel on 20/OCT/2006 at the Aula of the Musikhochschule, Cologne (cycle Aula Konzerte, nr. 78).

** "Bipolar", electronic music for the short film "Bipolar" of the director Axel Largo. Cologne (Studios of the composer and of the Musikhochschule), -13/JUN/2006 [15'35]

* "Los platos por la cabeza", for electronic sounds. Plan: Worpswede, 10/OCT/2006; realisation: Cologne (at the composer's studio), 15-19/OCT/2006. [14'10] . Premiere: Aula Magna of the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne, 20/OCT/2006 (cycle Aula Konzerte, nr. 78).
* "Held und Bösewicht" [Heroe and villain] for trumpet, clarinet and electronic sounds. First Scene of "Electropera". Electronic part made in Köln (at the Studio of the Musikhochschule) between DEC/2006-7/JAN/2007. [12'05"]


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