- Kings Weston House
name=Kings Weston House
location_town=Lawrence Weston ,Bristol
architect=SirJohn Vanbrugh
client=Edward Southwell
size=Kings Weston House (gbmapping|ST529771) is a historic building in Kings Weston Lane,
Kingsweston ,Bristol ,England .It was built between 1710 and 1725 was designed by Sir
John Vanbrugh forEdward Southwell on the site of an earlier Tudor house, and remodelled 1763 byRobert Mylne . A significant architecural feature is the grouping of all the chimneys into a massive arcade. [cite book |last=Burrough |first=THB |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Bristol |year=1970 |publisher=Studio Vista |location=London |isbn=0289798043 ] The house past through several generations of the Southwell family until was sold in 1833 to MrPhilip John Miles for £210,000, and became the family seat until 1935 when, on the death ofPhilip Napier Miles , it was auctioned and bought by Bristol Municipal Charities and leased to the education authority for use as a school and later to become Bath University School of Architecture. In 1970 Bristol Corporation obtained a 50% grant from theHome Office and purchased the House for £305,000 to set up a Police Training Centre forAvon and Somerset Constabulary and was used as such until 1995. It was then abandoned for five years and since 2000 has been renovated as a Business and Conference Centre. [cite web | title=History | work=Kings Weston House | url=http://www.kingswestonhouse.co.uk/history.html | accessdate=2007-03-31]During the
World War I andWorld War II the House was converted into a hospital.It has been designated by
English Heritage as a grade Ilisted building . [cite web | title=Kings Weston House | work=Images of England | url=http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/search/details.aspx?id=379894 | accessdate=2007-03-16]The grounds include a Loggia, [cite web | title=Loggia approximately 50 metres north of Kings Weston House | work=Images of England | url=http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/search/details.aspx?id=379895 | accessdate=2007-03-16] Brewhouse [cite web | title=The Brewhouse, Kings Weston House | work=Images of England | url=http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/search/details.aspx?id=379896 | accessdate=2007-03-16] and Echo [cite web | title=The Echo, approximately 300 metres south-east of Kings Weston House | work=Images of England | url=http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/search/details.aspx?id=379897 | accessdate=2007-03-16] which are all grade I listed in their own right.
External links
* [http://www.kingswestonhouse.co.uk/ Kings Weston House]
ee also
Grade I listed buildings in Bristol
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