

Auseklis (derived from root aus - "dawn" or "orient" and Latvian: sēkla - "seed", or from verb aust - "to rise (for sun, stars or moon), thus Auseklis may carry the meaning of "The one who rises" ) was a Latvian god, and the personification of the celestial body Venus. He is third most popular deity in Latvian mythology after Saulė and Mēness, but is only mentioned in dainas and probably was invented by Krišjānis Barons.


Auseklis as a god

Crosses of Lietuvēns: Auseklis (above) and the pentagram (below) had to be drawn without lifting one's hand.

Auseklis is closely associated with Mēness ("moon"). They both are Dieva dēli ("sons of God"), and are thus confused with each other and with other male deities. Auseklis is the groom of Saules meita ("daughter of the sun", Lithuanian Aušrinė). Few dainas suggest that Auseklis probably is too young to ride a horse, so respectively a horse for him is bought. However, it is said that "a son doesn't need it yet". It isn't clear if the word "son" refers Auseklis himself, his son, or the horse.

Auseklis as a sign

An eight-pointed star (a regular octagram), which became the symbol of the third Latvian National Awakening, is named Auseklis. It is also known as a cross of Lietuvēns (an evil spirit). The other symbol is the pentagram, which symbolizes Venus in other cultures. Thus, both signs could have been symbols of Auseklis, originally used for protection against evil spirits. Later, the pentagram became a symbol of evil spirits. Both signs had to be drawn without lifting the hand. The images to the right shows how to do it step-by-step. Auseklis as a sign is of Finno-Ugric origin and came into Latvian mythology from the native Finno-Ugric inhabitants of modern-day Latvia.


  • Latvijas Enciklopēdija, Rīga 2002, ISDN 9984-9482-0-X (1-8)

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