

Zlatoust ( _ru. Златоу́ст) is a city in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, situated on the Ay River (the Kama basin) 160 km west of Chelyabinsk, at coord|55|11|N|59|38|E|. The city's name is derived from the Russian translation of Chrysostom, because it was founded near a church dedicated to that saint. Population: 190,300 (2006); 194,551 (2002 Census); 199,000 (2001 [http://www.zlatoust.info/town.phtml est.] ); 181,000 (1971); 161,000 (1959); 99,000 (1939); 48,000 (1926); 21,000 (1910).


Zlatoust was founded in 1754 due to construction of the ironworks. In 1774–1776, the workers of the plant took part in the insurrection led by Yemelyan Pugachev. In the early 19th century, Pavel Anosov made the first Russian bulat steel blades in Zlatoust. The town is also known for the first cannons made of Russian steel. In 1903, the tsarist authorities brutally suppressed a strike, organized by the workers of Zlatoust.

In the beginning of the 19th century, an arms factory was constructed there which began to produce sabres and swords. Famous artists Ivan Bushuyev and Ivan Boyarshinov left us unique patterns of cold-steel decorated with engravings. Flying winged horse was a favorite element of many of Bushuyev's engravings, so he was given a nickname Ivan the Wingy (Ivanko Krylatko). Since then, a flying winged horse was an emblem of the town.

The Soviets gained control over Zlatoust in March 1918. The town was occupied by the Whites between June 1918 and July 1919. On July 13 1919, Zlatoust was seized by the Red Army.

During the Soviet period, Zlatoust became an industrial city, which specialized in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, tool-making, food production, and other industries. Zlatoust is one of the centers of artistic engraving on metal in Russia. Traditionally, such engravings were done on weapons, such as knives and swords; however, during Soviet period the engraving was shifted onto decorative metal plates. Nowadays the weapon engraving is popular again.

Traditionally, Zlatoust, like the rest of the Urals region, has also been famous for its pelmeni.

Famous people

The Olympic winner in speed-skating Lidia Skoblikova, and former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov began their sporting careers in Zlatoust.

External links

* [http://www.zlatoust.info Official website of Zlatoust] ru icon
* [http://welcome-ural.ru/urals/30/120/ Sights of Zlatoust]

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