- Lactoferricin
Lactoferricin is an
amphipathic ,cationic peptide with anti-microbial [Wakabayashi H, Takase M, Tomita M. [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cpd/2003/00000009/00000016/art00005 Lactoferricin derived from milk protein lactoferrin.] Curr Pharm Des. 2003;9(16):1277-87.] and anti-cancer [Eliassen LT, Berge G, Sveinbjornsson B, Svendsen JS, Vorland LH, Rekdal O. [http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=14397614 Evidence for a direct antitumor mechanism of action of Bovine lactoferricin] . Anticancer Res. 2002 Sep-Oct;22(5):2703-10.] properties. It can be generated by thepepsin -mediated digestion oflactoferrin .References
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